Samsung SCC-643P, SCC-643AP manual Locations of Control, Cover Body Cover Dome Zoom Lens

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Locations of Control









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Contents SCC-643P Instructions alert you to 122 F, lowPotential risk of death Procedures of the SCC-643P and provides preparation SCC-643P, part names and functions, and SwitchExplains the installation Installation environment requirementsTable of contents Chapter SCC-643P IntroductionLocations of Control Cover Body Cover Dome Zoom LensDip Switch setting is same as the following example SCC-643P Adapter BoardUse PIN 3 and 4 of SW501 Termination Switch SettingSetting RS-422A/RS-485 termination RS-485 Half Duplex Organization100 177 SCC-643PInstallation Before Installing Checking Package ContentsPreparing the Cables Power Adapter CableConnect the Remote Control Cable ConnectionInstalling SCC-643P Installation PrecautionsSeparately Sold Products for Installation Pole Mount Adaptor SADT-100PM Installing the CameraCeiling Mount Adaptor SADT-100CM Built in by the builder of the structureCheck the sound of Locking That the LEVER-LOCKING is in placeStructure of the Setup Menu COLOR/BW Camera SET MenuCamera ID SyncMotion DET Video SET MenuZoom Speed ExitManu Press the Enter key again to exit the Area setup menuALC ShutterNormal AGCSlow FastWhite BAL Temperature only one timePreset menu User Set the appropriate value in the RED and Bule graphAuto Focus POSI/NEGA Video output signal is outputted normal/reverseSpecial ZoomPreset Auto Mode Alarm SET Other SET Product specifications CAM ResetSelect SET Level and set the Level of Mask Area SCC-643P Electronically, mechanically, audibly, or by any otherBenutzerhandbuch Gekennzeichneten WarnungAchtung Schließen Sie nicht mehrere Kameras an einen Adapter anNormzulassungen Vor InbetriebnahmeAnhang a Technische Daten der Speed-Dome Kamera Erläutert dieInhaltsverzeichnis Weitere ProgEinführung in die SCC-643P Kapitel 1 Übe rblic k über die SCC 643PSteuerungselemente RückseiteBenutzen Sie die Ziffern 5 bis 8 PINs von SW501, um das Verwenden Sie PIN 3 und 4 von SW501Schaltereinstellung RS-485 Halbduplex-BetriebsartRS-422A/RS-485 Vollduplex-Betriebsart 100 177 Kapitel 2 Installation der SCC-643P Vor der Installation Überprüfung des VerpackungsinhaltSCC-643PHaltewinkel Netzanschlusskabel Vorbereitung der KabelKabelanschlüsse Video-KabelSeparat erhältliches Zubehör für die Installation Installation der SCC-643PSicherheitshinweise für die Installation Deckenhalterung SBR-100DCMMasthalterung SADT-100PM Installation der KameraDeckenhalterung SADT-100CM Eingebaut vom HerstellerGeräusch, ob das PH M4X8 festÜberprüfen Sie am Bild7 Bringen Sie dieAufbau des Setup Menüs Farbe S/W Kamera Prog MenüKamera ID …bedeutet, es gibt UntermenüsAktivitaet Video PROG-MenüZoom Gesch AusgangGLK Die links, rechts, oben, unten Tasten benutzenSchn LangNorm FestWeissabgl POSI/NEGA Das Video-Signal wird normal/ungekehrt ausgegeben SpezialAuto Fokus Schwellzeit Position ProgVideo Prog Drücken Sie Enter, um in das nächsthöhere Menü zu gelangenEndlos Start ProgRichtung GeschAlarm Prog Privat Zone Weitere ProgHome Zurück Einstellung DER Zeit FÜR DEN Home ZurückAlle Einstellungen gelöscht werden KAM ResetTechnische Daten Abwärts-TasteAchtung Artikel SpezifikationManuel d’instruction Mise en garde Précautions de sécuritéAvertissement Ne branchez jamais plus d’une camera sur un seul adaptateurAvant l’utilisation Homologation des normesTable des matières SCC-643PChapitre 1 SCC-643P vue d’ensemble Connexion d’adaptateur ArrièreSCC-643P Adapter Board Terminaison Arrangement de commutateurArrangement de RS-422A/RS-485 d’une terminaison Organisation de Plein Duplex RS-422A/RS-485100 177 Vérification de contenu de paquet Vis Corps de couvertureaCâble d’adaptateur électrique Préparation des câblesConnexion de câble Câble vidéoSupport DE Fixation AU Plafond SBR-100DCM Précautions à observer lors de l’installationDes dispositifs de montage vendus séparément Support DE Fixation AU MUR SADT-100WMInstallation de la Camera Support DE Fixation AU Plafond SADT-100CMBride DE Montage SUR Poteau SADT-100PM Chapitre3 Vue d’ensemble de me nu d’installation DôME DôME-COUVERTUREContenu