Samsung RT19FSSS/EDC manual MPR II Compliance, European NoticeEurope Only, PCT Notice

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MPR II Compliance

European Notice (Europe only) PCT Notice VCCI

TCO'95-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO'95 applied model only)

TCO'99-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO'99 applied model only)

TCO'03-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO'03 applied model only)

TCO'03 Recycling Information (TCO'03 applied model only)

Medical Requirement

Mercury Statement (LCD Monitor, LCD TV, DLP Projection TV, Projector for USA only)

MPR II Compliance

This monitor complies with SWEDAC(MPR II) recommendations for reduced electric and magnetic fields.

European Notice(Europe Only)

Products with the CE marking comply with the EMC Directive(89/336/EEC), (92/31/EEC), (93/68/EEC) and the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the European Community. Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the following European Norms:

zEN55022:1998+A1:2000 - Radio Frequency Interference

zEN55024:1998 - Electromagnetic Immunity

zEN55013:1990+A12:1994+A13:1996+A14:1999 - Radio Frequency Interference

zEN55020:1994+A11:1996+A12/A13/A14:1999 - Electromagnetic Immunity

zEN61000-3-2:1995+A1/A2:1998 - Power Line Harmonics

zEN61000-3-3:1995 - Voltage Fluctuations

zEN60065:1997 or EN60950:1998 - Product Safety

PCT Notice


This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual.

TCO'95-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO'95 applied model only)

AB general requirements

AB2 Written Eco-document acompanying the products

Congratulations! You have just purchased a TCO'95 approved and labelled product! Your choice has provided you with a product developed for professional use. Your purchase has also contributed to reducing the burden on the environment and to the further development of environmentally-adapted electronic products.

