Pella 802Q0102 installation instructions Finish, Care and Maintenance Important Notice

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7KHLQWHULRUDQGH[WHULRUIUDPHDQGVDVKDUHSURWHFWHGE\DSRZGHUFRDWEDNHGRQIDFWRU\ŵQLVK that requires no painting. Clean this surface with mild soap and water. Stubborn stains and deposits may be removed with mineral spirts. DO NOT use abrasives. DO NOT scrape or use tools that might damage the surface.

Use of inappropriate solvents, brickwash or cleaning chemicals will cause adverse reactions with window and door materials and voids the Limited Warranty.


Care and maintenance information is available by contacting your local Pella retailer. This information is also available at


%HFDXVHDOOFRQVWUXFWLRQPXVWDQWLFLSDWHVRPHZDWHULQŵOWUDWLRQLWLVLPSRUWDQWWKDWWKHZDOOV\VWHP be designed and constructed to properly manage moisture. Pella Corporation is not responsible IRUFODLPVRUGDPDJHVFDXVHGE\DQWLFLSDWHGDQGXQDQWLFLSDWHGZDWHULQŵOWUDWLRQGHŵFLHQFLHVLQ EXLOGLQJGHVLJQFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGPDLQWHQDQFHIDLOXUHWRLQVWDOO3HOODp products in accordance ZLWK3HOODLQVWDOODWLRQLQVWUXFWLRQVRUWKHXVHRI3HOODSURGXFWVLQZDOOV\VWHPVZKLFKGRQRWDOORZ for proper management of moisture within the wall systems. The determination of the suitability of all building components, including the use of Pella products, as well as the design and installation of flashing and sealing systems are the responsibility of the Buyer or User, the architect, contractor, installer, or other construction professional and are not the responsibility of Pella.

Pella products should not be used in barrier wall systems which do not allow for proper PDQDJHPHQWRIPRLVWXUHZLWKLQWKHZDOOV\VWHPVVXFKDVEDUULHU([WHULRU,QVXODWLRQDQG)LQLVK 6\VWHPV (,)6  DOVRNQRZQDVV\QWKHWLFVWXFFR RURWKHUQRQZDWHUPDQDJHGV\VWHPV([FHSW LQWKHVWDWHVRI&DOLIRUQLD1HZ0H[LFR$UL]RQD1HYDGD8WDKDQG&RORUDGRPella makes no warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for Pella windows and doors installed in barrier wall systems. In the states listed above, the installation of Pella products in barrier wall or similar systems must be in accordance with Pella installation instructions.


Image 7
Contents Window and door foam sealant do not use high JDOYDQLHGURRŵQJQDLOV OE Door flashing tape or equivalent Equivalent high quality, multi-purpose sealantApply sill flashing tape #2. Cut a piece of flashing tape Rough Opening PreparationConfirm the window will fit the opening. Measure all Cut the water resistive barrierCheck the window operation.5HPRYHWKHSODVWLF Setting and Fastening the WindowRemove plastic wrap and cardboard packaging from TWO or More People will be Required for the Following StepsApply flashing tape to diagonal cuts. Cut pieces Integrating the Window to the Water Resistive BarrierInterior Seal Apply side flashing tape. Cut two pieces of flashingSealing the Window to the Exterior Wall Cladding Shape, tool and clean excess sealant. When5A$ To Install the Windows Proceed to C Applying Installation FinsFrame sill groove located on Bottom window frame member Finish Care and Maintenance Important Notice