de menu d’installation En 3 étapes BAS, Moyen et Haut COULEUR/N&BSignifie qu’il y a sub-menus PressezDET Mouve Prog VideoVite Zoom SortieGAUCHE, Droit CjourManuellement va être montré. En utilisant les clefs En bas KeysLEN CAGLent Vite5000K Ensoleillé BAL Blancs10000 K Ciel bleu 9000K Pluvieux 8000 K 7000K Nuageux 6000K 3000K Lampe d’halogène 2000 KIl est le même que la fonction de du menu de Prog Camera Auto FocusUtilisez les clefs Gauche, droite, haut, bas Balayage Prog PositionProg Video VIT CycleMode Auto Prog Alarme Zone Privee Autre ProgRET Origine POS OrigineSpécification du produit RAZ CAMTouche Down bas Mises en garde Manual del usuario Medidas de seguridad AdvertenciaPrecaución Antes de Instalar el equipo Aprobación de estándaresFunciones, y ajustes de los microinterruptores Estructura del menú de ajustes Localización de controles PosteriorAjuste de la terminación RS-422/RS-485 Rápi Conexiones del adaptador BAL BlancoIntroducción del SCC-643P Capítulo 1 Caract erís ticas del SCC- 643PLocalización de controles CubiertaCubierta externa Lente Zoom Conexiones del adaptador Ajustes InicialesUse PIN 3 y 4 del SW501 Conexión RS-422A/RS-485 en Half Duplex Configuración ConmutadoresTerminación Conexión RS-422A/RS485 en Full Duplex100 177 Del sistema Consumo 18 W Voltaje 24 VCA, 1,5 a Antes de la instalaciónChequeo del contenido de la caja SCC-643P Anclaje en UCable de alimentación Preparación del cableConexión del cableado Cable coaxialInstalación de la cámara SCC-643P Medidas de precaución para la instalaciónProductos para la instalación que se venden por separado Adaptador DE Montaje EN Poste SADT-100PM Instalación de la cámaraAdaptador DE Montaje EN Techo SADT-100CM Anclaje en UFigura Embellecedor Figura 7 Coloque el embellecedor del domo en el domoEstructura del menú de ajustes …Significa que hay submenús COLOR/ByNCámara ID PosiciónSalida VEL ZoomDET Movi En el menú VEL Zoom para seleccionar la velocidad100 a 1/10K de un segundo BLC Submenú del menú ALC/MANUObturador AutomáticaCAG Control automático de ganancia DulcRápi Orden10000 K 9000 K 8000 K 7000 K 6000 K Modo del User en el menú de PresetBAL Blanco Submenú dondePOSI-NEGA La señal de salida de vídeo es normal/inverso EspecialAuto Foco UnoafCiclo Tiempo Prog PosiciónBarrido … Significa que hay submenúsAuto Modo Alarma Prog Zona Privada Altra ProgVuelta Orig POS DE OrigEspecificaciones de producto Aparece el mensaje ? cuando usted seleccionaRESET CÁMModo de Configuración de Tecla AbajoAtención ContenidosSCC-643P Avvertenza AttenzioneRiconoscimento degli standard Spiega le procedurePrima dell’uso Il Capitolo 1 Descrizione di SCC-643PDescrizione di SCC-643P Lento IndicePrima dell’uso 1AGC Auto Focus Impostazioni DI Selezione ZoomCapitolo 1 Descrizione di SCC-643P Introduzione al modello SCC-643PCollocazione dei comandi RetroRelay esterno RiquadroUtilizzare i PIN 3 e 4 di SW501 RS-422A/RS-485 in duplex Impostazioni DI SelezioneImpostazioni di terminazione RS-422A/RS-485 Divisione TerminazioneIdentificativo ricevitore 177 Controllo del contenuto della scatola Mensola di supporto Porta-telecameraViti Cavo dell’adattatore Preparazione dei caviConnessione del cavo Cavo videoInstallazione della telecamera SCC-643P Accessori per l’installazione venduti separatamentePrecauzioni da adottare Adattatore PER IL Montaggio SU Palo SADT-100PM Installazione della telecameraAdattatore PER IL Montaggio a Soffitto SADT-100WM Realizzato sul posto dal costruttore della strutturaCalotta Figura 7 Assemblare il COPRI-CALOTTA sullaStruttura del menù di Setu Menu Prog Camera ID Camera Indica la presenza di sottomenùMenu Prog Video Activity DETUscita BLC sottomenù del menù ALC/MANU Usare i pulsantiAUTOX8 AUTOX12 AUTOX16 LentoVeloc AUTOX48BIL Bianco Speciale PIP Immagine nell’immagine quando è attivo lo zoom digitaleProg Posizione Posizione iniziale, Preset 1 Preimpostata 1 ALLARMI1Preset 2 ALLARMI2, Preset 3 ALLARMI3, Preset ScansioneModo Auto Prog Allarmi Tempo Impostato PER IL Ritorno Alla Pagina Principale RIT POS InizZona Privacy POS InizialeCompletare le impostazioni relative alla zona riservata Specifiche di prodottoSCC-643 GiùAvvertenze SCC-643P
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SCC-643AP, SCC-643P specifications

