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Produceret på licens fra Dolby Laboratories.

Dolby og dobbelt D-symbolet er varemærker tilhørende Dolby Laboratories.

DivX Certified to play DivX video up to HD 1080p, including premium content.

DivX, DivX Certifiedand associated logos are trademarks of Rovi Corporation or its subsidiaries and are used under licence.

ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivXis a digital video format created by DivX, LLC, a subsidiary of Rovi Corporation. This is an official DivX Certifieddevice that has passed rigorous testing to verify that it plays DivX video. Visit for more information and software tools to convert your files into DivX videos.


Premium Sound 5.1

Manufactured under a license from U.S. Patent No’s: 5,956,674, 5,974,380, 5,978,762, 6,487,535, 6,226,616, 7,212,872, 7,003,467, 7,272,567, 7,668,723, 7,392,195, 7,930,184, 7,333,929 and 7,548,853. DTS, the Symbol, and DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks & DTS Premium Sound 5.1 is a trademark of DTS, Inc. 2012 DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivX Certifieddevice must be registered in order to play purchased DivX Video-on-Demand (VOD) movies. To obtain your registration code, locate the DivX VOD section in your device setup menu. Go to for more information on how to complete your registration.

Covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 7,295,673; 7,460,668; 7,515,710; 7,519,274

The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.

Licensbemærkninger vedr. Open Source

Hvis du anvender Open Source-software, findes Open Source-licenser på produktmenuen. Bemærkninger vedr. Open Source-licens er kun på engelsk.

Du kan finde oplysninger om Open Source-licensbemærkningerne ved at kontakte Samsung Support eller sende os en e-mail på


