Samsung LH65EDEPLGC/NG, LH65EDEPLGC/EN manual تانوكملا صحف, يسكعلا بناجلا, مكحتلا ةحول

Page 1

Quick Setup Guide

Guide de configuration rapide Manual de configuração rápida

عيرسلا دادعلإا ليلد



–– The colour and the appearance may differ depending on the product, and the specifications are subject to change without prior notice to improve the performance.

–– Download the user manual from the website for further details.


–– La couleur et l'aspect du produit peuvent varier en fonction du modèle, et ses spécifications peuvent être modifiées sans préavis pour des raisons d'amélioration des performances.

–– Téléchargez le manuel utilisateur du site Web pour obtenir plus de détails.


–– A cor e o aspecto podem diferir consoante o produto e as especificações estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio para melhorar o desempenho.

–– Transfira o manual do utilizador do website para obter mais informações.


.ءادلأا نيسحت ضرغب قبسم راعشإ نود رييغتلل تافصاوملا عضختو ،جتنملا فلاتخاب رهظملاو نوللا فلتخي دق––

.بيولا عقوم نم مدختسملا ليلد ليزنتب مق ،ىرخأ ليصافت ىلع لوصحلل––

The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.


Checking the Components

Vérification des composants

Verificação dos componentes

تانوكملا صحف


Contact the vendor where you purchased the product if any components are missing.

Components may differ in different locations.

Quick Setup Guide

• Warranty card (Not available in some locations)

Regulatory guide

Power cord

• Batteries (Not available in some locations)

Remote Control

D-SUB cable

RS232C(IN) adapter

Holder-Ring (4EA)


S'il manque le moindre composant, contactez le revendeur auprès duquel vous avez acheté le produit. Les composants peuvent être différents suivant la région.

• Guide de configuration rapide

• Carte de garantie (Non disponible dans certains pays)

Guide réglementaire

Cordon d’alimentation

• Batteries (Non disponible dans certains pays)


Câble D-SUB

Adaptateur RS232C(IN)

Anneau de maintien (4EA)


Contacte o vendedor onde adquiriu o produto caso haja componentes em falta.

Os componentes podem variar em locais diferentes.

• Manual de configuração rápida

• Cartão de garantia (Não disponível nalguns locais)

Guia de regulamentação

Cabo de alimentação

• Baterias (Não disponíveis nalguns locais)


Cabo D-SUB

Adaptador RS232C(IN)

Anel de suporte (4 unid.)




.تانوكم يأ دوجو مدع ةلاح يف جتنملا هنم تيرتشا يذلا عئابلاب لصتا


.عقاوملا فلاتخاب تانوكملا فلتخت دق

)نكاملأا ضعب يف ةرفوتم ريغ( نامضلا ةقاطب•

عيرسلا دادعلإا ليلد•

ةقاطلا كلس•

يميظنت ليلد•

دعُب نع مكحتلا زاهج•

)نكاملأا ضعب يف ةرفوتم ريغ( تايراطبلا•


‏D-SUB لبك•


)ةعطق لكل 4( يقلحلا لماحلا•

Reverse Side

Face arrière

Parte posterior

يسكعلا بناجلا





(5V, 1.5A)











1Connect to a USB memory device.

2DVI IN: Connects to a source device using a DVI cable or HDMI-DVI cable.

MAGICINFO IN: Use the (dedicated) DP-DVI cable when connecting a network box (sold separately).

3Connects to a source device using an HDMI cable.

4Connects to a source device using a D-SUB cable.

5Connects to MDC using an RS232C adapter.

6Receives sound from a PC via an audio cable.

7Connects to the audio of a source device.

8Connects to a source device using the AV/Component adapter.

9Supplies power to the external sensor board or receives the light sensor signal.

-Recommended hours of use per day of this product is under 16 hours.

If the product is used for longer than 16 hours a day, the warranty may be void.


1Permet de se connecter à un périphérique de mémoire USB.

2DVI IN: Connexion à un périphérique source à l’aide d’un câble DVI ou HDMI-DVI.

