Samsung MZ19FSSS/EDC manual SyncMaster 910MP

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SyncMaster 910MP

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Contents SyncMaster 910MP ȂȘȞ ȤȡȘıȚµȠʌȠȚİȓIJİ ijșĮȡµȑȞȠ Ȓ ȤĮȜĮȡȩ ijȚȢ ȂȘȞ ıȣȞįȑİIJİ ʌȠȜȜȑȢ µʌĮȜĮȞIJȑȗİȢ Ȓ ijȚȢ ıİ µȚĮ ʌȡȓȗĮ ȊȡȘıȚµȠʌȠȚİȓIJİ ȑȞĮ ıȦıIJȐ ȖİȚȦµȑȞȠ ijȚȢ țĮȚ ȣʌȠįȠȤȑĮȂȘȞ ȡȓȟIJİ țȐIJȦ IJȘȞ ȠșȩȞȘ ȩIJĮȞ IJȘȞ µİIJĮțȚȞİȓIJİ ȂȘȞ IJȠʌȠșİIJİȓIJİ IJȘȞ ȠșȩȞȘ µİ IJȘȞ ʌȡȩıȠȥȘ ʌȡȠȢ IJĮ țȐIJȦ ǸijȒıIJİ IJȘȞ ȠșȩȞȘ țȐIJȦ ʌȡȠıİțIJȚțȐȂȘȞ ĮijĮȚȡȑıIJİ IJȠ țȐȜȣµµĮ Ȓ IJȠ ʌȓıȦ µȑȡȠȢ ȂȘȞ ȥİțȐȗİIJİ ĮʌȠȡȡȣʌĮȞIJȚțȩ ĮʌİȣșİȓĮȢ İʌȐȞȦ ıIJȘ ȠșȩȞȘȂȘȞ țĮȜȪʌIJİIJİ IJȚȢ ȠʌȑȢ ĮİȡȚıµȠȪ IJȠȣ ʌİȡȚȕȜȒµĮIJȠȢ IJȘȢ ȠșȩȞȘȢ ȆȣșµȓıIJİ IJȘ ȖȦȞȓĮ IJȘȢ ȕȐıȘȢ µİ ʌȡȠıȠȤȒ Ȉİ ʌİȡȓʌIJȦıȘ țĮIJȐʌȠıȘȢ, İʌȚıțİijIJİȓIJİ ĮµȑıȦȢ ȑȞĮȞ ȖȚĮIJȡȩ ȄįȘȖȩ ȋȡȒıȘȢ ȄșȩȞȘ ǼȖȤİȚȡȓįȚȠȄįȘȖȩ ȅșȩȞȘȢ Ǻİ įȚĮIJȓșİIJĮȚ ıİ ȩȜİȢ IJȚȢMenu SourceEnter ȆȜȒțIJȡȠ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ PIP ǻȚĮșȑıȚµİȢ țĮIJĮıIJȐıİȚȢ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ PCȜȣȤȞȓĮ IJȘȢ ȑȞįİȚȟȘȢ ǸȚıșȘIJȒȡĮȢ IJȘȜİȤİȚȡȚıIJȘȡȓȠȣǸțȡȠįȑțIJȘȢ ıȪȞįİıȘȢ Extrgbext ȈİȡµĮIJȚțȩ ȈȪȞįİıȘȢ ȊʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȒǸțȡȠįȑțIJȘȢ ıȪȞįİıȘȢ TV Mute TTX/MIX Menu Enter PowerȀȑijȧ StillMute MAGIC-CH PowerMAGIC-CH ȈȪȞįİıȘ ıİ ȣʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȒ Macintosh ȈȪȞįİıȘ ıİ ȣʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȒȈȪȞįİıȘ AV Devices ȈȪȞįİıȘ ıİ Ȑȝȝİȣ ıȣıțİȣȑȢǴIJĮȞ ȤȡȘıȚµȠʌȠȚİȓIJİ µȚĮ İıȦIJİȡȚțȒ țİȡĮȓĮ ȈȪȞįİıȘ TVǴIJĮȞ ȤȡȘıȚµȠʌȠȚİȓIJİ µȚĮ İȟȦIJİȡȚțȒ țİȡĮȓĮ ǺȓʌȜȦµĮ IJȘȢ ȕȐıȘȢ ȊȡȒıȘ IJȘȢ ȕȐıȘȢȈȠʌȠșȑIJȘıȘ ȕȐıȘȢ Ȁȑȟijİ țȜȚț ıIJȠ ȅįȘȖȩȢ Windows ME ĪȚĮ IJĮ Windows MEWindows XP/2000 Ȁȑȟijİ țȜȚț ıIJȠ ȅįȘȖȩȢ Windows XP/2000ȀİȚIJȠȣȡȖȚțȩ ȈȪıIJȘµĮ Microsoft Windows XP ǼȚıĮȖȦȖȒ įȚıțȑIJĮȢ Page ȀİȚIJȠȣȡȖȚțȩ ȈȪıIJȘµĮ Microsoft Windows NT ĬȣıȚțȩ ȤȡȫµĮȀİȚIJȠȣȡȖȚțȩ ȈȪıIJȘµĮ Linux ȆȡȩȖȡĮµµĮ ȜȠȖȚıµȚțȠȪ ijȣıȚțȠȪ ȤȡȫµĮIJȠȢȆȫȢ ȞĮ įȚĮȖȡȐȥİIJİ ȑȞĮ ȜȠȖȚıµȚțȩ ʌȡȩȖȡĮµµĮ ĭȣıȚțȠȪ ȋȡȫµĮIJȠȢ ȆȫȢ ȞĮ İȖțĮIJĮıIJȒıİIJİ IJȠ ȜȠȖȚıµȚțȩ ĭȣıȚțȠȪ ȋȡȫµĮIJȠȢȆİȡȚȖȡĮijȒ Play OSDVideo ȈȠ ĮȞIJȓıIJȠȚȤȠ țȠȣµʌȓ ıIJȠ IJȘȜİȤİȚȡȚıIJȒȡȚȠ İȓȞĮȚ IJȠ Position PIP OffExt Video ȈȡȩʌȠȢ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ ȣʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȒText InternetCustom ContrastColour ȆȣșµȓȗİȚ IJȘ șȑıȘ IJȘȢ ȠșȩȞȘȢ ȠȡȚȗȩȞIJȚĮ țĮȚ țĮIJĮțȩȡȣijĮTint TV / Ext. / AV / S-Video ȀĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢȆȣșµȓȗİȚ IJȘȞ ĮȞIJȓșİıȘ ȆİȡȚȖȡĮijȒ Play ModeȆȣșµȓȗİȚ IJȘ ijȦIJİȚȞȩIJȘIJĮ ȆȣșµȓȗİȚ IJȘȞ İȣțȡȓȞİȚĮ IJȘȢ İȚțȩȞĮȢBBE Belgium France Germany Italy Netherlands Spain Sweden ȆİȡȚȖȡĮijȒ Play CountryȆİȡȚȖȡĮijȒ Play Area ConfigurationȂʌȠȡİȓIJİ ȞĮ İʌȚȜȑȟİIJİ Ȑȝȝİȣ ȖȜȫııİȢ țĮIJȐ ʌİȡȚȠȤȒ ȂȘ ȕȑȜIJȚıIJȘ țĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ ǺİȞ ȣʌȠıIJȘȡȓȗİIJĮȚ Ș țĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ ǺȓȞIJİȠȈȣµʌIJȫµĮIJĮ țĮȚ ȆȡȠIJİȚȞȩµİȞİȢ İȞȑȡȖİȚİȢ ȆȡȩȖȡĮµµĮ ȠįȒȖȘıȘȢ ʌȡȠıĮȡµȠȖȑĮ ȠșȩȞȘȢĬĮȓȞİIJĮȚ ȩIJȚ Ƞ ȣʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȒȢ ȆȡȠȕȜȒµĮIJĮ ıȤİIJȚțȐ µİ IJȘȞ İȖțĮIJȐıIJĮıȘĮİȞ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖİȓ țĮȞȠȞȚțȐ ȠșȩȞȘ IJȡݵȠʌĮȓȗİȚǺİȞ ȣʌȐȡȤİȚ Ȓȥƞȣ ǾȤȘIJȚțȐ ʌȡȠȕȜȒµĮIJĮıIJȐșµȘ IJȠȣ ȒȤȠȣ İȓȞĮȚ ʌȠȜȪ ȤĮµȘȜȒ ȄȚ ȘȤȘIJȚțȠȓ IJȩȞȠȚ İȓȞĮȚ ʌȠȜȪǼȡȫIJȘıȘ ĪİȞȚțȐ ȀĮIJĮȞȐȜȦıȘ ȚıȤȪȠȢ ȆȓȞĮțĮȢ 2. ȈȣıIJȒµĮIJĮ µİIJȐįȠıȘȢ İțʌȠµʌȒȢ ȆȓȞĮțĮȢ 1. ȆȡȠİʌȚȜİȖµȑȞİȢ ȁİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓİȢ ȋȡȠȞȚıµȠȪPAL Canada Australia BrazilChile Sonda S.A ColombiaFrance EspañaGermany HungaryPortugal PeruSouth Africa SWEDEN/DENMARK/NORWAY/FINLANDȈȪʌȠȚ ıȘµȐIJȦȞ ıȣȖȤȡȠȞȚıµȠȪ ȈȒµĮ ıȣȖȤȡȠȞȚıµȠȪȄȡȚȗȩȞIJȚĮ ȈȣȤȞȩIJȘIJĮ ȂȑșȠįȠȢ µİ ʌȜȑȟȘ ıȐȡȦıȘȢ țĮȚ ȤȦȡȓȢ ʌȜȑȟȘ ıȐȡȦıȘȢȔȓȞIJİȠ CatvVHF/UHF ȈȣȞIJȠȞȚıµȩȢ ĮțȡȚȕİȓĮȢ țĮȞĮȜȚȫȞPage ȆȡȠIJȐıİȚȢ ȖȚĮ ıȣȖțİțȡȚµȑȞİȢ İijĮȡµȠȖȑȢ ȈȚ İȓȞĮȚ Ș įȚĮIJȒȡȘıȘ IJȘȢ ǼȚțȩȞĮȢPage ȄșȩȞȘ µĮȢ LCD ȚțĮȞȠʌȠȚİȓ IJȠ ISO13406-2 Pixel fault Class European NoticeEurope Only MPR II CompliancePCT Notice What does labelling involve? Why do we have environmentally-labelled monitors?Environmental Requirements LeadMercury Why do we have environmentally labelled computers?CFCs freons Environmental requirements Flame retardants TCO DevelopmentEnergy ErgonomicsEmissions EcologyVideo In / RS 232 / Video Out ClassificationsTransport and Storage Limitations
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MZ19FSSS/EDC specifications

