Voicemail settings
If you are using your carrier’s voicemail service, this opens a dialog where you can enter the cellphone number to use for listening to and managing your voicemail. You can enter a comma (,) to insert a pause into the
11.2.2Other call settings
TTY mode
TTY mode can be used by people who are deaf, have bad hearing or speech impairments.
After connecting the cellphone and TTY machine, it connects to a relay service, which converts incoming speech to text for the person using the TTY and converts outgoing text from the TTY machine to a spoken voice for the person on the other end of the conversation.
Hearing aids
Touch to turn on hearing aid compatibility.
DTMF Tones
Set the length of DTMF tones.
Voice Privacy
Mark/Unmark the check to enable/disable the enchanced privacy mode.
11.2.3Internet call settings
Touch the icon Add account at the bottom of the screen to add SIP accounts.You are required to set Username, Password and Server, and also choose to set it as a primary account or not.Touch Optional settings to show all hiden choices, including Authentication username, Display name, Outbound proxy address, Port number,Transport type and Send
Mark/Unmark Recrive incoming calls to enable/disable this funciton.
Enable this function will reduce battery life.
Use Internet calling
You can choose how to use the Internet call, including For all calls when data network is available, Only for Internet calls and Ask for each call.
Use the Sound settings to configure many aspects of call and notification ringtones, music, and other audio settings.
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