01 | uVending machine Hardware |
02 | Connecting |
Contents |
| Connecting and Using ExternalDevices | 3 |
| Ferrite Core | 4 |
03 | Parts and Assembling of Parts |
| What isuVending Management Software? | 4 |
| Disassembly | 5 |
04 | uVending management Software |
| What isuVending Management Software? | 15 |
| Main Functions ofuVending Management Software | 15 |
| Compatibility | 16 |
| SystemRequirements | 16 |
05 | General |
| Interaction | 17 |
| Screen | 18 |
06 | Login |
| How toLogin | 19 |
| ChangePassword | 20 |
07 | Home |
08 | LFD Manager |
| LFDManager | 23 |
| Display | 24 |
| Sounds | 25 |
09 |
| |
| 27 | |
| TemplateLibrary | 32 |
| Cart Discount Setup | 38 |
| Related Product DiscountSetup | 42 |