Samsung WA80B3N1EW/XSG, WA70B7Q1DW/YL ÊÑUOÇ ÉUHB*Ç nOEM Woho, QOGÇ âu Éçïã, Ôuliç, Éuhb*Ç, Éïu

Page 9

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WA80K2S1DY/YL, WA80B3Q1IW/XFA, WA80B3Q1IW/XSG, WA80B3N1EW/XSG, WA70K2P1DW/YL specifications

The Samsung WA70K2P1EW/XSG, WA70B7TIW/YOQ, WA70K2P1FW/YL, WA70B7TEW/YPC, and WA80K2Q1FW/YL are noteworthy models in Samsung's line of top-loading washing machines, catering to diverse customer needs with their advanced features and innovative technologies.

These washing machines offer a generous capacity of 7 to 8 kg, making them ideal for medium to large households. One of the standout features across these models is the Diamond Drum technology. This unique drum design minimizes fabric snagging, ensuring that clothes are washed effectively while preserving their quality over time.

The WA70K2P1EW/XSG and WA70K2P1FW/YL models feature Eco Bubble technology, which generates bubbles that penetrate fabrics faster, resulting in cleaner clothes with lower energy consumption. This technology is particularly beneficial for those who prefer washing in cold water, maximizing energy efficiency without compromising performance.

Placement of the Digital Inverter Motor in these top-loader models enhances their durability and performance while minimizing noise levels during operation. The motor adjusts its power and speed based on the load, leading to less wear and tear and offering a longer lifespan compared to conventional motors. Additionally, many of the models come with a 10-year warranty for the motor, reinforcing their reliability.

The models are equipped with user-friendly features such as the LED display, allowing for easy access to settings and wash cycles. Programs like Eco Wash, Quick Wash, and Delay End enhance convenience, catering to busy lifestyles.

Samsung’s Smart Check technology is another innovative feature, enabling users to troubleshoot issues using their smartphones, thus simplifying maintenance and reducing service calls.

Furthermore, many models include a magic filter system that captures lint and dirt, ensuring cleaner outlets and preventing clogging while keeping your wash efficient.

For those seeking a reliable, energy-efficient, and feature-packed washing machine, the Samsung WA70K2P1EW/XSG, WA70B7TIW/YOQ, WA70K2P1FW/YL, WA70B7TEW/YPC, and WA80K2Q1FW/YL are excellent options that combine functionality with modern technology, making laundry days simpler and more efficient.