Samsung EC-ES15ZBBA/IT, EC-ES15ZPBA/FR manual Mengambil foto atau video, ID-8, Merekam video

Page 48

Mengambil foto atau video


Mengambil foto



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4 Tekan [Bidik] penuh untuk mengambil foto.

Merekam video


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Jumlah foto berdasarkan resolusi (untuk 1 GB SD)


Sangat Baik



3648 x 2736




3648 x 2432




3648 x 2052




3072 x 2304




2592 x 1944




2048 x 1536




1024 x 768





Angka ini dihitung berdasarkan kondisi standar Samsung


dan dapat berbeda tergantung kondisi pengambilan dan


pengaturan kamera.


Image 48
Contents Quick Start Manual Contents English Camera layout Optional accessories UnpackingInserting the battery and memory card With the gold-colouredContacts facing up Turning on your camera Selecting optionsPress To select Align your subject in the frame AutomaticallyPress Shutter all the way down to take the photo Taking a photoViewing photos Viewing videosUse the following buttons to control playback Disconnecting safely for Windows XP Connect the camera to the PC with the USB CableSpecifications Sommaire Informations relatives à la santé et à la sécuritéFR-2 Informations relatives à La santé et à la sécurité………FR-3 Manipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soinsProtégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoire Présentation de lappareil photo FR-4Accessoires en option Assemblage de votre appareil photoFR-5 Contenu du coffretFR-6 Insertion de la batterie et de la carte mémoireVers le haut FR-7 Mise en route de lappareilPrise de vues photo ou vidéo FR-8Lecture de fichiers FR-9Appuyez sur Ou sur pour parcourir Les fichiers La lectureTransfert de fichiers vers un PC Windows FR-10Saffichent Débranchement en toute sécurité pour Windows XPCaractéristiques FR-11İçindekiler Sağlık ve güvenlik bilgileriTR-2 Sağlık ve güvenlikTR-3 DikkatPilleri, şarj cihazlarını ve hafıza kartlarını koruyun Kamera düzeni TR-4Kameranızı ayarlama TR-5Paketi açma İsteğe bağlı aksesuarlarTR-6 Pili ve hafıza kartını takmaAltın sarısı temas Noktaları yukarı Bakacak şekildeTR-7 Kameranızı açmaFotoğraf veya video çekme TR-8Video kaydetme Dosyaları oynatma TR-9Fotoğrafları görüntüleme Dosyalar içinde ilerlemek için veyaDosyaları bilgisayara aktarma Windows TR-10Bağlantıyı güvenli bir şekilde kesme Windows XP Teknik Özellikler TR-11ZH-2 Windows… …………………ZH-3 相機佈局 ZH-4安裝相機 ZH-5安裝相機 ZH-6按下 POWER。 以選擇 Battery Type,並按ZH-7 以選擇Language並按下 。ZH-8 以選擇 。ZH-9 將檔案轉移至電腦 Windows ZH-10ZH-11 影像感應器 有效像素: 約 10.2 百萬像素 總像素: 約 10.3 百萬像素Daftar Isi Informasi keselamatan dan kesehatanID-2 Informasi keselamatan danID-3 Tangani dan buang baterai dan charger dengan benarPerhatian Tangani dan simpan kamera dengan benar dan hati-hatiBagian-bagian kamera ID-4Mengatur kamera ID-5Mengeluarkan dari kemasan Aksesori tambahanID-6 Memasukkan baterai dan kartu memoriDengan kontak Berwarna emas Menghadap atasID-7 Menghidupkan kameraMengambil foto atau video ID-8Merekam video Memutar file ID-9Melihat foto Tekan Atau untuk bergeser di antara FileMentransfer file ke PC Windows ID-10Melepas dengan aman untuk Windows XP Spesifikasi ID-11AR-3 تاهيبنتةيانعو صرحب اهنيزختو اريماكلا عم لماعتلا نم دب لا ةملاسلاو ةحصلا تامولعم تايوتحملاAR-2 تاريذحتاريماكلا دادعإ AR-5تايوتحملا غيرفت ةيرايتخلاا تايلامكلااريماكلا ميمصت AR-4AR-7 اريماكلا ليغشتAR-6 ةركاذلا ةقاطبو ةيراطبلا لاخدإتافلملا ليغشت AR-9ويديفلا ضرعروصلا ضارعتسا ويديف وأ روص طاقتلا AR-8تافصاوملا AR-11ةروصلا رعشتسم ةسدعلا ضرعلا زيكرتلا نيزختلا اهنحش داعي ةيراطبWindows ماظن عم رتويبمكلا ىلإ تافلملا لقن AR-10Windows XP ماظنل ةبسنلاب ليصوتلا لصف ةملاس 100SSCAM ← Dcim ←สารบัญ อมูลเกี่ ยวกับความปลอด ยและสุ ขภาพTH-2 อมูลเกี่ยวกั บความปลอดภั ย และสุขภาพ… ………………………ดระวัง การออกแรงกดที่ ขั้ วตอ อยาใสวัตถุแปลกปลอมลงในสวนตางๆ ชอง หรือจุดตางๆไมใหชิ้ นสวนที่ ถอดไดและสวนประกอบภายในเกิดคว TH-3วนประกอบของกลอง TH-4การตั้ งคากลอง การดหนวยความจำTH-5 TH-6 การใสแบตเตอรี่และการดหนวยความจำหรือ เพื่ อเลือก Battery Type แลวกด ในการเลื่อนไปทางซายหรือขวา ใหกดปุ่หรือมTH-7 อีกครั้ งเพื่ อกลับไปยังเมนูกอนหนาTH-8 การถายภาพการบันทึกวิดีโอ กด ชั ตเตอรการเลนไฟล กดคางไวเพื่ อดูไฟลอยางรวดเร็วTH-9 การดูรูปถายการถายโอนไฟลไปไวที่ เครื่องพีซี Windows TH-10การหยุ ดการเชื่ อมตออยางปลอดภัย สำหรับ Windows XP อมูลจำเพาะ TH-11ความเร็วชั ตเตอร FA-3 طایتحاینمیا و یتملاس هب طوبرم تاعلاطا بلاطم تسرهفFA-2 رادشهنیبرود یزادنا هار FA-5یدنب هتسب ندرک زاب یرایتخا یبناج مزاولنیبرود یرهاظ لکش FA-4FA-7 اه هنیزگ باختنا نیبرود ندرک نشورراشف ار همکد ،یرادربملیف و یرادربسکع تلاح رد 1 دیهدFA-6 هظفاح تراک و یرتاب نداد رارقگنر یئلاط تلااصتا هک یروط 3 دشاب لااب هب وراه لیاف شخپ FA-9اه ملیف هدهاشم اه سکع هدهاشم دینک هدافتسا شخپ لرتنک یارب ریز یاه همکد زا3یرادربملیف ای یرادربسکع FA-8یرادربسکع یرادربملیفتاصخشم FA-11ریوصت رگسح زنل Windows هنایار هب اه لیاف لاقتنا FA-10دینک باختنا ار 100SSCAM ← Dcim ← AD68-03901A
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The Samsung EC-ES15 series, which includes models like the EC-ES15ZSBA/SA, EC-ES15ZBBA/ME, EC-ES15ZBDA/ME, EC-ES15ZPBA/SA, and EC-ES15ZBBA/SA, exemplifies a refined approach to compact digital photography. Aimed at amateur photographers and casual users, these cameras offer a mix of portability and functionality, making them perfect for everyday use.

