Elkay SHL-2 manual Moda

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Top mount, single-lever

Heavy brass construction

Ceramic disc cartridge

LK7522BC: $455.00

LK7522CR: $324.00

LK7522NK: $455.00

Overall Height: 1214"

Spout Height

(deck to aerator): 81316"

Spout Reach: 714"


(CR) Chrome

(NK) Brushed Nickel

(BC) Brushed Chrome

The soft arch of contemporary design with a style inspired by Italian artistry. Moda brings a hint of

modernism to any room, along with the touch of convenience through unique, professional features

including a restaurant-style pull down sprayer.


Image 48
Contents SHL Price guide Contents Elkay difference IntroductionMystic MYSTIC5014 $2,247.00 Bowl Depth slopes 21Ú8 to 41Ú2 MYSTIC2812 $1,363.00 Bowl Depth slopes 25Ú8 to 41Ú2Avado Accessories Bowl Depth L 10, C 6, REFU312010R $1,711.00 Accessories Bowl Depth EFU311810 $1,671.00 Accessories Bowl DepthBowl Depth Accessories LKWRB2816SS LKWOBG2816SSAsana Bowl Depth 61Ú2VESSEL16SMS* $801.00 Bowl Depth 15-1/2Custom countertops + sink tops Countertops + sink tops Elite gourmet 4826EGTS $3,747.00 17-1/2 26 Bowl Depth L 71Ú2, C 5, R 71Ú23626EGDF* $4,077.00 3626EGSS $2,936.00 Bowl Depth Chrome or chrome with gold accents 36L $391.00 48L $549.00 Or 6 height 3Ú4 or 2 thickness 36L $1,299.00 48L $1,465.00Or 7 height 3Ú4 or 2 thickness 36L $1,299.00 48L $1,465.00 Undermounts ISLAND3828 $2,811.00 Bowl Depth 61Ú2sloping to 71Ú2Bowl Depth 77Ú8 Accessories Bowl Depth 77Ú8ELUH3232 $1,380.00 Bowl Depth 77Ú8 Accessories Bowl Depth L 97Ú8, C 5, R 77Ú8ELUH3920 $1,467.00 Bowl Depth L 10, C 59Ú16, R 71Ú2 Bowl Depth 71Ú2 ELUH4221L $1,632.00 Bowl Depth Large 91Ú2, Small ELUH3621L/R Lg 71Ú2, Sm ELUH362110L/R Lg 10, SmELU129 $356.00 Bowl Depth Accessories ELUH3221L/R Lg 71Ú2, Sm 59Ú16ELUH322110L/R Lg 10, Sm 5 Ú16 Bowl Depth 515Ú16 accessories ELUH1113 $382.00ELU714 $367.00 ELUH714 $375.00 ELU715 $367.00 ELUH715 $375.00ELU1317 $506.00 ELUH1317 $516.00 Bowl Depth 71Ú2 ELUH1511 $648.00 Bowl DepthBowl Depth 515Ú16 19-1/2accessories ELUH1716 $758.00 Bowl Depth 71Ú2ELUH1618 $758.00 Bowl Depth 91Ú2 ELU2118 $504.00 ILCGR4822R $2,129.00 Bowl Depth Lg 8, Sm 61Ú16 Accessories GourmetAccessories ILCGR5322R $2,240.00 Bowl Depth Lg 8, Sm 67Ú16Accessories DLCGR332210L $1,659.00 DLCGR332210R $1,659.00 LCGR3322R $1,215.00Bowl Depth LCGR3322L/R Lg 8, Sm 6 1Ú DLCGR332210L/R Lg 10 1Ú 2, Sm 6 1ÚLGR4322 $2,174.00 Accessories Bowl Depth 10, C 51Ú8, R ILCGR4022R $1,696.00 Bowl DepthEGPI4322R $2,467.00 Bowl Depth Lg 10, Sm 61Ú2 ILFGR4822R $2,206.00 Bowl Depth Lg 10, Sm Accessories ILGR5422R $2,341.00 Bowl Depth Lg 10, SmILFGR5422R $2,401.00 Bowl Depth Lg 10, Sm Bowl Depth Lg 10, Sm Accessories Bowl Depth Large 10, Small 8 accessories ILGR4322R $1,713.00 Bowl DepthLR250 $980.00 Bowl Depth 7 7Ú Accessories LustertoneLCCR3232 $1,652.00 Bowl Depth Accessories AccesoriesLMR3322 $1,064.00 Bowl Depth Lg 77Ú8, Sm 51Ú8 Bowl Depth 81Ú8 accessories BLR15 $476.00 Bowl DepthElumina EGUH3118 $672.00 Accessories Bowl Depth EluminaEGUH211810 $627.00 Bowl Depth EGUH2118 8, EGUH211810 Bowl Depth 83Ú8 Accessories ECG3322R $850.00 ECG332210L $989.00 ECG332210R $989.00EG250R $699.00 EG25010L $785.00 EG25010R $785.00 ECG2522 $592.00 Specialty collection Specialty collection SCUH1212CH $766.00 SCUH1212CM $638.00 SCUH1212CS $532.00SCUH1212SH $766.00 SCUH1416CH Undermount $807.00Arezzo LK7220CR $506.00 Ferrara LK7124CR $359.00 Moda LK7322CR $399.00 Vivo LKS6225CRLKS6425CR LKS6275NK LKX6265NK Allure LK6158NK $1,245.00 Spout Reach 201⁄2LK6140NK $1,209.00 LK6520CR $184.00 LK6360BK $528.00 LK6360NK $528.00 LK6360WH DISVictoria LK2544CR $502.00 Lavatory Overall Height 57⁄8 Spout Height deck to aerator Spout ReachLK2464MC DIS LK6156CR $795.00 Spout Reach 77⁄8 LK6719CR $245.00 Accessories Fits Bowl Size 111⁄2 x 111⁄2 Fits Bowl Size 16 x Overall Size 127⁄8 x 101⁄8 x Fits Bowl Size 12 x 91⁄4CBS715 $64.00 CBS1316 / CBS1418 Hot Water Machine by Elkay Bath Bathroom Full Towel BarBathroom Toilet Paper Holder Bathroom Cup HolderIndex Online specifications LKKDT35Elkay story 1980 Sinks + faucets 2007 price guide