The Samsung LS19MZFSS/SAI, MZ19FSSS/XSG, and MZ19FSSS/EDC represent an impressive lineup of monitors that cater to a variety of user needs, ranging from casual usage to more demanding applications. These models combine sleek design with advanced technology to deliver optimal performance.

The LS19MZFSS/SAI is notable for its compact 19-inch screen size, making it an ideal choice for small spaces or multi-monitor setups. The screen boasts a Full HD resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, providing sharp and vibrant visuals. Featuring a 75Hz refresh rate, the monitor ensures smooth motion for gaming and multimedia playback, minimizing screen tearing and lag.

One of the standout features of this monitor is its AMD FreeSync technology, which synchronizes the refresh rate of the display with the frame rate of the GPU. This significantly enhances the gaming experience by eliminating stutter and providing a more fluid visual experience. The Samsung LS19MZFSS/SAI is also equipped with Eye Saver Mode, which reduces blue light emissions for a more comfortable viewing experience during long usage sessions.

Moving on to the MZ19FSSS/XSG, this model excels in providing an immersive viewing experience. It includes Samsung's advanced panel technology that offers wide viewing angles and rich color reproduction. This makes it well-suited for creative professionals who require precise color accuracy for graphic design or photo editing.

The MZ19FSSS/EDC model further enhances the gaming experience with its dynamic contrast ratio, providing deeper blacks and brighter whites. This feature is crucial for rendering details in dark scenes, granting users greater clarity during gameplay. In addition, the monitor incorporates multiple connectivity options, including HDMI and DisplayPort, ensuring compatibility with a wide variety of devices.

In terms of energy efficiency, all three models comply with global energy standards, offering eco-friendly options without compromising on performance. The stylish, minimalist design of the monitors allows them to fit seamlessly into any workspace, making them not only functional but visually appealing.

In summary, the Samsung LS19MZFSS/SAI, MZ19FSSS/XSG, and MZ19FSSS/EDC monitors bring together innovative technologies and features that enhance the overall user experience, whether for work, gaming, or creative endeavors.