For your Safety
Thismanualformsanintegralpartoftheappliance.Itmustalwaysbekepthandyforreference.Readthroughalltheinstructionscontainedinthismanual beforeusingthedishwasher.
Installation must be performed by a qualified technician, in compliance with the regulations in force, including the prevention and elimination of radio frequency interference.
The dishwasher is designed for washing and drying dishes, any other use shall be considered improper. The manufacturer declines all responsibility for uses other than those described above.
1.Seperate the various packaging materials and dispose of safely - DO NOT leave discarded packaging materialaroundthehome.
2.Afterremovingthepackaging, check to make sure your appliance is intact. If in doubt, contact a qualified professional.
3.DONOTuse extensionleads and multiple plugs. If the electricity supply wire is not long enough, then have it replacedwithoneofthecorrect length and remember that it should be free of bends or dangerouskinks.
4.In the event of any damage to the power cord have it replaced by a qualified technician.
5.Themainsplugmustbeeasily accessibleafterinstallation.
6.Iftheapplianceisnotoperating properly or if maintenance operations are necessary, disconnect the dishwasher from the mains power supply (unplugit!).
7.DO NOT install outdoors, not even if the area is covered by a roof: it is extremely dangeroustoleaveitexposed to rain and thunderstorms.
8.If installed on a carpeted or covered floor, ensure that the openingsontheundersideare not obstructed.
9.Do not touch the heating elementduringorstraightafter a wash cycle.
10.Iftheappliancemalfunctions, turn off the water inlet tap and disconnect the plug from the wall socket. Then read the sectionentitled "Troubleshooting".Ifyou cannot resolve the problem, thencallHotpointService (seeKEYCONTACTS,back page).
11.Cutlery and sharp utensils should always be inserted in randomorderwiththeblades pointingdownwards(take care with knife blades).
12.For your own safety, ensure the door is closed when the dishwasher is not in use.
Theratingplate,featuringthe technicaldata,serialnumber andmarkings,isvisibly positionedontheinneredgeof thedoor.
The dishwasher is intended for use by adults. DO NOT allow children to come near or play with the controls.
Keep children away from detergents and clear of the dishwasher door when open.
Keep all packaging material away from children.
1.DO NOT use solvents, such as alcohol or turpentine which may causeanexplosion.
2.DO NOT load dishes to wash that are soiled with ash, wax or paints.
3.DO NOT lean, sit or stand on any part of the dishwasher - this could causeinjuryand/ordamagetheappliance.
4.DO NOT drink any water residues from inside the dishwasher.