MAGICINFO IN: Utilisez le câble DP-DVI (dédié) lorsque vous connectez un boîtier réseau (vendu séparément).

3Permet le branchement à un périphérique source via un câble HDMI.

4Permet de se connecter à un périphérique source via un câble D-SUB.

5Connexion au MDC grâce à un adaptateur RS232C.

6Permet de recevoir le son d’un ordinateur via un câble audio.

7Connexion au signal audio d’un périphérique source.

8Permet de se connecter à un périphérique source via l’adaptateur AV/composant.

9Permet d’alimenter la carte de capteur externe ou de recevoir le signal de capteur lumineux.

-Il est recommandé d’utiliser ce produit moins de 16 heures par jour.

L’utilisation quotidienne du produit pendant une durée supérieure à 16 heures peut entraîner l’annulation de la garantie.













IR /












































1Ligue a um dispositivo de memória USB.

2DVI IN: Liga-se a um dispositivo de entrada utilizando um cabo DVI ou HDMI-DVI.

MAGICINFO IN: Utilize o cabo DP-DVI (dedicado) quando ligar uma caixa de rede (vendido separadamente).

3Para ligar a um dispositivo de fonte utilizando um cabo HDMI.

4Liga-se a um dispositivo de entrada através de um cabo D-SUB.

5Liga-se a um MDC utilizando um adaptador RS232C.

6Recebe o som de um PC através de um cabo de áudio.

7Liga-se ao áudio de um dispositivo de entrada.

8Liga-se a um dispositivo de entrada através do adaptador do componente/AV.

9Fornece alimentação ao quadro do sensor externo ou recebe o sinal do sensor de luz.

-Recomenda-se que este produto não seja utilizado durante mais de 16 horas por dia. Caso o produto seja utilizado durante mais de 16 horas por dia, a garantia pode ser nula.


.USB ةركاذ زاهجب ليصوتلا 1

.HDMI-DVI لباك وأ DVI لباك مادختساب ردصم زاهجب ليصوتلل :DVI IN 2

.)لصفنم لكشب عابُي( ةكبش زاهج ليصوت دنع )صصخملا( DP-DVI لبك مدختسا :MAGICINFO IN

.HDMI لبك مادختساب ردصم زاهجب ليصوتلل 3

.D-SUB لبك مادختساب ردصم زاهجب ليصوتلا 4

.RS232C لوحمّ مادختساب MDC جمانربب ليصوتلا 5

.توص لبك قيرط نع رتويبمك نم توص لابقتسا 6

.ردصم زاهج توصب ليصوتلل 7

.AV/Component ئياهم مادختساب ردصم زاهجب ليصوتلا 8

.ءوضلا رعشتسم ةراشإ لابقتسا وأ ةقاطلاب ةيجراخلا رعشتسملا ةحول دادمإ 9

.ةعاس 16 نم لقأ ايمويً اهب ىصوملا جتنملا مادختسا تاعاس -

.ايمويً ةعاس 16 نم رثكلأ جتنملا مادختسا ةلاح يف ايغلاً نامضلا حبصيس

Control Panel

Panneau de configuration

Controlo do Painel

مكحتلا ةحول



1 2 3Haut-parleur



1Power on the product.

If you press the button when the product is turned on, the control menu will be displayed.

-To exit the OSD menu, press and hold the panel key for at least one second.

2Move to the upper or lower menu. You can also adjust the value of an option.

3Move to the left or right menu.

-You can adjust the volume by moving the panel key left or right when the control menu is not displayed.

4Remote sensor

Press a button on the remote control pointing at the sensor on the front of the product to perform the corresponding function.

5Spacer logo (Optional)

Do not pull on the spacer logo using force. The logo may tear or break off.


1Met l’appareil sous tension.

Si vous appuyez sur le bouton alors que l’appareil est allumé, le menu de commande s’affiche.

-Pour quitter le menu OSD, appuyez sur le bouton du panneau et maintenez-le enfoncé pendant au moins une seconde.

2Passez au menu supérieur ou au menu inférieur. Vous pouvez aussi ajuster la valeur d’une option.

