Maytag HE2930T, HE3940T, HE3940L Instructions for Installation contd, Convertible Lower Element

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Instructions for Installation (cont'd)

The Convertible Lower


The Upper Element, is a conventional 3800 watt element which only operates at its rated wattage on 240 volts. (See rat- ing plate on water heater).

The Lower Element of the water heater can be converted

from operation at 3800 watts to 5500 watts on a 240 volt system.

Read and follow water heater warnings and instructions.If after reading these instructions in this manual, if you do not

understand any portion, call Maytag Customer Service at 1- 800-788-8899 for an authorized servicer.


Before making the conversion to 5500 watts, check

the (1) power supply...must be 240 volts, (2) wiring...10 gauge AWG @ Type TW, 60°C or equiva-

lent, and (3) Circuit breakers or fusing...capable of 30 amp loading. Also, the installation must conform with this manual, local codes and electric utility rules. Failure to comply can result in DEATH, SERI-


I' TT- I- it-i

NOTE: Whether or not the element conversion is made the model rating plate must be marked. Using a hard point ink pen, check the appropriate block within the model rating plate, which is located adjacent to the lower access panel.


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Contents LVLYIAG DEATH, Serious Bodily INJURY, or Property Damage AwarningSafety Instructions contd Table of Contents Attempting to Install or Operate the Water Heater Customer InformationProduct Specifications 173I 90F swer17 3IAccessories and Tools Needed Instructions for Installation Removing the Old Water HeaterLocating The New Water Convertible Lower Element Instructions for Installation contdOUS BOD LY NJURY, or Property Damage Water Piping Irgap V4ARNING Relief Valve Opening Instructions for Installation contdHotold Conduit CouplingDEATH, Serious Bodily Injury or Property Damage Filling the Water HeaterNever use this water&CAUTIONheater unless it is completely Pa50Converting the Lower Element contd Result in DEATH, Serious Bodily INJURY, or Property DamageOUS BOD LY NJURY,OR Propertydamage Elem ENT Wiring Water Heaters Equipped for ONE VoltageAirgap Conduit Temperature Pressure ReliefvalveDo not capor plug FloordrainUpper Thermostat Adjustable Behind Upper Access Panel Service and Maintenance=mver.o=urec .+ Is turned OFF. Failure to do this could result Upper Thermostat TEMPERATURE-PRESSURE ReliefvalveDischargepipe Lower ThermostatHazard of Electrical SHOCK! Before removing Service and Maintenance contdDEATH, Serious Bodily INJURY, or Property Service and Maintenance contd Water HeaterElement Cleaning Replacement contdIs turned UOFFR. Failure to do this could result CapassemblyDrain HandleandAIR in HOT Water Faucets TroubleshootingSmelly Water High Temperature Shut OFF System Rumbling NoiseTroubleshooting contd ResetChecking Leakage CheckpointsLY INJURY, or Property Damage Repair Parts List Descripti on Part Numbers Repair Parts List contdSee N OTE on MAYrAG Electricwater Heaters Model Numbers HE2940L40 Gallon HE3940L40 GallonSee Note on PA GE Model Numbers HE2940L40 Gallon HE3940L40 Gallon KEY PartDescription Part Numbers See Note onWa tts, order p art numb 6600 110 7 r lacemen t Gallon HE29SOT GallonGallon Model Numbers KEY Part Repair Parts List contd MAYTAG/STATE Partnumber Conversionkey MaytagstatePage Warranty 660 0109