Samsung MS28F301EAW/EE manual Applicable in countries with separate collection systems

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Precautions to avoid possible exposure to excessive microwave energy.(microwave function only)

Failure to observe the following safety precautions may result in harmful exposure to microwave energy.

(a)Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to operate the oven with the door open or to tamper with the safety interlocks (door latches) or to insert anything into the safety interlock holes.

(b)Do NOT place any object between the oven door and front face or allow food or cleaner residues to accumulate on sealing surfaces. Ensure that the door and door sealing surfaces are kept clean by

wiping after use first with a damp cloth and then with a soft dry cloth.

(c) Do NOT operate the oven if it is damaged until it has been repaired by a qualified microwave service technician trained by the manufacturer. It is particularly important that the oven door closes properly and that there is no damage to the:

(1)door (bent)

(2)door hinges (broken or loose)

(3)door seals and sealing surfaces

(d)The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone other than

a properly qualified microwave service technician trained by the manufacturer.

Samsung will charge a repair fee for replacing an accessory or repairing a cosmetic defect if the damage to the unit and/or damage to or loss of the accessory was caused by the customer. Items this stipulation covers include:

(a)A Dented, Scratched, or Broken Door, Handle, Out-Panel, or Control Panel.

(b)A Broken or missing Tray, Guide Roller, Coupler, or Wire Rack.

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this instruction manual. Warnings and Important Safety Instructions in this manual do not cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It is your responsibility to use common sense, caution, and care when installing, maintaining, and operating your appliance.

Because these following operating instructions cover various models, the characteristics of your microwave oven may differ slightly from

those described in this manual and not all warning signs may be applicable. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your nearest service centre or find help and information online at www.

This microwave oven is supposed for heating food. It is intended for domestic home-use only. Do not heat any type of textiles or cushions filled with grains, which could cause burns and fire. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage caused by improper or incorrect use of the appliance.

Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of the surface that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possible result in a hazardous situation.

Correct disposal of this product

(waste electrical & electronic equipment)

(Applicable in countries with separate collection systems)

This marking on the product, accessories or literature indicates that the product and its electronic accessories (e.g. charger, headset, USB cable) should not be disposed of with other household waste at the end of their working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate these items from other types of waste and recycle them responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources.

Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, or their local government office, for details of where and how they can take these items for environmentally safe recycling.

Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product and its electronic accessories should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.


