Kompernass KH 1170 manual Safety Functions, Inserting the ingredients, Example

Page 7
appliance lid process.

Safety Functions

If the temperature in the appliance is too high for a newly selected program- me, after it has been used directly pre- viously for another programme, on the new start there appears in the display

„H:HH“. The signal tone sounds. Should such a case occur, press the button Stop/Start until the detail „H:HH“ is erased and the basic adjustments

appear in the display

. Wait for ca. 20

minutes, with the lid

open, until the

appliance has cooled down.

Baking bread

Inserting the ingredients

Place both of the kneading hooks onto the drive shaft.

Place the ingredients into the baking

mould . The ingredients must be placed into the baking mould in the placement sequence specified in the recipe. Ensure that no contami- nation from outside can adhere to the baking mould.

Inserting the baking mould

Hold the non-stick coated baking

mould firmly on the edges with both hands and insert it exactly into the middle of the baking space

on the drive shaft.

Carefully press the baking mould downwards until it engages.

• Close the appliance lid .

Switching on

Insert the power plug into a correctly installed power socket with a rating of 230 V, ~50 Hz.

Programme selection

Choose the desired programme with

the button Selection .

Choose the desired browning with

the button Browning .

To start the programme, press the

button Start/Stop .


Choose the desired programme with

the button Selection .

Choose the desired browning with

the button Browning .

• With the button Time you can delay the start of the programme.

Add to the time details already given automatically in the respective programme the period of time, in hours and minutes, after which the programme is to commence. If necessary, take into consideration the keep-warm time of one hour (on completion of the baking process)!

The maximum time delay amounts to 13 hours.

Warning! Before you bake a particu- lar type of bread with time delay first try out the recipe under obser- vation, to ensure that the rela- tionships of the ingredients to each other is correct, the dough is not too firm or too thin, or the amounts are not too large and could then possi- bly overflow. Danger of Fire!


Astandard mixed-flour bread with medium browning and a larger bread weight is to be baked during a later period

of time. First of all select programme 1 , medium browning and the dough volume Level II (larger bread weight). Let us assume it is 08:00 and the bread should be ready in the evening at around 18:30, i.e. in ten hours and 30 minutes time. Press the button Time until 10:30 appears, as the time period to be considered is one of ten hours and 30 minutes, between „now“ (8:00 Uhr) and the desired time of completion. With time delayed baking please do not use perishable ingredients such as milk, eggs, fruit, yoghurt, onions etc.!

To start the programme, press the

button Start/Stop .

Mixing and kneading dough

The Bread Baking Machine mixes and kneads the dough for as long as is sche- duled in the baking programme (see Table).

Tip: If you remove the kneading hooks from the dough after the last kneading process, the bread will

not be torn when removing it from the baking mould . For this, you must interrupt the baking program- me.

To interrupt the baking programme remove the plug from the wall socket.

Do not press the button Start/Stop .

• Open the appliance lid and remove the baking mould .

With floured hands, you can remove the dough and then dismantle the kneading hooks .

Place the dough back into the

baking mould , replace the baking mould in the appliance and close the lid .

Reinsert the plug into the wall socket. The baking programme will be auto- matically continued.

Note: The interruption may not last longer than 10 minutes! If it does, the baking programme will not be continued.

Allowing the dough to rise

After the last kneading the Bread Baking Machine creates the optimal temperature for the dough to rise. Absolutely leave the appliance lid closed during this period.


Danger of Burns! Never open the during the baking

The Bread Baking Machine automatically regulates the baking temperature and time. Should the bread still be too light on completion of the baking programme, it can be after-baked using the programme


Press the button Start/Stop until


the signal tone sounds and then


allow the appliance to cool down


for ca. 20 minutes, with the lid



Press the button Select several


times, to choose the programme



To start the after-baking, press the

button Start/Stop .

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Image 7
Contents  Bread Baking Machine Page Bread Baking Machine KH1170 Overview Control panel AccessoriesDisplay Initial cleaningDisposal of the packaging material PreheatingButton Time Button Dough VolumeSignal tone function Button Start/StopInserting the ingredients Safety FunctionsExample Baking mould and kneading hooks Housing, lid, baking spaceExpress Whole Meal Cake Dough Baking Marmalade Fluffy Programm NrAre stuck