BENDIX BW1811 manual AD-IPAIR Dryer Troubleshooting Chart

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2. Water and/or Oil in


Discharge Line Freeze-Up. The discharge line must


maintain a constant slope down from the

Supply or Service



compressor to the air dryer inlet fitting to avoid low

Reservoir (continued).



points where ice may form and block the flow. If,





instead, ice blockages occur at the air dryer inlet,



insulation may be added here, or if the inlet fitting is



a typical 90 degree fitting, it may be changed to a



straight or 45 degree fitting. For more information on



how to help prevent discharge line freeze-ups, see



Bendix Bulletins TCH-08-21 and TCH-08-22. Shorter



discharge line lengths or insulation may be required



in cold climates.



Insufficient coolant flow through compressor. Inspect



coolant line. Replace as necessary (I.D. is 1/2”



min.). Inspect the coolant lines for kinks and



restrictions and fittings for restrictions. Replace as



necessary. Verify coolant lines go from engine block



to compressor and back to the water pump. Repair



as necessary.



Restricted air inlet (not enough air to compressor).



Check compressor air inlet line for restrictions,



brittleness, soft or sagging hose conditions etc.



Repair as necessary. Inlet line size is 3/4 ID.



Maximum restriction requirement for compressors is



25 inches of water. Check the engine air filter and



service if necessary (if possible, check the air filter



usage indicator).



Poorly filtered inlet air (poor air quality to



compressor). Check for leaking, damaged or



malfunctioning compressor air inlet components



(e.g. induction line, fittings, gaskets, filter bodies,



etc.). Repair inlet components as needed. Note: Dirt



ingestion will damage compressor and is not



covered under warranty.



If you found excessive oil present in the service



reservoir and you did not find any issues above, the



compressor may be passing oil.



Replace compressor. If still under warranty, follow



normal warranty process.





G. Compressor malfunction.

G. If you found excessive oil present in the service



reservoir and you did not find any issues above,



the compressor may be passing oil. Test the



compressor using the BASIC cup method as



described in the Bendix compressor service



manual and referred to in Appendix A, Table A,



column 5.



Replace compressor. If still under warranty, follow



normal warranty process.





H. Air by-passes desiccant

H. If vehicle uses Holset compressor, inspect


cartridge assembly.

feedback check valve for proper installation and








Image 20
Contents SD-08-2414 Function/ConnectionAD-IPDI Drop in AIR Dryer Model GeneralAD-IPINTEGRAL Purge AIR Dryer Charge Cycle Turbo Cutoff Feature Refer to Figure Preventive Maintenance Operation & Leakage Tests Side View Weatherproof Accordian TOP ViewMaintenance Kits Available Rebuilding the AD-IPAIR DryerDisassembly AD-IPAIR Dryer RemovalCleaning & Inspection Assembly34 35 36 DLU Style Purge Valve Old Style AD-IP End Cover Vertical Delivery Check Valve AD-IPAIR Dryer Installation Total Vehicle Reservoir Volume RequirementRetrofitting the AD-IPAIR Dryer Vehicle Application RequirementsConnecting the AIR Lines Vehicle PreparationLocating AD-IPAIR Dryer on Vehicle Compressor Discharge LineInstalling AD-IPAIR Dryer with Holset Compressor General Purge Exhaust LineStandard AD-IPAir Dryer Refer to B AD-IPDI Drop In Air Dryer Model Refer to CTesting the AD-IPAIR Dryer Wiring Remote Power & Local GroundAD-IPAIR Dryer Troubleshooting Chart Perform tests 1 to 6 in the order presentedAD-IPAIR Dryer Troubleshooting Chart Feedback Line Typical Drop-In Air Dryer End Cover Unloaded for a minimum of 30 seconds. This AD-IPAIR Dryer Troubleshooting Chart Check Valve Preventative Maintenance Section AD-IPAIR Dryer Troubleshooting Chart Low Air Use High Air UseAdditional Troubleshooting Information Conventional Supply System Integral Purge AIR DryerComplaints Common to the Charging & AIR Supply System Complaint Can Not Build System PressureTests Common to More than ONE Complaint Discharge plugged or restricted