Karcher RC 3000 manual Initial Operation, Turning the Robot Off, Turn on the station switch

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￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Please make sure that there are no obstacles on ￿￿￿the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿floor while the￿￿￿￿robot￿￿￿￿￿is￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿running.

– Newspapers, books, magazines, paperOperationPreparation for the Cleaning

– Clothes, toys, CDs

– Single cables in the room

– Plastic bag

– Door sills up to a height of 10 mm

– Bottles, glasses

– Carpet fringes that are shorter than 10 cm

Curtains hanging down on the floor

Bathroom mats

Initial Operation

Turn on the station (switch 4).

The permanent cleaning indicator lamp (G) lights up.

Put the robot on the floor in front of the station.

Turn on the robot (button 10).

The robot firstly goes to the station to empty the dirt receptacle and to check the charging state of the batteries. If required, the batteries are charged. Then, the robot starts its cleaning run.

Indicator lamps (12)


Permanent light

Cleaning run


blinks slowly (on: 1 sec.; off: 4 sec.)

Robot searches station


blinks rapidly (on: 0.5 sec.; off: 0.5 sec.)

Charge batteries!


See “Troubleshooting” section, page 14





Figure 5: Turning on the station

Figure 6: Turning on the robot

Operation After a Long Rest Period

If the robot is turned on with completely empty batteries, the appliance is not operative. Perform the following steps to put the appliance into operation:

• Place the robot near the station, and press the battery con- tacts of the robot against the battery contacts of the station for approximately 60 seconds (Figure 7).

In the course of this, the dirt receptacle is emptied.

• Place the robot at a distance of 50 cm in front of the station, and turn it on (button 10).

The robot autonomously goes to the station and is charged.

The charging time is approximately 60 minutes.

Turning the Robot Off

Figure 7: Operation after a long rest period

If you want the robot to immediately interrupt the cleaning or if you want to move the appliance to a different location, then...

• Turn off the robot (button 11).

• Then, turn off the station (switch 4).

Tip: If you do not want to use the RC 3000 for a longer period of Figure 8: Turning off robot and station time, allow the appliance to charge completely.

RC 3000

English – 9

Image 9
Contents Model RC 3000 Cleaning robot Manuel d’utilisation Contents Operator ManualManual del Operador English Important Safety Instructions General Safety Instructions Quick Reference Assembling the RC Starting the RC Indicator lampsHour-cleaning Operating ControlsThis appliance is intended For household use only Installation Notes for the Station Installing the Access RampPreparation UnpackingIndicator lamps Turn on the station switchInitial Operation Turning the Robot OffQuiet Mode Selecting the Cleaning DurationOperation ParkingTips and Tricks Station Maintenance and CareRobot Open the filter coverCleaning the brush Problem Signal Consequence Solution TroubleshootingWarranty SpecificationsFor which type of floor coverings can I use the robot? Frequently Asked QuestionsHow do pets react to the robot?

RC 3000 specifications

The Karcher RC 3000 is a cutting-edge robotic cleaner designed to tackle various floor cleaning tasks with remarkable efficiency. Engineered to meet the needs of both residential and commercial spaces, this innovative cleaning solution seamlessly integrates advanced technology with user-friendly functionalities.

One of the standout features of the Karcher RC 3000 is its intelligent navigation system. Equipped with state-of-the-art sensors, the robotic cleaner autonomously maps its environment, allowing it to navigate complex spaces without human intervention. This technology enables the RC 3000 to efficiently avoid obstacles and adapt its cleaning path according to the layout of the area, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Another key characteristic of the Karcher RC 3000 is its powerful suction capability. The device boasts a robust motor that generates optimal suction power, effectively picking up dirt, dust, and debris on various floor surfaces including carpets, tiles, and hardwood. The RC 3000 also features dual-side brushes that enhance its cleaning performance by reaching into corners and along edges where dust tends to accumulate.

The Karcher RC 3000 incorporates advanced filter technology to ensure that not only dirt and debris are captured, but also fine particles and allergens. This feature is particularly beneficial for households with allergy sufferers, as it creates a cleaner and healthier living environment.

Another highlight of the RC 3000 is its user-friendly interface. The device can be easily programmed via a mobile app, allowing users to customize cleaning schedules, choose specific cleaning modes, and monitor progress from their smartphones. This connectivity enhances the user experience, making it easy to control cleaning operations from anywhere.

The battery life of the Karcher RC 3000 is commendable, with a runtime sufficient to cover large areas on a single charge. When the battery runs low, the robotic cleaner automatically returns to its charging dock to recharge, ensuring it is always ready for the next cleaning session.

In summary, the Karcher RC 3000 stands out as an advanced robotic cleaner that combines intelligent navigation, powerful suction, advanced filtration, and user-friendly controls. Whether for home or business use, the RC 3000 delivers an efficient and effective cleaning solution, simplifying maintenance and enhancing cleanliness in various environments. Its blend of robust performance and smart technology makes it a valuable addition to any cleaning toolkit.