2.14 Dr. Debug
Dr. Debug is used to provide code information, which makes troubleshooting even easier. Please see the diagrams below for reading the Dr. Debug codes.
| Status Code | Description |
| 0x00 | Not used |
| 0x01 | Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard) |
| 0x02 | AP initialization before microcode loading |
| 0x03 | North Bridge initialization before microcode loading |
| 0x04 | South Bridge initialization before microcode loading |
| 0x05 | OEM initialization before microcode loading |
| 0x06 | Microcode loading |
| 0x07 | AP initialization after microcode loading |
| 0x08 | North Bridge initialization after microcode loading |
| 0x09 | South Bridge initialization after microcode loading |
| 0x0A | OEM initialization after microcode loading |
| 0x0B | Cache initialization |
| 0x0C – 0x0D | Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes |
| 0x0E | Microcode not found |
| 0x0F | Microcode not loaded |
| 0x10 | PEI Core is started |
| 0x11 | |
| 0x12 | |
| 0x13 | |
| 0x14 | |
| 0x15 | |
| 0x16 | |
| 0x17 | |
| 0x18 | |
| 0x19 | |
| 0x1A | |
| 0x1B | |
| 0x1C | |
| 0x1D – 0x2A | OEM |
| 0x2B | Memory initialization. Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data reading |
| 0x2C | Memory initialization. Memory presence detection |
| 0x2D | Memory initialization. Programming memory timing information |
| 0x2E | Memory initialization. Configuring memory |
| 0x2F | Memory initialization (other) |
| 0x30 | Reserved for ASL |
| 0x31 | Memory Installed |
| 0x32 | CPU |
| 0x33 | CPU |
| 0x34 | CPU |
| 0x35 | CPU |
| 0x36 | CPU |
| initialization |