The Samsung SCC-643AP is a compelling offering in the realm of surveillance cameras, designed to meet the needs of both residential and commercial applications. This CCTV camera is widely recognized for its advanced technology and robust features, making it an effective tool for ensuring safety and security in various environments.

One of the main features of the SCC-643AP is its high-resolution imaging capability. The camera is equipped with a 1/3-inch CCD sensor, which provides clear and detailed images even in challenging lighting conditions. With a resolution of 600 TV lines, it captures images with impressive clarity, enabling users to identify subjects and details in the monitored area effectively.

The SCC-643AP also boasts outstanding low-light performance. With a minimum illumination of 0.1 Lux, this camera can operate in darker environments, thanks to its advanced digital signal processing technology. This ensures that surveillance can continue around the clock, reducing blind spots and enhancing security during nighttime or low-light conditions.

Equipped with a 3.6mm fixed lens, the camera offers a decent field of view, allowing users to cover a wide area without requiring multiple units. Its compact design ensures that it can be discreetly installed in various locations, from retail stores to office buildings.

Another notable technology featured in the SCC-643AP is its digital noise reduction capability. This feature enhances the video quality by minimizing unwanted noise in the recorded footage, especially important in low-light scenarios. Additionally, the camera includes backlight compensation, which helps to improve visibility in high-contrast situations where light sources can cause part of the image to appear too bright or too dark.

The durability of the SCC-643AP is also commendable. It is designed to withstand various environmental conditions, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. With a sturdy casing and weather-resistant features, it can operate effectively in diverse settings.

In conclusion, the Samsung SCC-643AP is a versatile and high-performing surveillance camera that combines advanced imaging technology with practical design. Its high resolution, low-light performance, and noise reduction capabilities make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their security systems. Whether for home or business use, the SCC-643AP stands out as a reliable option in the crowded field of surveillance cameras.