Start the in&Nation
dimensions _
Food Waste Disposer
Dimenslons In Mllllmeters.
B’ - Distance from bottom of sink to center Ike of disposer outlet Add 1Q 7 mm tien sramless steel srnk is used.
C* - Length of waste line pope horn center
IIW of disposer outlet to end of waSte lineLE-Ime.
IMPORTANT: Plumb waste line to prevent standrng water in the drsposer motor housrng.
Check that all parts were included.
Drawing shows Just one model type.
InaP rins
2 supplyElectrical
Before attemptrng to rnstall electrrcal supply to your drsposer, you must be very famrlrar wrth electrical power and proper procedures If you are not, contact a qualrfred electwan Thus applrance ISequrpped wrth copper wires. Use
ARemove the fuse or turn the circurt breaker to
If you are nplaclng a” old disposer, go to step 3.
For a first tlmc Installation, connect 15. or
6.For continuous feed models. Install a 15- of
corwenrent locatron Connect swtch to junction box. All wlrlng must comply wkh
locsl codes and ordlnmces. NO. 14.gauge wee is the smellest srze wire allowable for use with a
The drsposer can be rnstalled usrng a power supply cotd wrth a 3.prong groundrng plug Th6 type of power supply cord 1sa&able from local sources
3 Remove old disposer.
Compare your new disposer mountrng assembly wrth the exrstrng mountrng.
If the mounting assembkes are the same, complete Steps 3A, 8, D, E.
A. Using a pope wrench, disconnect the drain lrne &we rt attaches to the drsposer waste line prpe
B. If old dlspour mwntlng Is the sdme a5 your new one, rnsen end of
of the
C. II old disposer mounting Is different from your new one, remove the nuts on the mountrng rrng usrng plrers or an adjustable wench. Remove old drsposer. You may need to remove a clamp or burst the drswser to remove It
D.Tum disposer upside down and remove the electrical plate.
E. use a xwwdrrver to remove the grounding we. Remove wire nuts horn power
mres Separate dwoser power wires km the cable wres Loosen screv.6)
on warn relief and remove cable from the disposer.
lfold disposer mounting is the same es your new disposer mounting, go to step 5.
E Loosen screws and remove the mountrng rrng and
G. Push old sink sleeve up through the srnk hole and remwe
H.Clean sealant horn smk hole nm using a xre+.driver or putty knfe to scrape away all traces of putty of caulklrg from the sink hole rim. Hole nm must be as clean as possible for a gad, watertrght seal.
4 To install our sink’s firs Y disposer :
&Use wrench to looser! nut at top of “P”.Wap.