BEA Dip Switch I manual 999B-+-4C

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Image 7
Contents Title Wizard with MC25 Stanley Duraglide Control Interior Wizard Exterior Wizard Transformer80.0117.02 Left Iris Right Iris Exterior Wizard Interior Wizard80.0118.04 LO21S Disconnect on SafetyBodyguard Stanley MP 80.0123.04 Title Stanley Duraglide with Wizard II SYSTEM, Microcell80.0125.03 Transformer BodyguardLO21B/U Yellow Bodyguard TransformerStanley MP Control999B-+-4C Motor BodyguardLO21S Stanley MP Control80.0148.01 TransformerSee Note Exterior Iris Interior IrisExterior Interior Sidelite Iris Eagle 80.0155.0280.0168.02 Exterior Eagle InteriorParallax 2 System LO21B/U MotorBodyguard Transformer Title Stanley Magic Force with80.0171.02 Disconnect on Safety SideOperate Sensor OP SAFETY/STALL80.0187.04 Common80.0188.04 On Safety SidePush to Test 80.0203.01TUC Scale Date Sheet None 80.0212.01 Transformer Eagle N.OLO21P Title Stanley MP Control with LO-21P, BODYGUARD, Eagle699 73!3#03!2*3!?699 ?C8 LO-LINX Control Pre-wired switch assemblyTitle LO-LINX System Stanley MP/HDLE Control See Note #1Title Stanley 521 LO-LINX System TransformerSee Note LO-LINX Control