Cleaning and Care
Periodic cleaning of filters and components will keep your Kenmore Compact Electronic Air Cleaner running at peak pedormance. Maintenance is easy and all cleaning can be done using
There are three components that require attention
These components should be cleaned about once every one to two months of continuous use.
Please note that the Charcoal Filter is not to be washed,
However, it can be vacuumed during routine cleaning to remove lint and dirt build up, This filter will need to be replaced periodically for maximum effectiveness to help e/iminafe household odors.
Cleaning Instructions
If the air cleaner is in constant use, the Electronic Filter requires washing about once a month or once every other month to remove the particles collected from room air, If the unit snaps frequently during operation, this is an indication that the Electronic Filter needs to be cleaned.
Washing the Electronic Fitter
Removing the Electronic Filter
Remove the Filter Access Cover and lift the filter out of the cabinet using the handle on the top of the filter.
Removing and Reinstalling
the Filter Access Cover
In order to conduct routine maintenance you'llneed to access the components inside the unit by lifting up and removing the Filter Access Cover.
After cleaning components inside the air cleaner, reinstall the Filter Access Cover. Because of a safety feature, the air cleaner will nut operate if the Filter Access Cover is not replaced correctly.
Removing Filter Access Cover
Before cleaning the Electronic Filter, both the
•Slide the
•Slide the Charcoal Filter upward from the back of the
Electronic Filter
The Electronic Filter is designed so that it can be cleaned using
sufficiently, it should be gently agitated in the water until clean. If the Electronic Filter is extremely dirty, spray it with
Thoroughly rinse both sides of the Electronic Filter. If a sprayer is available, spray with water. Check to make sure each layer of the Electronic Filter is clean, Shake as much water out of the Electronic Filter as possible. Wipe along the ionizing wires carefully with a cotton swab and alcohol.
After reinstalling the Electronic Filter, operate the unit in the Dry position for one hour to ensure that it is thoroughly dr_
Failure to do so could cause permanent damage to Electronic Filter.