Image 52
Contents SyncMaster 930MP ȈȡȠijȠįȠıȓĮ ȂȘȞ ȤȡȘıȚµȠʌȠȚİȓIJİ ijșĮȡµȑȞȠ Ȓ ȤĮȜĮȡȩ ijȚȢǼȖțĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȊȡȘıȚµȠʌȠȚİȓIJİ ȑȞĮ ıȦıIJȐ ȖİȚȦµȑȞȠ ijȚȢ țĮȚ ȣʌȠįȠȤȑĮȂȘȞ ıȣȞįȑİIJİ ʌȠȜȜȑȢ µʌĮȜĮȞIJȑȗİȢ Ȓ ijȚȢ ıİ µȚĮ ʌȡȓȗĮ ȂȘȞ ȡȓȟIJİ țȐIJȦ IJȘȞ ȠșȩȞȘ ȩIJĮȞ IJȘȞ µİIJĮțȚȞİȓIJİȀĮșĮȡȚıµȩȢ ǸijȒıIJİ IJȘȞ ȠșȩȞȘ țȐIJȦ ʌȡȠıİțIJȚțȐȂȘȞ IJȠʌȠșİIJİȓIJİ IJȘȞ ȠșȩȞȘ µİ IJȘȞ ʌȡȩıȠȥȘ ʌȡȠȢ IJĮ țȐIJȦ ȂȘȞ ȥİțȐȗİIJİ ĮʌȠȡȡȣʌĮȞIJȚțȩ ĮʌİȣșİȓĮȢ İʌȐȞȦ ıIJȘ ȠșȩȞȘȀȠȚʌȐ ȂȘȞ țĮȜȪʌIJİIJİ IJȚȢ ȠʌȑȢ ĮİȡȚıµȠȪ IJȠȣ ʌİȡȚȕȜȒµĮIJȠȢ IJȘȢ ȠșȩȞȘȢ ȆİȡȚİȤȩµİȞĮ ıȣıțİȣĮıȓĮȢ ǼµʌȡȩıșȚĮ ȩȥȘ Menu Auto ENTER/FM Radio SourceMenu Enter / FM RadioPIP ǻȚĮșȑıȚµİȢ țĮIJĮıIJȐıİȚȢ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ PC/DVI MagicBright ǻȚĮșȑıȚµİȢ țĮIJĮıIJȐıİȚȢ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ PC/DVIȆȓıȦ ȩȥȘ ȆȜȒțIJȡȠ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ / Ǿ ȜȣȤȞȓĮ IJȘȢ ȑȞįİȚȟȘȢ10. ǹȚıșȘIJȒȡĮȢ IJȘȜİȤİȚȡȚıIJȘȡȓȠȣ ȈİȡµĮIJȚțȩ ȈȪȞįİıȘȢ ȊʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȒȈİȡµĮIJȚțȩ ȈȪȞįİıȘȢ dzȤȠȣ ǸțȡȠįȑțIJȘȢ ComponentǸțȡȠįȑțIJȘȢ ıȪȞįİıȘȢ FM Radio / TV ǸțȡȠįȑțIJȘȢ ıȪȞįİıȘȢ ExtrgbextPower Channel Mute TTX/MIX Menu Enter FM RadioMAGIC-CH Power StillDUAL/MTS MutePC / DVI Mode M/B MagicBright 17. P.SIZE ȂȘ įȚĮșȑıȚµĮ ıİ țĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ PC/DVIDual / MTS MAGIC-CHȈȪȞįİıȘ Macintosh ȈȪȞįİıȘ IJȦȞ Ȑȝȝȧȟ ıȣıțİȣȫȞ ȈȪȞįİıȘ AV DevicesǴIJĮȞ ȤȡȘıȚµȠʌȠȚİȓIJİ µȚĮ İıȦIJİȡȚțȒ țİȡĮȓĮ ȈȪȞįİıȘ TVǴIJĮȞ ȤȡȘıȚµȠʌȠȚİȓIJİ µȚĮ İȟȦIJİȡȚțȒ țİȡĮȓĮ ȆȡȠțĮȜİȓIJĮȚ ijIJȦȤȒ ȜȒȥȘ Įʌȩ ĮıșİȞȑȢ ıȒµĮ ȈȪȞįİıȘ ĮțȠȣıIJȚțȫȞǺȓʌȜȦµĮ IJȘȢ ȕȐıȘȢ ǸijĮȓȡİıȘ IJȘȢ ȕȐıȘȢȈȠʌȠșȑIJȘıȘ µȚĮȢ ȕȐıȘȢ Vesa ĪȚĮ IJĮ Windows ME Ȁȑȟijİ țȜȚț ıIJȠ ȅįȘȖȩȢ Windows MEWindows XP/2000 Ȁȑȟijİ țȜȚț ıIJȠ ȅįȘȖȩȢ Windows XP/2000ȀİȚIJȠȣȡȖȚțȩ ȈȪıIJȘµĮ Microsoft Windows XP ǼȚıĮȖȦȖȒ įȚıțȑIJĮȢ Page ĬȣıȚțȩ ȤȡȫµĮ ȀİȚIJȠȣȡȖȚțȩ ȈȪıIJȘµĮ Microsoft Windows NTȀİȚIJȠȣȡȖȚțȩ ȈȪıIJȘµĮ Linux ȆȡȩȖȡĮµµĮ ȜȠȖȚıµȚțȠȪ ijȣıȚțȠȪ ȤȡȫµĮIJȠȢȆȫȢ ȞĮ İȖțĮIJĮıIJȒıİIJİ IJȠ ȜȠȖȚıµȚțȩ ĭȣıȚțȠȪ ȋȡȫµĮIJȠȢ ȆȫȢ ȞĮ įȚĮȖȡȐȥİIJİ ȑȞĮ ȜȠȖȚıµȚțȩ ʌȡȩȖȡĮµµĮ ĭȣıȚțȠȪ ȋȡȫµĮIJȠȢOSD Περιγραφή PlayΤο αντίστοιχο κουµπί στο τηλεχειριστήριο είναι το Source Ext Video ComponentDVI PIP ON/ OffPC / DVI Κατάσταση λειτουργίας Περιγραφή Play MagicBright InternetText ContrastAdjustment TV / Ext. / AV / S-Video / Component Mode∆ιαθέσιµο Μόνο σε Κατάσταση Λειτουργίας PC Coarse FineMode Size169 Normal Zoom On /OffMusic SpeechBalance BBEMain / Sub Manual StoreSort NameFine Tune LNAConfiguration ΠεριγραφήArea Απενεργοποιείτε αυτόµαταǺİȞ ȣʌȠıIJȘȡȓȗİIJĮȚ Ș țĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ ǺȓȞIJİȠ ǺİȞ ȣʌȠıIJȘȡȓȗİIJĮȚ Ș țĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ ǺȓȞIJİȠȂȘ ȣʌȠıIJȘȡȚȗȩµİȞȘ țĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ ȆȡȩȖȡĮµµĮ ȠįȒȖȘıȘȢ ʌȡȠıĮȡµȠȖȑĮ ȠșȩȞȘȢ ȂȘ ȕȑȜIJȚıIJȘ țĮIJȐıIJĮıȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢȈȣȞIJȒȡȘıȘ țĮȚ țĮșĮȡȚıµȩȢ Problems Solutions Problems ǼȡȦIJȒıİȚȢ țĮȚ ĮʌĮȞIJȒıİȚȢ ǺİȞ ȣʌȐȡȤİȚ ȒȥƞȣıIJȐșµȘ IJȠȣ ȒȤȠȣ İȓȞĮȚ ʌȠȜȪ ȤĮµȘȜȒ ȄȚ ȘȤȘIJȚțȠȓ IJȩȞȠȚ İȓȞĮȚ ʌȠȜȪĪİȞȚțȐ IJİȤȞȚțȐ ȀİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮ İȟȠȚțȠȞȩµȘıȘȢ ȆȡȠİʌȚȜİȖµȑȞİȢ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓİȢ ȆȓȞĮțĮȢ 1. ȆȡȠİʌȚȜİȖµȑȞİȢ ȁİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓİȢ ȋȡȠȞȚıµȠȪKHz ȈȣıIJȒµĮIJĮ µİIJȐįȠıȘȢ İțʌȠµʌȒȢȄȡȚȗȩȞIJȚĮ ȈȣȤȞȩIJȘIJĮ ȀȐșİIJȘ ȈȣȤȞȩIJȘIJĮȈȣȞIJȒȡȘıȘ France GermanyHungary ItalyPortugal South AfricaSWEDEN/DENMARK/NORWAY/FINLAND ThailandȄȡȠȜȠȖȓĮ Catv ĪȚĮ ȀĮȜȪIJİȡȘ ȆȡȠȕȠȜȒ ȅșȩȞȘȢVHF/UHF ǺȚțĮȚȠȪȤȠȚ European NoticeEurope Only MPR II CompliancePCT Notice Why do we have environmentally-labelled monitors? What does labelling involve?Environmental Requirements LeadMercury Why do we have environmentally labelled computers?CFCs freons TCO Development Environmental requirements Flame retardantsErgonomics EnergyEmissions EcologyVideo In / RS 232 / Video Out ClassificationsTransport and Storage Limitations ȈȚ İȓȞĮȚ Ș įȚĮIJȒȡȘıȘ IJȘȢ ǼȚțȩȞĮȢ ȆȡȠIJȐıİȚȢ ȖȚĮ ıȣȖțİțȡȚµȑȞİȢ İijĮȡµȠȖȑȢPage ȄșȩȞȘ µĮȢ LCD ȚțĮȞȠʌȠȚİȓ IJȠ ISO13406-2 Pixel fault Class
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RT19FSSS/EDC specifications