3Passez au menu de gauche ou au menu de droite.

-Vous pouvez régler le volume en bougeant le bouton du panneau vers la gauche ou la droite si le menu de commande n’est pas affiché.

4Capteur de la télécommande

Appuyez sur un bouton de la télécommande tout en pointant cette dernière vers le capteur situé à l’avant du produit pour exécuter la fonction correspondante.

5Logo du dispositif d’espacement (en option)

Évitez de tirer avec force sur le logo du dispositif d’espacement. Vous risqueriez de l’arracher ou de le briser.




1Para ligar o produto.

Se premir o botão quando o produto está ligado, o menu de controlo será apresentado.

-Para sair do menu OSD, prima e mantenha premida a tecla do painel durante, pelo menos, um segundo.

2Para deslocar para o menu superior ou inferior. Pode também ajustar o valor de uma opção.

3Para deslocar para o menu esquerdo ou direito.

-Pode ajustar o volume, deslocando a tecla do painel para a esquerda ou para a direita, quando o menu de controlo não está apresentado.

4Sensor do telecomando

Prima um botão do telecomando apontando para o sensor localizado na parte frontal do produto para executar a função correspondente.

5Logótipo do separador (opcional)

Não puxe o logótipo do separador com força. Caso contrário, o logótipo poderá rasgar ou desprender-se.


.جتنملا ليغشت 1

.مكحتلا ةمئاق ضرع متيس ،ليغشتلا ديق جتنملا نوكي امدنع رزلا ىلع طغضلا ةلاح يف

.لقلأا ىلع ةيناث ةدمل ةحوللا حاتفم ىلع رارمتسلاا عم طغضا ،ةشاشلا ىلع ضرعلا ةمئاق نم جورخلل -

.تارايخلا دحأ ةميق طبض كنكمي امك ،ةيلفسلا وأ ةيولعلا ةمئاقلا ىلإ لاقتنلاا 2

.ىرسيلا وأ ىنميلا ةمئاقلا ىلإ لاقتنلاا 3

.ةضورعم ريغ مكحتلا ةمئاق نوكت امدنع راسيلا وأ نيميلل ةحوللا حاتفم كيرحت قيرط نع توصلا طبض كنكمي - دعُب نع مكحتلا ةدحو رعشتسم 4

.ةقباطملا ةفيظولا ءارجلإ جتنملا ةمدقمب دوجوملا رعشتسملا ىلإ ههيجوت عم دعُب نع مكحتلا زاهج يف رز ىلع طغضا )يرايتخا( دعابملاُ راعش 5

.هعطق متي وأ راعشلا قزمتي دق .ةوقلاب دعابملاُ راعش بحست لا

Troubleshooting Guide

Guide de dépannage

Guia de resolução de problemas

اهلحو لكاشملا فاشكتسا ليلد






The screen keeps switching on and off.

Check the cable connection between the product and PC, and ensure the

connection is secure.





Check that the product is connected correctly with a cable.

No Signal is displayed on the screen.


Check that the device connected to the product is powered on.





This message is displayed when a signal from the graphics card exceeds


the product’s maximum resolution and frequency.

Not Optimum Mode is displayed.


Refer to the Standard Signal Mode Table and set the maximum resolution



and frequency according to the product specifications.




Check the connection of the audio cable or adjust the volume.

There is no sound.


Check the volume.









L’écran s’allume et s’éteint continuellement.

Vérifiez que le câble est connecté correctement entre l’appareil et






Vérifiez que l’appareil est connecté correctement à l’aide d’un câble.

Aucun signal s’affiche à l’écran.


Assurez-vous que le périphérique connecté à l’appareil est sous tension.





Ce message s’affiche lorsqu’un signal émis par la carte graphique est


supérieur à la fréquence et la résolution maximales de l’appareil.

Mode non optimal est affiché.


Consultez le tableau des modes de signal standard et réglez la fréquence



et la résolution maximales conformément aux spécifications de l’appareil.




Vérifiez le branchement du câble audio ou réglez le volume.

Il n'y a pas de son.


Vérifiez le volume.









