Samsung RT77BBTS1/SML manual Making Ice Cubes, Removing the Ice Cubes

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Making Ice Cubes

Remove the ice cube tray by pulling it towards you.


Fill the tray with water up to the maximum water level


marked on the rear of the tray.


Slide the tray back into the holder, taking care not to

Water Level

spill the water.

Wait until the ice cubes are formed.


Removing the Ice Cubes

Make sure that the ice cube storage bin is in place under the ice cube tray. If not, slide it into place.

Twist one of the levers firmly in the clockwise direction until the tray twists slightly.

Result : The ice cubes fall into the storage bin.

Repeat Step 2 for the other half of the tray, if necessary.

Remove the storage bin by:

Lifting it slightly

Pulling it towards you


Making ice cubes

Remove the ice cube tray by pulling it towards you. Fill the tray with water up to the maximum water level marked on the rear of the tray.

Slide the tray back into the holder,taking care not to spill the water.

Removing the ice cubes

To remove ice cubes, hold the tray at its ends and twist gently.


With the water dispenser, you can obtain chilled water easily without opening the refrigerator door.

Lift up and pull out the water tank.

• Hold the handgrips on both sides to lift out the water tank.

• Clean the inside of water tank when using it for the first time.

Fill the water tank with water, ensuring that it is in a stable position, allowing for the extended water supply outlet.

Fill with water up to 2.8l. If it is filled higher than this, it may overflow when the lid is closed.

It is impossible to fill the tank with water while it is positioned in the refrigerator.

12_ operating

DA99-01697J(0.1).indb 12

2011.6.8 1:46:19





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