Samsung DVD-P250K/AFR manual Description, Front Panel Controls, DVD-P255K, Front Panel Display

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Front Panel Controls


























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When STANDBY/ON is pressed on, the indicator goes out and the player is turned on.

2.STANDBY indicator

When the unit is first plugged in, this indicator lights.

3.STOP ( ) Stops disc play.

4.PLAY/PAUSE ( ) Begin or pause disc play.


The aspect ratio of a picture can easily be adjusted to your TV's screen size (16:9 or 4:3).


Press to open and close the disc tray.

7.MIC 1/2

Connect Microphone for karaoke functions.


Use to adjust microphone volume level. Use the button by pressing it. Turn it to the left or right to control the volume.


Allow you to search forward/backward through a disc. Use to skip the title, chapter or track.


Operation indicators are displayed here.

11.DISC TRAY Place the disc here.

Front Panel Display



1. Chapter/Track number indicator

2. Total playing time/Displays various


messages concerning operations


such as PLAY, STOP, LOAD ...


no dISC: No disc loaded.


OPEN: The disc tray is open.


LOAd: Player is loading disc information.


Image 64
Contents يد ﻲﻓ يد ﻞﻴﻐﺸﺗ زﺎﻬﺟ AK68-00604K-00«bŽù« Ʊ ² öÝ qł√ sÊUNO³Mð Æ≥ ’dI « Æ¥≥ ≠ WOÐdF UI×K*« ¥ ≠ WOÐdFWG³M¹ UL bFÐ sŽ rJײ « UNł qLF¹ r Uł ≠ WOKš ≠ Ë√ ´ VDI « W× s ÆW¹-UD³ « -UHM²Ý« s¹u²« ‰Ëbł ² «WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « NzUþË f U« »U³ ««bŽù« UF « U¹«e*« 525p/625p w bI² « ` *« Ã-U«bŽù« TBzUBšË ’dI « Ÿu½ ’dI «Íœ q?OGAð UNł w ÆÍœ w HzUB««bŽù« WOHK« WŠuK « WL d « uB « ÃËd ÊU ÐU Ʊ‚uH²*«≠ u¹bOH « ÃËdš fÐU Ƶ UEŠöÍœ w Íœ Power Ʊ BFÐ sŽ rJײ « UNł w W u«Info Ʊ∂ VW  -«-√ØENTER- Ʊ∏² « Íœ wŸuu ±± ≠ WOÐdF² « ±≤ ≠ WOÐdFPÐUAð Êu¹eHKð v « qO u² « ÖO u² «±≥ ≠ WOÐdF WÒbIð Êu¹eHKð v « qO u² « WEŠöÆÁöŽ√ `u*« qJA « sŽ qO u² « ‚dÞ nK² ð b ¨Êu¹eHK² « V Š ±¥ ≠ WOÐdFIHš vłd¹ UEŠö±µ ≠ WOÐdF 5ðUMIDTS u d³J ¨MPEG2 ¨wL w³ Ëœ uB « ÂUE½ v « qO u² « WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « ’d qOGAð QOGA² « q³÷dF « QOGA² « ·UM¾²Ý« WHOþË WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « VD ² « WHOþËË Y׳ « WHOþË Â«b ²Ý« √ qB ‰öš s Y׳ ««-U *« vD ð ±π ≠ WOÐdF≤∞ ≠ WOÐdF Ædisc Menu vKŽWOÝUÝ« nzUþu UEŠö ≤± ≠ WOÐdFDVD Ê«uMF « WLzU «b ²Ý« «uMF « WLzU Ë ’dI « WLzU «b ²Ý« DVD/VCD ’dI « WLzU «b ²Ý«≤≤ ≠ WOÐdF WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « WHOþu « WLzU «b ²Ý« DVD/VCD WHOþu « WLzU «b ²Ý«≤≥ ≠ WOÐdF Function -UO²šôWOÝUÝ« nzUþu « QOGA² « d¹dJð Bd¹dJð WHOþË Â«b ²Ý«≤¥ ≠ WOÐdF ÆUN²D³ w² «WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « ¾OD³ « W dײ*« -uB UÐ qOGA² « ≤µ ≠ WOÐdFWOÝUÝ« nzUþu « Wz«uAŽ qOGAðË Z d³ qOGAð ZÒb ’d Z d³ qOGAðZÒb ’d wz«uAF « qOGA² « ≤∂ ≠ WOÐdFBI²*« nzUþu « ±∂ π Êu¹eHKð X b ²Ý« «-≈¥ ≥ Êu¹eHKð X b ²Ý« «-≈ ¹œUŽ WýUý ¥ ≥ W UÝ- ‚ËbMÂËË j³ WýUA « j³ ≤∏ ≠ WOÐdFBI²*« nzUþu « ¹œË« WG -UO²š« √ 5LO « uB « ¨u¹dO²Ý« 5ÐO « uB « ≤π ≠ WOÐdFBI²*« nzUþu « WLłd² « WG -UO²š« Íœ w Íœ Subtitle «b ²Ý«≥∞ ≠ WOÐdF Æsubtitle WDÝ«uÐ W uN ÐË WŽd Ð WLłd² « -UO²š« pMJ1UH « vD ² «Ø qOGA² « …œUŽ≈ WHOþË Â«b ²Ý« Íœ w Íœ Angle «b ²Ý«≥± ≠ WOÐdF ÆÊU²HOþu « ÊUðU¼ qLFð ô ¨’dI « V ŠDVD/VCD l u*« W öŽ WHOþË Â«b ²Ý« BI²*« nzUþu « « W öŽ WHOþË Â«b ²Ý«≥≤ ≠ WOÐdF « W öŽ ¡UG ≈ « W öFÐ WDI ŸUłd²Ý«≥≥ ≠ WOÐdF DVD/VCD ÂËË WHOþË Â«b ²Ý« BI²*« nzUþu « ÂËË WHOþË Â«b ²Ý«≥¥ ≠ WOÐdF …-U³ù« -UO²š« ≥µ ≠ WOÐdF¨·UI¹≈ Wz«uAF « qOGA² «Ød¹dJ² «≥∂ ≠ WOÐdF BI²*« nzUþu « ≠ ’dI « ∆-U CD-RvKŽ WMA Ë√ MP3Âb ²Ý« ≠ QO−BI²*« nzUþu « ZÒb*« ’dI « qOGAð bMŽ -uB « `z«dý ÷«dF²Ý«Âu³ √ WýUý ≥∏ ≠ WOÐdF≥π ≠ WOÐdF Jpeg ’«d Z Òb*« ’dI « ∆-UÆJoliet rOLBð Ë√ ISO 9660 w TO Ë«-U nzUþË QOGA² « «¡«dł≈UB « WI³Þ w rJײ « ¥∞ ≠ WOÐdFTO Ë«-U nzUþË ¡UMž e−Š −« «¡«dł≈−« ¡UG ≈ ¥± ≠ WOÐdFWOðu UB « výöðQO b « s WEŠö«bŽù« WLzU dOOGð «b ²Ý««bŽù«WLzU ¥≥ ≠ WOÐdFUN« WLzU WG «b ²Ý« «bŽù« WLzU dOOGð WGK « nzUþË j³¥¥ ≠ WOÐdF ¥µ ≠ WOÐdF ’dI « WLzU WG «b ²Ý«’dI « WLzU WýUý vKŽ jI hM « WG WHOþu « Ác¼ dOG𠹜˫ WG «b ²Ý« ¥∂ ≠ WOÐdFWLłd² « WG «b ²Ý« ¥∑ ≠ WOÐdFAudio Setup -UO²šô ¥∏ ≠ WOÐdF¥π ≠ WOÐdF ∞ ≠ WOÐdF Display Setup -UO²šôÆUN−K WHK²« u¹bOH « nzUþË j³CÐ p `L ð ÷dF « «-UOš Êu¹eHK² « WýUý rOLBð ²ÐU « …-uB « lËŒuÝ« ÊuK « Èu² ÊuJð b ¨`O׫bŽù« WLzU dOOGð WKzUF « ·«dýù« rJ% œ«bŽ≈ Parental Setup -UO²šô’d d¹bI² U¹u² ¹bI² « Èu² j³ Rating Level -UO²šôWEŠö « WLK dOOGðChange -UO²šô Lł«d*« TŠö ≈Ë qK« Èd%Lł«d*« Μµ ≠ WOÐdFLł«d*« UH «u*« OŠ UN¹bUÝ W dý ≠ ÆU³¹dIð œUFÐ«Ë Êu « ÊuJ¹ ≠DVD Player ENG AK68-00604K-00Precautions Setting upFor your safety DiscEnvironmental info Accessories Install Batteries in the Remote controlIf the remote control doesn’t operate properly Replace the battery coverSetup ConnectionsGeneral Features Disc Type and Characteristics CharacteristicsDisc Markings Region NumberDescription Front Panel ControlsDVD-P255K Front Panel DisplayRear Panel Digital Audio OUT JacksTour of the Remote Control Choosing a Connection Before Connecting the DVD PlayerConnection to a TV Video Connection to a TV S-Video Connection to a TV Interlace What is Progressive Scan? Connection to a TV ProgressiveConnection to an Audio System 2 Channel Amplifier Dolby digital or DTS amp Standby indicator light goes out and the tray opens Playing a DiscBefore Play PlaybackPausing Play Stopping PlayRemoving Disc Step Motion Play ExceptUsing the Search