This heater shall not be operated unless the rock compartment in the top of the heater is filled with the rocks, and the guard is in place.
1.1. Piling of the Sauna rocks
The sauna rocks for an electric heater should be 1 9/16"
–3 1/8"
Rocks dust should be washed off before piling the rocks. The rocks should be piled into the rock compartment over the grating, between the heating elements (resistances) so that the rocks support each other. The weight of the rocks should not lie on the heating elements.
The rocks should not be piled too tightly, so that air can flow through the heater. See figure 1. The rocks should be fitted loosely, and not wedged between the heating elements. Very small rocks should not be put into the heater at all.
Therocksshouldcompletelycovertheheatingelements. However,theyshouldnotformahighpileontheelements.
The rocks disintegrate with use. Therefore, they should be rearranged at least once a year or even more often if the sauna is in frequent use. At the same time, any pieces of rocks should be removed from the bottom of the heater, and disintegrated rocks should be replaced with new ones.
The guarantee does not cover any faults caused by the use of rocks not recommended by the plant. Neither does the guarantee cover any faults caused by disintegrated or too small rocks blocking the heater ventilation.
No such objects or devices should be placed inside the heater rock space or near the heater that could change the amount or direction of the air flowing through the heater, thus causing the resistance temperature to rise too high, which may set the wall surfaces on fire!
1.2. Heating of the Sauna
When the heater is switched on for the first time, both theheaterandtherocksemitsmell.Toremovethesmell, the sauna room needs to be efficiently ventilated.
The purpose of the heater is to raise the temperature of the sauna room and the sauna rocks to the required bathing temperature. If the heater output is suitable for the sauna room, it will take about an hour for a properly insulated sauna to reach that temperature. See item 2.1., ”Insulation and wall materials of the Sauna Room”. A suitable temperature for the sauna room is about
The sauna rocks normally reach the required bathing temperature at the same time as the sauna room. If the heatercapacityistoobig,theairinthesaunawillheatvery quickly, whereas the temperature of the rocks may remain insufficient; consequently, the water thrown on the rocks will run through. On the other hand, if the heater capacity is too low for the sauna room, the room will heat slowly and, by throwing water on the rocks, the bather may try to raise the temperature of the sauna. However, the water will only cool down the rocks quickly, and after a while the sauna will not be warm enough and the heater will not be able to provide enough heat.
In order to make bathing enjoyable, the heater capacity should be carefully chosen to suit the size of the sauna room. See item 2.3. ”Heater Output”.
Figure 1. Piling of the sauna rocks
1.3.Control Unit
The heaters
If you wish to use the full 60 min. cycle, turn the timer knob past the first 1 to number 2 or 3 on the dial. Then turn backward to the large 1 until a click is heard. Leave knob at that setting, and Sauna will operate for 1 hour before shutting off automatically.
Figure 2. | Control panel |
| 3 |