O ecrã está continuamente a ligar e a desligar.

Verifique a ligação do cabo entre o produto e o PC, e certifique-se de que a

ligação está bem efectuada.





Verifique se o produto está ligado correctamente com um cabo.

A mensagem Sem sinal é exibida no ecrã


Verifique se o dispositivo ligado ao produto está ligado.





Esta mensagem é apresentada quando um sinal da placa gráfica ultrapassa


a resolução e a frequência máximas do produto.

A mensagem Modo inadequado é exibida.


Consulte a Tabela do modo de sinal padrão e defina a resolução e a



frequência máximas de acordo com as especificações do produto.




Verifique a ligação do cabo de áudio ou ajuste o volume.

Não existe som.


Verifique o volume.












.ليصوتلا ماكحإ نم دكأتو ،رتويبمكلاو جتنملا نيب لبكلا ةلصو صحفا

.رركتم لكشب اهليغشت فاقيإ مث ةشاشلا ليغشت متي



.لباك للاخ نم حيحص لكشب جتنملا ليصوت نم ققحت



.ةشاشلا ىلع ةراشإ دجوت لا ضرع متي

.جتنملاب لصوملاّ زاهجلا ليغشت نم ققحت




ددرتو ةقد ىصقلأ تاموسرلا ةقاطب نم ةدراولا ةراشلإا زواجت دنع ةلاسرلا هذه ضرع متي



.لثملأا عضولا سيل ضرع متي




تافصاومل اقفو ددرتو ةقد ىصقأ طبضاو "تاراشلإل ةيسايقلا عاضولأا لودج" ىلإ عجرا






.توصلا ىوتسم طبضا وأ توصلا لبك ةلصو صحفا



.توص دجوي لا

.توصلا ىوتسم صحفا




Image 1
Contents يسكعلا بناجلا تانوكملا صحفمكحتلا ةحول اهلحو لكاشملا فاشكتسا ليلدتوص ماظنب ليصوتلا English Specificationsملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف Samsung ةكرشب لاصتلاا Connexion à MDC Ligar ao MDC MDC ب ليصوتلا
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Samsung has consistently set the bar high in the world of display technology, and their latest lineup of large-format displays includes the Samsung LH75EDEPLGC/NG, LH65EDEPLGC/EN, and LH65EDEPLGC/NG. These models are designed to meet the needs of businesses requiring impressive visuals for various applications such as retail, education, and corporate environments.

One of the standout features of these displays is their high brightness levels, which make them suitable for both indoor and semi-outdoor settings. With brightness ratings that enhance visibility even in well-lit environments, these models ensure that content such as advertisements and presentations stands out, capturing the attention of passersby.

The Samsung LH75EDEPLGC/NG, with its impressive 75-inch screen, offers a large canvas for displaying content with clarity and detail. Alternatively, the LH65EDEPLGC/EN and LH65EDEPLGC/NG models, each with a 65-inch display, provide a slightly more compact option without compromising on quality. The sleek design and narrow bezels of these displays maximize the screen area while ensuring a modern, professional appearance that fits seamlessly into any space.

Another key feature of these models is their 4K resolution. With a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, users can expect stunning image quality, with vibrant colors and sharp contrast that make all content visually appealing. Whether showcasing high-definition videos, intricate graphics, or detailed information, these displays perform exceptionally well.

Beyond basic display capabilities, Samsung has integrated advanced technologies such as the proprietary MagicINFO software, which allows for easy content management and scheduling. This enables users to customize their display to showcase targeted content at specific times, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the messaging.

In addition, these models are equipped with reliable connectivity options, including HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB ports, making them compatible with a variety of input devices. This versatility allows businesses to connect their displays to computer systems, media players, or even directly to the cloud, streamlining content delivery.

For businesses looking for displays that combine advanced technology, high-quality visuals, and ease of use, the Samsung LH75EDEPLGC/NG, LH65EDEPLGC/EN, and LH65EDEPLGC/NG models represent an ideal choice. Their reliable performance and impressive features make them a powerful tool for enhancing communication, marketing, and presentation strategies in any professional setting.