The Samsung RT19FSSS/EDC refrigerator is designed to provide an optimal refrigeration experience while combining style, efficiency, and innovative technology. This model incorporates several features that cater to modern households seeking convenience, durability, and top-notch performance.

One of the standout features of the RT19FSSS/EDC is its spacious interior, which is thoughtfully designed for maximum storage capacity. With multiple adjustable shelves and a generous freezer compartment, this refrigerator allows users to organize food items efficiently, accommodating everything from large party trays to everyday groceries. The bright LED lighting enhances visibility, making it easy to find what you need at a glance.

The RT19FSSS/EDC utilizes Samsung’s All-Around Cooling technology, which ensures that every corner of the refrigerator maintains an even temperature. This feature prevents unwanted temperature fluctuations, ultimately keeping food fresher for longer periods. Additionally, the unit boasts a Metal Cooling feature that helps retain cold air when the door is opened, contributing to overall energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency is further enhanced with the Digital Inverter Compressor. Unlike conventional compressors, which operate at a fixed speed, the Digital Inverter adjusts its cooling power based on the internal temperature, resulting in reduced energy consumption and quieter operation. This eco-friendly technology not only helps save on electricity bills but also contributes to a greener environment.

For added convenience, the RT19FSSS/EDC includes an easy-access control panel that allows users to adjust temperature settings with ease. Furthermore, the refrigerator is equipped with a door alarm that alerts users if the door is left open for too long, ensuring that food stays fresh and energy is conserved.

The design of the RT19FSSS/EDC is both elegant and functional, featuring a sleek stainless steel finish that complements any kitchen decor while also being resistant to fingerprints and smudges. Its compact size makes it suitable for various kitchen layouts, whether in a bustling family home or a cozy apartment.

In summary, the Samsung RT19FSSS/EDC refrigerator is a blend of innovation and practicality. With its advanced cooling technology, energy-efficient compressor, and spacious design, it is an excellent option for anyone seeking a reliable and stylish refrigeration solution.