Image 113
Contents Brugervejledning Indholdsfortegnelse Lydjustering Support Ophavsret Inden produktet anvendesSikkerhedsforanstaltninger SymbolerRengøring ForsigtigElektricitet og sikkerhed OpbevaringInstallation Produktet eller medføre brand Gnister kan medføre en eksplosion eller brand BetjeningVia ventilationsåbningen eller ind-/udgangsporte osv Page Kontrol med komponenterne ForberedelserKomponenter Hurtig opsætningsvejledning Garantikort SUB-kabel s.34Elementer der sælges separat Bagside DelePortBeskrivelse FjernbetjeningssensorSådan låses en tyverisikring TyverisikringslåsSlukker for produktet Angiv adgangskoden i OSD-menuen FjernbetjeningJuster lydstyrken Lynvalg af de mest anvendte funktioner Sådan anbringes batterier i fjernbetjeningenGå tilbage til forrige menu Viser oplysninger på skærmenVentilation Installation på en lodret vægHældningsvinkel og rotation Mål Installation på en skrå vægPlan ModelnavnInstallation af vægmonteringen Installation af vægmonteringenI mm Specifikationer til vægbeslag VesaStandardskrue Antal Fjernbetjening RS232C Ben SignalKabeltilslutning RS232C-kabelRS232C-kabel TilslutningHun GndVisning af kontrolstatus kontrolkommandoen Get KontrolkoderKontrol kontrolkommandoen Set KommandoLydstyrke StrømstyringIndstilling af indgangskilden Indstil indgangskilde Styring af indgangskildeStyring af skærmtilstand Styring af PIP til/fra Auto Adjustment 0x00 hele tiden AckStyring af autojustering PC, kun BNC Visning af PIP til/fra-status Hent PIP TIL/FRA-statusSikkerhedslås Styring af tilstanden VideovægVisning af videovægtilstand Hent videovægtilstand Indstilling af videovæggen Indstil videovægtilstandVideovæg til Fra Videovægmodel på 10 xWallSNo Produktnummerkode, der er indstillet på produktet Videovægmodel på 10 x 10 1 ~Indstil nummer Data 0x01Inden tilslutning Tilslutning og brug af en kildeenhedTilslutning til en pc Kontroller inden tilslutningTilslutning med et HDMI-DVI-kabel Tilslutning med et DVI-kabel digital typeTilslutning med et HDMI-kabel Tilslutning med komponentkablet Tilslutning til en videoenhedTilslutning med et AV-kabel Brug af et HDMI-kabel eller HDMI/DVI-kabel op til 1080p Tilslutning ved hjælp af et HDMI-kabelSource Tilslutning til et lydsystemSource Menu m Applications Source List EnterKonfiguration af indstillinger for Multi Control Brug af MDCKonfiguration af indstillinger for Multi Control Afinstallation Installation/afinstallation af MDC-programTilslutning til MDC Hvad er MDC?Monitor ComputerSkærmjustering Picture ModeHvis inputkilden er PC, DVI, Hdmipc Hvis inputkilden er AV, Component, HdmiavMenu m Picture Enter Indgangskilde Picture Mode Brugerdefinerbare IndstillingerPicture Size · Position Resolution SelectPicture Size Picture SizeIndgangskilde Picture Size Tilgængelige billedstørrelser efter indgangskildeZoom/Position PositionPicture Size 169 Picture SizeResolution Select Auto AdjustmentMenu m Picture Auto Adjustment Enter Picture Size 169 · PositionFine Position Image Reset PC Screen AdjustmentPC Screen Adjustment Hovedbillede Underbillede PIP IndstillingerMenu m System PIP Enter ComponentRGB Only Mode Advanced SettingsDynamic Contrast Black ToneWhite Balance Color SpaceGamma Motion LightingColor Temp 10000K Digital Clean View Off Indgangskilde Picture Mode Picture OptionsHdmi Black Level Normal Film Mode Off Auto Motion Plus Picture OptionsColor Tone Digital Clean ViewColor Temp Mpeg Noise FilterAuto Motion Plus kun modellen ED55D Film ModeDynamic Backlight Auto Motion Plus Off Dynamic BacklightReset Picture Reset PicturePicture Off Picture OffSound Effect Speaker Settings Reset Sound Sound ModeMenu m Sound Sound Mode Enter LydjusteringSound Effect Sound ModeSpeaker Settings Reset Sound Reset Sound Speaker SettingsSound Effect Speaker Settings Sound EffectSource List ApplicationsRefresh Edit NameMenu Language SystemSystem Menu m System Menu Language EnterMulti Control Time Eco Solution Screen Burn Protection TickerMenu Language Menu m System Multi Control EnterSleep Timer Sleep TimerTime Clock SetOn Timer 1 ~ On Timer On TimerOff Timer Holiday Management On Timer Off TimerDen valgte On Timer og Off Timer vil ikke blive aktiveret Holiday ManagementAuto Power Off Eco SolutionEco Solution Energy SavingScreen Burn Protection Timer Off Immediate Display Side GrayPixel Shift Screen Burn ProtectionImmediate Display Off Side Gray TimerPixel Shift Off Immediate Display Pixel Shift Off TimerSide Gray Side Gray OffTicker Video Wall Source AutoSwitch SettingsMenu m System Ticker Enter Vertical Up / Middle / DownVideo Wall Video WallFormat HorizontalVideo Wall · Format Full · Horizontal VerticalScreen Position Source AutoSwitch Source AutoSwitch SettingsPrimary Source Recovery Primary SourceMenu m System Change PIN Enter Change PINSkærmen Change PIN vises Game Mode Max. Power SavingAuto Power Safety LockButton Lock Max. Power Saving Game Mode Off Auto Power Safety LockStandby Control Lamp ScheduleTemperature Control Power On AdjustmentPower On Adjustment Sec Temperature Control OSD DisplayAnynet+ HDMI-CEC Anynet+ HDMI-CECAnynet+ HDMI-CEC Menuen Anynet+Skift mellem Anynet+-enheder Auto Turn OffAnynet+ HDMI-CEC No / YesMenuen Anynet+ System Problem Mulig løsningFejlsøgning for Anynet+ Den tilsluttede enhed vises ikke ProblemMagic Clone Reset SystemMagic Clone Clone From USBMenu m System Reset All Enter Reset AllSupport Software UpdateContact Samsung By USBBetingelser, inden du kontakter Samsungs servicecenter ProblemløsningsvejledningAfprøvning af produktet Kontrol af opløsning og frekvensNot Optimum Mode vises Installationsforhold Pc-tilstandKontroller følgende SkærmforholdJuster Brightness og Contrast Lysstyrken og farverne ser ikke normale ud Skærmbilledet ser ikke normalt udDer forekommer brudte linjer i udkanten af skærmen Skærmbilledet ser ustabilt ud og fryser derefter fastGå til Sound, og skift Speaker Select til Internal LydforholdLydkildeforhold FjernbetjeningsforholdJeg kan høre lyd, når lydstyrken er slået fra Der kommer en ekkolyd fra højttalerneDer er små partikler på produktets kanter Andet problemPIP-menuen er ikke tilgængelig Der er ingen lyd i HDMI-tilstandIR-sensoren fungerer ikke Spørgsmål Spørgsmål & svarSvar Bios Setup på pcenHvordan indstiller jeg strømbesparende tilstand? Opsætningen på pcenGenerelt SpecifikationerPage Strømsparer Opløsning Forudindstillede timertilstandeVertikal frekvens Pixelclock KHz MHzOpløsning Samsung AppendiksKontakt Samsung 800-6225 800-10-72670800-27919267 800-2791-9111102 +30 210 6897691 from mobile and land line Samsung 80111 726 7864 only from land line0680SAMSUNG 0680PREMIUM810-800-500-55-500 88-555-55-55800-555-555 GSM 7799, VIP care0800 852 36981800 266 8282 Toll Free 1800 3000 8282 Toll Free0094117540540 00941159000007095-0077 2008000 4999991969 Samsung 7260800 755 0800 300Produktet er ikke defekt Ansvar for betalingsservice omkostning for kunderneEn produktskade, som kunden har forårsaget AndetGælder i lande med systemer til affaldssortering Korrekt bortskaffelseKorrekt bortskaffelse af batterierne i dette produkt Bedste billedkvalitet Bedste billedkvalitet og beskyttelse mod efterbillederBeskyttelse mod efterbilleder Hvad er efterbilleder?Flyt og skift tekst hvert 30. minut som vist herunder TimeLicens 480i / 480p / 720p Terminologi
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Samsung's digital signage solutions have made a significant impact on the way businesses communicate and engage with their audiences. Models such as the LH40EDDPLGC/XY, LH46EDDPLGC/EN, LH55EDDPLGC/XY, LH40EDDPLGC/EN, and LH55EDDPLGC/EN represent some of the latest advancements in this technology, offering cutting-edge features and unparalleled performance.

