Posuda u koju voda kaplje skuplja prljavu vodu i spremnik iskorištene kave skuplja iskorištenu kavu. The drip tray receives waste water and the coffee grounds collector receives used coffee grounds. Ladica za čišćenje nedozvoljava skupljanje kave iznad komore
The coffee cleaning tray allows you to eliminate any deposits of coffee grounds above the percolation chamber.
Ako se na zaslonu pri- If the above message kaže ova poruka,uklonite, appears, remove, empty ispraznite i očistite pos- and clean the drip tray. udu u koju voda kaplje.
Uklonite spremnik za Remove the coffee otpatke.
cleaning tray.
Isperite ga pod vodom | Uklonite, ispraznite |
Clean it under water | Remove, empty and |
i osušite pažljivo prije | i očistite spremnik |
and dry thoroughly | clean the coffee |
ponovnog namještanja. | iskorištene kave. |
before | grounds collector. |
Posuda u koju voda kaplje je The drip tray is equipped opremljena sa pokazivačima with floats to tell you koji Vam pokazuju kada je trebatewhen toispraznitiempty. it.
As soon as you remove the coffee grounds collector, you will have to empty it completely to avoid any overflow. Čim uklonite spremnik iskorištene kave, morati ćete ga isprazniti do kraja da izbjegnete bilo kakvo prosipanje.
The warning message will remain displayed if the coffee grounds collector is not slotted in fully or not fitted correctly. PorukaIf the upozorenjacoffee groundsće ostaticollectorna zaslonuis fitted withinako spremnikless thankorištene8 seconds,kavethenijeapplianceispražnjen,will asknamještenyou to confirmili ako nijethatvraćenyou haveza 8 sekundicorrectly. Aparatemptiedće Vasit. Youpitaticannotda potvrditemake espreda stesogaor coffeeisprazniliwhile. Nethemožetewarningpravitimessagekavu iliis espressodisplayed.ako je poruka i dalje
prikazanaThe coffeena groundszaslonu.collectorSpremnikhasimaa maximumkapacitetcapacityod maksimalnoof 12 coffees12 napravljenih. kava.
ProgramYou shouldčišćenjaperformtrebalothe cleaningbi da pokreneteprogram aboutnakoneverysvakih360350preparationsnapravljenihof kavaespresso. Aparator coffeeće Vas. obavijestiti da je vrijeme zaThečišćenje,appliancejerwillće letse you„clean“knowlampicawhen youupalitineed. to proceed with cleaning through the ‘clean’ light coming on.
!!!Upozorenje:Caution! To benefitKada Vasfromuređajtheupozoriwarrantyda conditions,je vrijeme zaitčišćenje,is ess ntialpridržavajteto performse uputathe applianceda ne bistecleaningponištilicycle jamstvowhen informed. Vodite računato dodasopratite. Be sureuputeto followza uporabu,the orderkorakofpooperationskorak. Možete. nastaviti koristiti Vaš uređaj iako je
You can continue to use the appliance, but you are advised to perform the program as soon as possible. žaruljica upaljena, ali preporučujemo čišćenje što je prije moguće.
To perform the cleaning program, you will need a recipient with minimum capacity of 0.6 litres and a KRUPS (XS 3000) cleaning Za program čišćenja biti će Vam potrebna posuda minimalnog kapaciteta 0,6l i KRUPS (XS3000) tablete za čišćenje. tablets.
PressPritisnitethe „Prog“ tipkukey todastartzapočnetethe proces automaticautomatskogcleaningčišćenja,pro- gramkada whense na thezaslonu “Cleaningpojavi „cleaningneeded”needed“ messageporuka. is displayed.
JednostavnoJust follow the slijediteinstructionsupute nashownzaslonuon the.
ProgramThe automaticautomatskogcleaningčišćenjaprogramje trodijelniis in threeprocesparts.
možeteminu szapočeti. proces čišćenja biloPresskada. Nakontotogaperformodaberitecleaning
MAINTENANCE=>OK=>CLEANINGat any time and then choose
If you press the ‘On/Off’ key during cleaning or in the event of power failure, the cleaning program will start Ako pritisnete „On/off“ tipku tokom procesa čišćenja ili ako nestane struje, proces čišćenja će početi ponovo. again right from the beginning. You will not be able to postpone this operation. This is essential due to water Nećete biti u mogućnosti odgoditi ovu operaciju. U ovom slučaju, trebati će Vam druga tableta za čišćenje. Nastojte system rinsing reasons. In this case, you will need to use another cleaning tablet. Be sure to complete the entire u potpunosti završiti proces čišćenja da biste izbjegli rizik od iritacije (potražite savjet liječnika ako su preparati za cleaning cycle to avoid any risk of irritation (seek medical advice if cleaning solutions are accidently swallowed. čišćenje slučajno progutani) Ciklus čišćenja je nastavljajući ciklus. Ne stavljajte ruke pod cjevčice za kavu u tijeku The cleaning cycle is a discontinuous cycle. Do not put your hands under the coffee outlets during the cycle. procesa.
Only use KRUPS (XS3000) cleaning tablets. We cannot be held responsible for any damage that may result
!!!fromKoristitethe usesamoofKRUPStablets (XS3000)from othertabletebrandsza. čišćenje. Mi ne odgovaramo za štete ukoliko koristite neke druge tableteYou can. Tableteobtainzacleaningčišćenjetabletsmožetefromnaći KRUPSu KRUPSServiceservisu.Centres.
Make certain to protect your work surface during cleaning cycles, especially if they are made of Osigurajte da su radne površine zaštićene tijekom procesa čišćenja, naročito ako su od mramora, kamena ili marble, stone or wood.