| Preparin 9 for use |
Beforepluggingtheapplianceintothemainssocket,check | Openthe window. |
that: | Placethe windowbracket15 in thewindow,extendingit |
Theoutlet'spowersupplycorrespondstothevalue | to fit thewidth of the window(fig.C). |
indicatedontheratinglabelonthebackoftheappliance; Placethe air conditionernear the window. Insert the
Theoutletandelectricalcircuitareadequateforthe | assembledexhausthose12 intothewindowbrackethole |
appliance; | 15. |
Makesuretheair exhausthoseis unobstructed. | |
thecase,youmustchooseanotheroutlet. | If youhavea very largewindow, in orderto cover your |
EaBuretofollowtheseimportantsafetyinstructions | window aperture, usethe additional window bracket |
absolvesthemanufacturerofallBabBity. | without holesextending it to the desireddimension, |
The power cable must be replaced by a quaBfied | then fix the bracketby usingthe lockingpin provided. |
professional only. | Whenextractingthe windowbracketandjoiningthe two |
The instructionsbelow will enable you to prepare your air | piecespayattentionyoudo not coverthe hole. |
conditionerfor operationas efficiently as possible.Before use, make sure the air intake and outlet grilles are unobstructed.
Justa few simplestepsand yourcomfortis ensuredwith your air conditioner:
Screwthe hoseadaptor13 to the hose'send 12.
Fit the air exhausthosein the housingat the backof the
appliance.Insertitas showninfigureA. | D |
| |
| Other |
| Thanksto the lockingpin,it'spossibleto usethewindow |
| bracketalsofor slidingwindows.Positionthe holeof the |
| bracketso to allow a correctinstallation of the exhaust |
| hose(seefigureI)). |
Screwthe window outlet 17 to the other end of the |
exhausthose.(seefig. B). |
Keepthe air hosesas shortand free of curvesas possibleto avoidconstrictions.
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