Promise Technology PDC20271 Optimize Array For, +!!,%%, +$!!!!=, 1-10, C*%B!$ %, + ,%+ , G1=%H

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Optimize Array For

Optimize Array For

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Promise PDC 20271 IDERAID Controller

Image 12
Contents Page 7,0/8 7,08 3*90 #,&1 93,&1#$ %&%& !# &*+ 5+ -,06#Introduction singlePromise PDC 20271 IDERAID Controller # !$!% #!#!#!# + , +Keys Features and Benefits Promise PDC 20271 IDERAID Controller##6##2## 1 =$!.!# # ! #$!% C 234 %Or press ESC key to continue booting the system Creating Your Disk ArrayD .!! . ! 1 !% % % #$%&#Auto Setup Options Menu Creating a Security Array With New Drives2* E&!DF%% FastBuild tm Utility 1.xx c 1995-2000 Promise Technology IncUsing FastBuild Configuration Utility G5H&1!%$*%%$% 6* . ! I %Navigating the FastBuild Setup Menu $! Functional, Critical, OfflineC!%1.!!!% 5450 A0 &274& B &9Using the Main Menu +,%.$!* %144.3 6*10230Creating Arrays Automatically  .!!!!%$!%EF!//!% FastBuild tm Utility 1.xx c 1995-2000 Promise Technology, IncOptimize Array For +!!,%%+$!!!!= 1-101-11 @. E2F//!%$% + /# /# 15&#3Deleting An Array E6F / !!. ! %$!=% J !K% 2* @.% .!!+$Rebuilding A Mirrored Array $!%%%1-13 15,&$4.31$!% $ %EFEF$!% 3* 8!%.G&!H L* JKViewing Controller Settings 1-151↑ 39*1↓ J! $!K $ $.!!$1-16 1$.2,#.32!50 2!50 .*-& / -&E 1← %→ %*32!#*10230Installing Drivers Windows5.-.2 2* -G-.2H..GH + G1H!G1HGH%Installing Driver in Existing Windows 2000 System 2.!!.G5.8.H!$C 2G& &!!H.!!$!%$ $ C GN-52HC$C*GHUsing The FastCheck Monitoring Utility Confirming Windows 2000 InstallationInstalling FastCheck 2* &G8.H$!G /H$Running FastCheck C!%$5. !!!D .!%% 2*=$Closing FastCheck Synchronizing An Array=%$@ 2* ! % % . %= G%=HC 1&+!!%!!%6* 1 %= $ .!! $1 %= 51 $ =%.%Using Rebuild Wizard Rebuilding An Array$!%$@ RH$%!1I$!!%$!..*C 6* $!-=2G$!H$%%R5C$$!-=2&! $ $%!$!$. 2 &! $$!%% 51% GDH$!*!!5$1 % $! 51 $ $!!*%&$! %.!!$!!%About RAID Levels Striping RAID3I.!GHG#@H6I 2-10Mirroring RAID $!*&62-11 C!.4$%24 4$Troubleshooting System CMOS Issues+%+%%,#%%%% 1 1 % #@Drive-Related Errors #%%# %%$%&% $/#!+2C+*0%0$## # 1%&#.%*$ 2345#2#L3.!!.=!%%%  2* 2A@. AOperating System-Related Errors %%$ +% # *%#2 %%# 5%6665%%%+ $ L* -A&A%.$Performance Tips 7%%8+ # %$5%6667%!%#8+ # 9+ $5%666 A-.2