Kohler K-3394 warranty Before YOU Begin, HOW to USE These Instructions, Product Requirements

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Please read these instructions carefully to familiarize yourself with the required tools, materials, and installation sequences. Follow the sections that pertain to your particular installation. This will help you avoid costly mistakes. In addition to proper installation, read all operating and safety instructions.

All information in this manual is based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. Kohler Co. reserves the right to make changes in product characteristics, packaging, or availability at any time without notice.

These instructions contain important care, cleaning, and warranty information ± please leave for the consumer￿



WARNING: Risk of injury or water damage. Contents of reservoir under pressure can cause severe injury. Do not open or service before reading installation instructions or service instructions. Turn off water supply and flush unit to release pressure before attempting any service.

CAUTION: Risk of product damage. Do not use

any oils or lubricants on the Pressure Lite system.

CAUTION: Risk of product damage. The fittings in this toilet require no adjustment. The fittings in this toilet are preset. Any adjustment or modifications of the product are not normal usage and void the


WARNING: Risk of injury or product damage.

Handle vitreous china products very carefully. Vitreous china can break and chip if you overtighten bolts and nuts.

NOTICE: ￿f ￿￿e ￿e￿ ￿￿i￿e￿ i￿ ￿￿￿ i￿￿￿￿￿￿e￿ i￿￿e￿i￿￿e￿￿￿ ￿e￿￿￿￿￿￿i￿￿ ￿￿￿ff ￿ ￿￿￿ i￿ ￿￿e ￿￿￿￿e￿ f￿￿￿￿e￿Follow all local plumbing and electrical codes.

￿Vitreous china siphon jet toilet.

￿Pressure Litesystem.

￿Water depth from rim is 5-3/4º.

￿2-1/4º passageway.

￿For roughing-in and overall dimensions, See

Fig. #3 .

￿Fixture dimensions are nominal and conform to

tolerances by ANSI/ASME standards (A112.19.2).


￿The supply stop must be 2-5/8º above floor-line and 7-3/4º left of the closet flange centerline.

￿Since all toilets do not have the same supply rough-in, you may have to change the location of the supply stop to install this toilet.

￿Closet flange must be 12º on-center from wall.

￿Seat post holes are on 5-1/2º centers.

￿For most satisfactory operation, the toilet requires 20 p.s.i. static pressure at the supply stop. Maximum static pressure is not to exceed 80 p.s.i.


Toilet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K-3394

When specified:

3/8º supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K-7637 Floor bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21401

NOTE: For service parts ordering information, see the separate Service Parts document enclosed with the product.


Copyright ￿1995 Kohler Co.

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Contents Installer Hazard Notification HOW to USE These InstructionsBefore YOU Begin Product RequirementsMaterials Required Tools Required Site PreparationRemove Existing Toilet Install Supply Stop ROUGHING-IN DimensionsROUGH-IN Plumbing Install Toilet Gasket InstallationAlign and SET Toilet Secure ToiletPressure Lite System Connect SuppliesOperation Install Seat Screen CleaningSTART-UP GAP ClearanceSymptom Troubleshooting ChartPossible Cause Corrective ActionLimited ONE-YEAR Warranty Requesting ServiceImportant Consumer Information Consumer Responsibilities

K-3394 specifications

The Kohler K-3394, also known as the "Memoirs" toilet, is a popular choice among homeowners looking for both style and functionality in their bathroom. This one-piece toilet is designed to provide a seamless modern look while offering a high level of performance and comfort.

One of the standout features of the K-3394 is its Comfort Height design, which elevates the seat to a more ergonomic height. This makes it easier for users of all ages, including children and the elderly, to sit down and stand up from the toilet. The height aligns with standard chair heights, providing a familiar and comfortable experience.

The K-3394 also features Kohler's innovative AquaPiston flushing technology. This system allows water to flow into the bowl more efficiently, creating a powerful and dependable flush that quickly clears waste. This not only enhances performance but also helps to conserve water, as the toilet uses only 1.28 gallons per flush, making it an eco-friendly choice that meets WaterSense criteria.

The toilet is constructed from premium materials, ensuring durability and longevity. The smooth, glazed surface helps to prevent the buildup of stains and makes cleaning easier. The one-piece design minimizes seams and crevices, providing a sleek appearance and reducing the potential for leaks.

In terms of aesthetics, the Kohler K-3394 comes in a variety of colors to match virtually any bathroom decor, from classic white to elegant almond and other trendy finishes. The classic styling is highlighted by decorative elements, such as the elegant lines of the bowl and tank, making it a perfect fit for both traditional and modern bathrooms.

Additionally, the K-3394 includes a comfortable elongated toilet seat, which provides added space and comfort compared to standard round seats. The seat is designed to be easy to remove, simplifying cleaning and maintenance needs.

Overall, the Kohler K-3394 offers a blend of comfort, efficiency, and timeless design. With its advanced flushing technology, user-friendly features, and durable construction, it's an excellent investment for those looking to enhance their bathroom experience while being conscious of water use. Whether you are renovating your bathroom or building a new home, the K-3394 is a versatile choice that is sure to impress.