burning wood - a green choice
Wood is affordable
Reduce your dependence on high priced,
Renewable Resource
Wood is a renewable natural resource -
Wood is Carbon Neutral
As trees grow they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmo- sphere. When trees die and are left to decompose in the for- est or burn in forest fires the carbon stored in the trees is re- leased in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
Burning firewood produces the same amount of carbon di- oxide as it has absorbed during its life cycle - making wood burning carbon neutral.
All Regency Wood Stoves, Fireplaces and Inserts have been tested and certified to the strictest clean air standards as set by the Environmental Protection Agency.
One Regency = One Tree
At Regency, we are committed to protecting our environ- ment. For every Regency sold, we will plant a tree. Working withAmericanForests,thetreesplantedacrossNorthAmerica will offset carbon emissions and take one more step to restore nature's balance.