Usingthe remotecontrolunit(somemodelsonly)
Point the remote | f | 4', |
control at the | MAX16,4ft | ||
| _ | _, | MAX5 metres " |
receiveron the air | _ | _, | [ |
conditioner. The |
| ' | - |
remote control rnust be no rnore
than 16,4ft (5metres)awayfrom the appliance(without obstaclesbetweenthe remotecontrolandthereceiver). The remotecontrolmustbe handledwith extremecare.
Do not dropit orexposeit to direct sunlightor sourcesof heat.
Replacethe cover.
20)Increase/Decreasebutton for temperature/programmed use
22)"TIMER" button
24)Fanspeedselectionbutton (MAX/MED/MIN).
i BS°_i
Insertingor replacingthe batteries
Removethe coveron the rearof the remotecontrol; Removethe oldbatteries,if present.
Correctlyinserttwo newL03"AAA"1,5Vbatteries(seethe instructionsinsidethe batterycompartment); Replacethe cover.
If the remotecontrol unit is replacedor discarded,the batteries mustbe removedanddisposedof inaccordance
with current legislation as they are harmful to the environment. Donot mix old andnew batteries.Donot
mix alkaline, standard
in fire. Batteries may explode or leak. If the remote control will not be used for a certain length of time, removethe batteries.
15of the FCCRules.Theselimits are designedto provide reasonableprotectionagainstharmful interferencein a residentialinstallation.
Thisequipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordancewith the instructions,may cause harmful interferenceto radiocommunicationsHowever,there. is noguaranteethat interferencewill notoccurinaparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interferenceto radioortelevisionreception,whichcanbe determinedbyturningthe equipmentoffand on,the user is encouragedto try to correctthe interferencebyoneor moreof thefollowing measures:
-Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna.
-Increasetheseparationbetwee_the equipmentand receiver.
-Connecttheequipmentinto anoutlet ona circuit differentfrom that to whichthe receiveris connected.
-Consultthe dealeroran experiencedradio/TV technicianforhelp.Changesormodificationsnot expresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliance could voidthe user'sauthorityto operatethe equipment. This devicecomplies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operationis subjectto the followingtwo conditions:(I) thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)this devicemustacceptany interferencereceived,including interferencethat maycauseundesiredoperation. ThisClassB digital apparatuscomplieswith Canadian
TURNINGTHEAPPLIANCEON Plugthe applianceintothe mains.
Pressthe ON/OFFbutton (19) (when turned on, the air conditionerstarts operatingin the samemodeaswhen it was turnedoff).
PresstheMODEbutton(21)to selectthe requiredmode
Onthe controlpanel,the light correspondingto the selected rnodecorneson.
For air conditioning/dehumidifying/fanonly settings and programmingthetimer,seepage8.
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