FilterStream V2510 manual E a N I N G T I P S, Carpet Clean UPS, Upholstery Clean UPS

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Your DirtTamer Ultima® V2510 vacuum will be more effective at cleaning up spills if you adhere to the following procedures:


1.Immediately vacuum up as much of the spill as possible.

2.For oily spills, work some low sudsing carpet shampoo into the area according to the direc- tions on the shampoo container (do not use sol- vent based cleaners). Vacuum up shampoo and spill residue, then proceed to step #3.

For water soluble spills, dampen the spill area using a spray bottle of cold, clean water. Be careful not to saturate the carpet.

3.Work water into the nap of the carpet.

4.Vacuum up water and spill residue.

5.Repeat the above procedure if necessary.

6.Cover the cleaned spill area with several layers of paper towels or a terry cloth towel. Step on the towels several times to soak up the moisture.

7.Brush up the nap of the carpet.


1.Immediately vacuum up as much of the spill as possible.

2.Follow your furniture manufacturer’s instructions for spot cleaning upholstery.

Note: Never use flammable cleaners with your vacuum.


Image 15 FilterStream V2510 manual E a N I N G T I P S, Carpet Clean UPS, Upholstery Clean UPS
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