Samsung GS19ESSS/EDC What does labelling involve?, Environmental Requirements, Lead, Cadmium

Page 55

There are also other characteristics of a monitor, such as energy consumption levels, that are important from both the working and natural environment viewpoints. Since all types of conventional electricity generation have a negative effect on the environment (acidic and climate-influencing emissions, radioactive waste, etc.) it is vital to conserve energy. Electronic equipment in offices consumes an enormous amount of energy, since it is often routinely left running continuously.

What does labelling involve?

This product meets the requirements for the TCO'95 scheme, which provides for international environmental labelling of monitors. The labelling scheme was developed as a joint effort by the TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), Naturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation) and NUTEK (The National Board for Industrial and Technical Development in Sweden).

The requirements cover a wide range of issues: environment, ergonomics, usability, emission of electrical and magnetic fields, energy consumption and electrical and fire safety.

The environmental demands concern among other things restrictions on the presence and use of heavy metals, brominated and chlorinated flame retardants, CFCs (freons), and chlorinated solvents. The product must be prepared for recycling and the manufacturer is obliged to have an environmental plan, which must be adhered to in each country where the company conducts its operations policy. The energy requirements include a demand that the monitor after a certain period of inactivity shall reduce its power consumption to a lower level, in one or more stages. The length of time to reactivate the monitor shall be reasonable for the user.

Labelled products must meet strict environmental demands, for example in respect of the reduction of electric and magnetic fields, along with physical and visual ergonomics and good usability.

TCO Development Unit 1996-11-29

On the page this folder you will find a brief summary of the environmental requirements met by this product.

The complere environmental criteria document may be ordered from: TCO Development Unit

S-11494 Stockholm Sweden

Fax: +46 8 782 92 07

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Current information regarding TCO'95-approved and labelled products may also be obtained via the Internet, using the address:

TCO'95 is a co-operative project between(3 logos)

Environmental Requirements

Brominated flame retardants are present in printed circuit boards, cables, wires, casings and housings. In turn, they delay the spread of fire. Up to thirty percent of the plastic in a computer casing can consist of flame retardant substances. These are related to another group of environmental toxins, PCBs, which are suspected to give rise to similar harm, including reproductive damage in fish eating birds and mammals, due to the bioaccumulative processes. Flame retardants have been found in human blood and researchers fear that disturbances in foetus development may occur.

zTCO'95 demand requires that plastic components weighing more than 25 grams must not contain organically bound chlorine and bromine.


Lead can be found in picture tubes, display screens, solders and capacitors. Lead damages the nervous system and in higher doses, causes lead poisoning.

zTCO'95 requirement Permits the inclusion of lead since no replacement has yet been developed.


Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and in the colour generating layers of certain computer displays. Cadmium damages the nervous system and is toxic in high doses.

zTCO'95 requirement states that batteries may not contain more than 25 ppm (parts per million) of cadmium. The colour-generating layers of display screens must not contain any cadmium.


Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays and switches. Mercury damages the nervous system and is toxic in high doses.

zTCO'95 requirement states that batteries may not contain more than 25 ppm (parts per million) of mercury. It also demands that no mercury is present in any of the electrical or

Image 55 Contents
SyncMaster Ne használjon sérült vagy laza villásdugót Hálózati feszültségHelyezze a monitort kis páratartalmú és pormentes helyre Üzembe helyezésNe ejtse le a monitort szállítás közben Óvatosan tegye le a monitort Készüléket stabil, megfelelő méretű felületre helyezzeNe helyezze a készüléket a padlóra Tartsa a tápkábelt távol a fűtőberendezésektőlTisztitás Ne távolítsa el a készülék burkolatát vagy hátlapját EgyebekMonitort tilos a kabelnel vagy a jelkábelnél fogva húzni Ne dugjon semmilyen fémtárgyat a monitor nyílásaiba Ne fedje le a monitor házán lévő nyilasokatPage Egyes típusoknál KicsomagolásMonitor Gomb Kézikönyv Gyors beállítási útmutatóBekapcsoló gomb ElĘlapMenü gomb CustomHátlap Monitor összeszerelése Talp felszerelése Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows NT Linux Windows XP/2000Microsoft Windows XP operációs rendszer Page Linux Operációs Rendszer Natural ColorTelepítési útmutató Microsoft Windows NT Operációs RendszerNatural Color szoftver telepítése Natural Color programNatural Color szoftver törlése Auto Menü MagicBrightTartalomjegyzék Picture BrightnessFényerĘ állitása Color Tone Color Control Gamma ColorBrightness Contrast TartalomjegyzékLejátszás/LeállításOSD ImageCoarse Fine Sharpness Position Language Position Positon Transparency Display Time SetupInformation Image Reset Color ResetÁttekintés Telepítés Page Telepítési problémák Hardver OSD mód Picture Kép fül leírása Az Image Kép fül leírása Az Option Beállítások fül leírása Support Támogatás fül leírása Page Color Calibration Színkalibrálás Page Telepítés eltávolítása Hibaelhárítás Tünet Ellenőrizze Megoldás Connection, Check SignalWindows színek helyesen Kérdés Ellenőrizze a következőket, ha probléma van a monitorralKérdések és válaszok ÖntesztHasznos tanácsok Figyelmeztető üzenetekMonitor működésének ellenőrzése Általános adatok Környezeti jellemzök Energiatakarékos üzemmódElĘre beállított megjelenítési üzemmódok Vesa illesztĘ interfészFüggĘleges Frekvencia Vizszintes FrekvenciaAustralia Brazil SzervizGermany United Kingdom PortugalJobb képminĘség érdekében KifejezésekJoggyakorlás User Information FCC Information User InstructionsIC Compliance Notice PCT Notice Why do we have environmentally-labelled monitors?MPR II Compliance European NoticeEurope OnlyCadmium What does labelling involve?Environmental Requirements LeadCFCs freons Why do we have environmentally labelled computers?TCO Development Ergonomics Environmental requirements Flame retardantsTCO03 Recycling Information TCO03 applied model only EnergyEmissions EcologyTransport and Storage Limitations Video In / RS 232 / Video OutKikapcsolás, képernyĘvédĘ vagy energiatakarékos üzemmód Mi a képvisszamaradás?Alkalmazási javaslatok egyes alkalmazási területekhez Példa
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