Airfree Platinum 125 How does Airfree destroy dust mites?, How does Airfree eliminate fungi?

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FAQ - Frequently

Asked Questions

15. How does Airfree destroy dust mites?

Mould reduction in the environment causes reduction in the mould dependant dust mite population.

Airfree also destroys the harmful toxins and fungus freed by dust mite feces that trigger respiratory allergies.

16. How does Airfree eliminate fungi?

As mentioned before, Airfree eliminates airborne microorganisms included fungi and spores. By eliminating spores new colonies are unlikely to develop, represent- ing less future airborne spores.

17. How does Airfree destroy viruses?

Those microscopic microorganisms are easily eliminated inside Airfree’s ceramic core capillaries. The temperature inside of Aifree’s capillaries is much higher than required to incinerate them. Airfree is your greatest ally in respiratory disease pre- vention.

18. Does Airfree reduce tobacco smell?

Yes, Airfree reduces any kind of organic smell in the ambience including tobacco.

19. Does Airfree release any gas or chemical product?

No. Airfree’s sterilisation process is natural. Please check our website for conclusive tests regarding particles and O3.

20. Does Airfree heat up a room?

No. Airfree does not noticeable increase room temperature. To have an idea 2 Air- frees plugged in the same room will contribute as much heat as the presence of one adult in that same room.

21. Does Airfree provoke any change in room’s the relative humidity?



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Contents Platinum Page Index Airfree Products Airfree can safely and silently destroy those allergens Invisible EnemiesApplications Hospitals, Clinics and Laboratories Offices, Public BuildingsLibraries and Museums Schools, KindergartensDust Mites PollensOzone O3 Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus and GermsAirborne mould spores in a regular bedroom Airfree and MouldTechnical Characteristics Airfree Description Installing Connecting Installing Connecting Safety Instructions How Airfree works? How does Airfree Work? MaintenanceDerP-1 Airfree Independent Efficiency TestsFAQ Frequently Asked Questions Can I change Airfree from one room to another? Should I turn off Airfree when I leave house?Is it necessary to keep doors and windows closed? Does Airfree eliminate bacteria and viruses?Does Airfree reduce tobacco smell? How does Airfree destroy dust mites?How does Airfree eliminate fungi? How does Airfree destroy viruses?Can Airfree heated top lid burn children? Warranty Warranty Certificate 2 years