One of the standout features of these models is their high-quality display technology. With LED backlighting, they provide vibrant colors and sharp contrasts, delivering dynamic visuals that capture attention. The Full HD resolution ensures that images and videos are displayed with incredible clarity, resulting in a truly immersive viewing experience.

These Samsung displays are designed with commercial use in mind. They come with a robust build quality that allows for 24/7 operation, making them well-suited for businesses that require constant functioning, such as retail environments, transportation hubs, and corporate settings. The screens are also equipped with advanced cooling mechanisms to manage heat effectively, ensuring longevity even in demanding situations.

Another significant characteristic of these models is their adaptability. With various screen sizes ranging from 40 inches to 55 inches, businesses can choose the display that best fits their specific needs and available space. Additionally, Samsung has incorporated ultra-narrow bezels into these designs, allowing for seamless multi-display setups that create an uninterrupted visual experience.

Connectivity is another strong point of these models. They come equipped with multiple HDMI and USB ports, enabling easy integration with various devices and content sources. The displays are compatible with Samsung's MagicINFO software, which allows users to create, manage, and schedule content easily. This feature simplifies content management and helps businesses communicate effectively with their target audiences.

Furthermore, the LH series displays utilize HDR technology, enhancing the color range and delivering images with astounding realism. This feature is especially beneficial for applications that rely on detailed imagery, such as advertising and presentations.

In conclusion, Samsung's LH40EDDPLGC/XY, LH46EDDPLGC/EN, LH55EDDPLGC/XY, LH40EDDPLGC/EN, and LH55EDDPLGC/EN displays stand out for their impressive visual quality, robust design, adaptability, and extensive connectivity options. These characteristics make them ideal for a wide range of commercial applications, underscoring Samsung's commitment to delivering innovative digital signage solutions that help businesses thrive in a competitive landscape.