and Skip Functions Searching through a Chapter or TrackSkipping Tracks More than 1 secondWhen Playing a DVD/VCD/CD Using the Display FunctionDuring play, press the Info button on the remote control To make the screen disappear, press the Info button again Using the Disc Menu DVD/VCD Using the Disc and Title MenuUsing the Title Menu DVD Using the Function Menu Using the Function Menu DVD/VCDPress the …/ † buttons to √ or Enter buttonRepeat Play To return to normal playWhen playing a DVD/VCD Slow Repeat PlayDuring play, press PLAY/PAUSE buttonProgram Play & Random Play Random Play CDDuring play, press Prog button Disc will be played in programmed orderTo play back using aspect ratio DVD Adjusting the Aspect Ratio EZ ViewAdvanced Functions If you are using a 169 TV If you are using a 43 TV Displays the content of the DVD title in 43 aspect ratioFor 169 aspect ratio discs 43 Letter Box Pan ScanSelecting the Audio Language Using the Audio button DVD/VCD/CDStereo , Right or Left Using the Subtitle button DVD Selecting the Subtitle LanguagePress the Subtitle button Subtitle changes when Subtitle languages are represented by Abbreviations.DVDUsing the Instant Replay/Skip Function Using the Angle button DVDUsing the Instant Replay function DVD Using the Instant Skip function DVDUsing the Bookmark Function Using the Bookmark Function DVD/VCDClearing a Bookmark Recalling a Marked ScenePress the Clear button to delete a bookmark number Using the Zoom Function Using the Zoom Function DVD/VCDClips Menu for MP3/WMA/JPEG Folder SelectionTo select the Parent Folder To select the Peer FolderRepeat/Random playback MP3/WMA PlaybackPress the …/† or œ/√ buttons to select a song file CD-R MP3/WMA file Picture CD Playback Album ScreenRotation ZoomCD-R Jpeg Discs Karaoke Functions Operation SequenceKey Control Press the Karaoke buttonPress the Clear button to cancel the reserved song Reserving a SongWhen pressing Button, this screen displays Vocal FunctionVocal Fader Guide MelodyUsing the Setup Menu Using the Player Menu Language Setting Up the Language FeaturesWith the unit in Stop mode, press the Menu button Using the Disc Menu Language Select Language SetupPress the …/† buttons to Then press the √ orUsing the Audio Language Using the Subtitle Language Setting Up the Audio Options ENG-49 Setting Up the Display Options Screen Messages Setting Up the Parental Control Player is lockedSelect Setup, then press Setting Up the Rating Level√ or Enter button Setting up in Level Changing the Password Clean the disc TroubleshootingCheck if the disc has a Menu Specifications
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