1.0General Description
The V300 Stroke Rate Controller provides precision flow control for FMI variable speed "V" Series pumps. The V300 accomplishes this by varying the pump stroke rate from 5% to 100% of the drive’s rated speed range of 90 to 1800 Strokes per Minute (SPM). The complete pump system consists of the V300 Controller and a variable speed "V" Series Pump. The V300 and pump are connected via a single cable (standard length is 4 meters while optional extension cables up to 20 meters are readily available).
The pump is comprised of a 90 volt DC pump drive module (PDM) with integrally mounted pump head module (PHM), and is available in two configurations, QV and RHV, to accommodate FMI's full range of pump head sizes.
1.1Features (See Figures 1 & 2)
Convenient front panel membrane switches for Run, Stop, Increase Flow & Decrease Flow.
3 1/2 Digit LCD displays percent of Flow/Speed. Selectable Manual or Analog flow rate control. Manual setting of flow rate with 0.1% adjustability Analog Input selectable
Start, Stop, and Reverse Flow while maintaining flow settings.
Current fold back eliminates stalled motor/ electronics damage.
Universal Power accepts
Rugged, Anodized Aluminum Enclosure designed for
2.0Specifications ( See Fig. 3 Page 5)
2.1Power In
Supply Voltage:
Main Supply Current: 0.5 Amp
Dimensions: 7" H x 6 1/8" W x 4 3/4" D (180 x 158 x
120 mm) Weight: 3.8 lbs. (1.72kgs)
Humidity: 80% max for temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing linearly to 50% relative humidity at 40°C. Pollution degree, 2
Operating temperatures range from 5ºC to 40ºC (41ºF to 104ºF)
3.0Installation & Setup
The V300 modules are designed to operate on a Table-
top or as a
The system is configured for table top installation ini- tially with rubber grommets slid into the mounting slots. Before moving on to configuring the control module, make sure that these rubber grommets are in place. There are no further installation steps for table top use.
For wall mounting, it is necessary to remove the four rubber grommets from the control module before attempting to mount. Each unit must be mounted in the correct orientation; with the labels facing right side up, the control module will have the cables at the bottom, the pump module will have the pump mounted to the bottom as well. Wall mounting may require an appro- priate mounting board of at least 1/2”(12mm) thickness to straddle the studs of a typical plasterboard wall. See
!Figure 4
Caution: Do not mount V300 Controller or Pump Modules directly to plaster board.
The configuration is set by selecting one of four inter- face modes accomplished with a 'set and forget' screw- driver slotted mode switch located on the front panel. The controller also incorporates a screwdriver slotted pump reversing switch on the front panel to facilitate special maintenance requirements. In all cases, the stroke rate is limited to a minimum of 5.0% and a max- imum of 100.0% providing a stroke rate of 90 (5.0%) to 1800 (100.0%) strokes per minute.
The reversing switch is marked as "REV", "OFF", and "FWD". It must be set to "FWD" for normal operation. (See Figure 1)
Note: If the reversing switch is changed while the motor is running, the control module will shut down the pump and wait until the user presses "RUN". If the switch is left in the "OFF" position, the display will indi- cate a steady "OFF" condition.
The "RUN" button will start the pump drive module. The display will indicate the current stroke rate. The "STOP" button will immediately stop the pump and the display will alternate between "OFF" and the current stroke rate. The pump will remain "OFF" until the user
!presses "RUN".
Caution: Do not attempt to apply power to the control unit until it is configured to one of the following modes.
3.2.1Manual Mode
Use this mode if you want to control the stroke rate manually. This mode allows you to select a stroke rate by pressing the up and down arrows located next to the