Elkay SHL-2 manual Allure, LK6158NK $1,245.00 Spout Reach 201⁄2

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Single handles

Heavy brass construction

Ceramic disc cartridge

LK6158CR: $778.00

LK6158NK: $1,245.00

Spout Reach: 2012"

Finishes: (CR) Chrome

(NK) Brushed Nickel

Two faucet holes required

The distinctive silhouettes of Allure blend seamlessly with today’s exciting interiors, while maintaining their own individuality. Created with soft sculpted lines and sleek finishes. Allure transforms basic plumbing into a work of art.


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Contents SHL Price guide Contents Elkay difference IntroductionMystic MYSTIC5014 $2,247.00 Bowl Depth slopes 21Ú8 to 41Ú2 MYSTIC2812 $1,363.00 Bowl Depth slopes 25Ú8 to 41Ú2Avado Accessories Bowl Depth L 10, C 6, REFU312010R $1,711.00 Accessories Bowl Depth EFU311810 $1,671.00 Accessories Bowl DepthBowl Depth Accessories LKWRB2816SS LKWOBG2816SSAsana Bowl Depth 61Ú2VESSEL16SMS* $801.00 Bowl Depth 15-1/2Custom countertops + sink tops Countertops + sink tops Elite gourmet 4826EGTS $3,747.00 17-1/2 26 Bowl Depth L 71Ú2, C 5, R 71Ú23626EGDF* $4,077.00 3626EGSS $2,936.00 Bowl Depth Chrome or chrome with gold accents 36L $391.00 48L $549.00 Or 6 height 3Ú4 or 2 thickness 36L $1,299.00 48L $1,465.00Or 7 height 3Ú4 or 2 thickness 36L $1,299.00 48L $1,465.00 Undermounts ISLAND3828 $2,811.00 Bowl Depth 61Ú2sloping to 71Ú2Bowl Depth 77Ú8 Accessories Bowl Depth 77Ú8ELUH3232 $1,380.00 Bowl Depth 77Ú8 Accessories Bowl Depth L 97Ú8, C 5, R 77Ú8ELUH3920 $1,467.00 Bowl Depth L 10, C 59Ú16, R 71Ú2 Bowl Depth 71Ú2 ELUH4221L $1,632.00 Bowl Depth Large 91Ú2, Small ELUH3621L/R Lg 71Ú2, Sm ELUH362110L/R Lg 10, SmELU129 $356.00 Bowl Depth Accessories ELUH3221L/R Lg 71Ú2, Sm 59Ú16ELUH322110L/R Lg 10, Sm 5 Ú16 ELU714 $367.00 ELUH714 $375.00 ELU715 $367.00 Bowl Depth 515Ú16 accessoriesELUH1113 $382.00 ELUH715 $375.00ELU1317 $506.00 ELUH1317 $516.00 Bowl Depth 71Ú2 ELUH1511 $648.00 Bowl DepthBowl Depth 515Ú16 19-1/2accessories ELUH1716 $758.00 Bowl Depth 71Ú2ELUH1618 $758.00 Bowl Depth 91Ú2 ELU2118 $504.00 ILCGR4822R $2,129.00 Bowl Depth Lg 8, Sm 61Ú16 Accessories GourmetAccessories ILCGR5322R $2,240.00 Bowl Depth Lg 8, Sm 67Ú16Bowl Depth LCGR3322L/R Lg 8, Sm 6 1Ú Accessories DLCGR332210L $1,659.00 DLCGR332210R $1,659.00LCGR3322R $1,215.00 DLCGR332210L/R Lg 10 1Ú 2, Sm 6 1ÚLGR4322 $2,174.00 Accessories Bowl Depth 10, C 51Ú8, R ILCGR4022R $1,696.00 Bowl DepthEGPI4322R $2,467.00 Bowl Depth Lg 10, Sm 61Ú2 ILFGR4822R $2,206.00 Bowl Depth Lg 10, Sm Accessories ILGR5422R $2,341.00 Bowl Depth Lg 10, SmILFGR5422R $2,401.00 Bowl Depth Lg 10, Sm Bowl Depth Lg 10, Sm Accessories Bowl Depth Large 10, Small 8 accessories ILGR4322R $1,713.00 Bowl DepthLR250 $980.00 Bowl Depth 7 7Ú Accessories LustertoneLCCR3232 $1,652.00 Bowl Depth Accessories AccesoriesLMR3322 $1,064.00 Bowl Depth Lg 77Ú8, Sm 51Ú8 Bowl Depth 81Ú8 accessories BLR15 $476.00 Bowl DepthElumina EGUH3118 $672.00 Accessories Bowl Depth EluminaEGUH211810 $627.00 Bowl Depth EGUH2118 8, EGUH211810 Bowl Depth 83Ú8 Accessories ECG3322R $850.00 ECG332210L $989.00 ECG332210R $989.00EG250R $699.00 EG25010L $785.00 EG25010R $785.00 ECG2522 $592.00 Specialty collection SCUH1212SH $766.00 Specialty collectionSCUH1212CH $766.00 SCUH1212CM $638.00 SCUH1212CS $532.00 SCUH1416CH Undermount $807.00Arezzo LK7220CR $506.00 Ferrara LK7124CR $359.00 Moda LK7322CR $399.00 Vivo LKS6225CRLKS6425CR LKS6275NK LKX6265NK Allure LK6158NK $1,245.00 Spout Reach 201⁄2LK6140NK $1,209.00 LK6520CR $184.00 LK6360BK $528.00 LK6360NK $528.00 LK6360WH DISVictoria LK2544CR $502.00 Lavatory Overall Height 57⁄8 Spout Height deck to aerator Spout ReachLK2464MC DIS LK6156CR $795.00 Spout Reach 77⁄8 LK6719CR $245.00 Accessories Fits Bowl Size 111⁄2 x 111⁄2 Fits Bowl Size 16 x Overall Size 127⁄8 x 101⁄8 x Fits Bowl Size 12 x 91⁄4CBS715 $64.00 CBS1316 / CBS1418 Hot Water Machine by Elkay Bathroom Toilet Paper Holder BathBathroom Full Towel Bar Bathroom Cup HolderIndex Online specifications LKKDT35Elkay story 1980 Sinks + faucets 2007 price guide