One of the key features of the EC-ES15 series is its impressive 14.2-megapixel resolution. This high level of detail ensures that users can capture images with remarkable clarity, allowing for stunning enlargements and the ability to crop photos without losing quality. Coupled with a 5x optical zoom lens, these cameras allow for versatile shooting from wide-angle landscapes to close-up portraits, accommodating a range of photographic styles.

The series includes Samsung's Smart Auto technology, which automatically selects the best shooting mode based on environmental conditions. Whether you are photographing a sunset, a busy street, or a sentimental family gathering, Smart Auto will optimize the settings for you, enhancing image quality without requiring extensive photographic knowledge.

Another standout characteristic is the wide range of scene modes available, making it easier for users to achieve the desired effect in various scenarios. Scenes like Beach, Night, and Portrait offer preset adjustments, allowing for quick and effective use of the camera in diverse environments.

In terms of usability, the Samsung EC-ES15 series features a user-friendly interface with a straightforward menu system. The bright LCD screen provides clear visibility for framing shots and reviewing photos, even in bright light. This ensures that users are never left guessing about their composition or the quality of their captures.

Furthermore, the EC-ES15 models are designed with portability in mind. Their lightweight and compact form factor make them easy to carry, ensuring that capturing spontaneous moments is always convenient.

Lastly, Samsung has included HD movie capability in the EC-ES15 series, enabling users to record high-quality video alongside still photography. This dual functionality appeals to modern users who wish to capture their experiences in both still images and motion.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ES15ZSBA/SA, EC-ES15ZBBA/ME, EC-ES15ZBDA/ME, EC-ES15ZPBA/SA, and EC-ES15ZBBA/SA deliver a balanced combination of advanced features and user-friendly technology, catering to both novice and experienced photographers seeking a reliable, versatile camera for everyday adventures.