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Contents Mikrovågsugn Farlig eller osäker hantering kan resultera i allvarliga Personskador eller dödsfallPersonskador eller egendomsskador Svenska Varning Svenska Installera mikrovågsugnen Rengöra mikrovågsugnenFörvara och reparera mikrovågsugnen Varning VAR Försiktig Gäller i länder med separata insamlingssystem Om du vill laga mat Guide för snabbsökningTips vid ångtillagning Om du vill ändra tillagningstidenUgn ManöverpanelTillbehör Ställa in tidenSå här visar du tiden med Så fungerar en mikrovågsugn Kontrollera att ugnen fungerar korrektStäll in effektnivå till max genom att vrida reglaget Justera tillagningstiden Tillagning/UppvärmningEffektnivåer Stoppa tillagningenAnvänd bara behållare som är mikrovågssäkra Använda den automatiska upptiningsfunktionenAnvända det automatiska upptiningsprogrammet Mat Portion Väntetid RekommendationFärska Mat PortionInstruktioner Grönsaker InstruktionerTryck på knappen Roterande platta på/av Manuell avstängning av roterande tallrikGuide över matlagningskärl På knappen Roterande platta på/av på nyttOm du är osäker eller har problem Vax- ellerSmörpapper Tekniska specifikationer Kodnr DE68-04179DModell MS28F301E**, MS28F302E Mikrobølgeovn Kontroller at følgende instruksjoner Etterfølges før du begynner å bruke ovnenBruk bare redskaper som egner seg for bruk i mikrobølgeovner Norsk MS28F301EAWEEDE68-04179DNO.indd 29/2013 84301 PM Installere mikrobølgeovnen Rengjøre mikrobølgeovnenOppbevare og reparere mikrobølgeovnen Kun kvalifisert personell kan endre eller reparere apparatet Førstehjelpsinstruksjonene De kan ta fyr når varm luft føres ut av ovnen. OvnenGjelder i land med avfallssortering Tid/Vekt Guide for hurtigoppslagHvis du ønsker å lage mat Hvis du vil endre tilberedningstidenOvn BetjeningspanelFormål TilbehørStille inn klokken Hvis du vil vise tiden medSlik virker en mikrobølgeovn Kontrollere at ovnen fungerer riktigStill tiden til 4 til 5 minutter ved å dreie på hjulet for Tilberedning/Oppvarming Justere tilberedningstidenStanse tilberedningen Bruk bare oppskrifter som passer til mikrobølgeovn Bruke funksjonen for automatisk tiningBruke programmene for automatisk tining Mat Porsjon Hviletid AnbefalingInstruksjoner MatArtisjokker FriskeManuell stopp av roterende tallerken Veiledning for kokekarTrykk på knappen for Roterende Tallerken Av/På Anbefales Vær forsiktig Usikkert Tekniske spesifikasjoner Kodenr. DE68-04179DMikroaaltouuni Vaarat ja vaaralliset toimet, jotka saattavat aiheuttaa Varoitus vakavia henkilövahinkoja tai kuolemanHenkilövahinkoja tai omaisuusvahingon Suomi Varoitus Suomi Mikroaaltouunin sijoitus Mikroaaltouunin puhdistaminenMikroaaltouunin säilyttäminen ja korjaaminen ÄLÄ Milloinkaan irrota uuninKaupalliseen käyttöön VaroitusVaara Jätteiden lajittelua käyttävät maat Jos haluat laittaa ruokaa PikaopasTehohöyrykeittimen ohje Jos haluat säätää valmistusaikaaUuni OhjaustauluHöyrykeitin, ks. s LisätarvikkeetKellonajan asettaminen Jos haluat näyttää ajanMikroaaltouunin toiminta Uunin oikean toiminnan tarkastaminenValmistusajan muuttaminen Ruoanvalmistus/UudelleenlämmitysTehot Valmistuksen keskeyttäminenKäytä ainoastaan mikroaaltouunikäyttöön soveltuvia astioita Automaattisen sulatustoiminnon käyttöAutomaattisten sulatusohjelmien käyttö Ruoka Annos Seisotusaika SuositusOhjeet Ruoka AnnosArtisokat TuoreetUunilautasen manuaalinen pysäytys ValmistusastiaopasPaina uunilautanen käytössä / poissa käytöstä -painiketta Toimenpiteet ongelmatilanteissa Vahapaperi tai rasvanKestävä paperi Tekniset tiedot Koodinumero DE68-04179DMalli MS28F301E**, MS28F302E Brugervejledning og tilberedningsvejledning Følges, inden ovnen tages i brug Brug af denne vejledningDansk Mikrobølgeovnen skal placeres, så der er adgang til stikket Lysbuesvejsningsudstyr Installation af din mikrobølgeovn Rengøring af mikrobølgeovnenDer hobes op Forhindrer døren i at lukkes ordentligt Opbevaring og reparation af din mikrobølgeovnKun uddannede fagfolk må ændre eller reparere apparatet Forsigtig Flasker, glas eller beholdere, nødder i skaller, tomaterGælder i lande med systemer til affaldssortering TID/VÆGT Hurtig opslagsvejledningHvis du vil tilberede maden Hvis du vil justere tilberedningstidenIndstilling AF UR Indstilling af klokkeslæt For at vise tidenSådan fungerer en mikrobølgeovn Kontrol af om din ovn fungerer korrektJustering af tilberedningstiden Tilberedning/OpvarmningEffektniveauer Afbrydelse af tilberedningenBrug kun emner, der er mikrobølgesikre Anvendelse af den automatiske optøningsfunktionAnvendelse af de automatiske optøningsprogrammer Fjern al emballage før optøningenAnvisninger Mad PortionArtiskokker Grøntsager AnvisningerTryk på knappen Drejeskive til/fra Manuelt stop af drejeskivenVejledning i kogekar Tryk ikke på knappen Drejeskive til/fra under tilberedningSådan gør du, hvis du er i tvivl eller har et problem AnbefalesTekniske specifikationer Model MS28F301E**, MS28F302EMicrowave Oven This manual is made with 100 % recycled paperUsing this instruction booklet Personal injury or property damageEnglish Steam cleaner is not to be used English Installing your microwave oven Cleaning your microwave oven Storing and repairing your Microwave oven MS28F301EAWEEDE68-04179DEN.indd 2013 73719 PM Bottles, jars, containers, nuts inshells, tomatoes etc Applicable in countries with separate collection systems Contents Quick look-up guideOven Control panelAfter a power failure AccessoriesSetting the time To display the timeHow a microwave oven works Checking that your oven is operating correctlyTurntable. The food is thus cooked evenly Cooking / reheating Power levelsAdjusting the cooking time Stopping the cookingUse only recipients that are microwave-safe Using the auto defrosting featureUsing the Auto defrost programmes Food Portion Standing time RecommendationFresh Food Portion Power Cooking Standing timeInstructions FrozenCookware guide To switch the turntable rotating back on, PressManual Stop Turntable Function Result Turntable will not rotateWhat to do if you are in doubt or have a problem Wax or grease-proofRecommended Use Caution Unsafe Technical specifications Code No. DE68-04179D