Black & Decker TS2040, TS2080 manual ºU¥b≤ ˸ ¨ut œ¥~d, Ödœœ dœÈ≠ Åb±U‹ ¥U Ë dJv∑J∞« u„ ßuÈ, ¬¢g dË

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Image 14
Contents Removable Plate Sandwich Maker / Grill English Farsi ArabicImportant Safeguards Parts Identification Safety of others Intended Use Using your applianceSafety Instructions Inspection and repairs Electrical SafetyAfter use Extension cables & class 1 productToasting TS2040 Use Removable cooking platesPreheating Grilling TS2060 / TS2080Voltage220-240V Power750W Weight1.3Kg Cleaning and MaintenanceTechnical Data Protecting the environment~v≤îU ±BU¸· §NX ¢MNU bÁ d«v Îd¥b M~UÂ≥ t∞∂±DU ¸Ë‘ Uœ b≥îu« HUË‹∑± ±Bd· ±u¸œ ¨c«¥v ¥ºX Oj± « HUXMv≠ ±AªBU‹ Mb≥îu« ¸Ës UMbBÊ §b« ÆUq ĪX ±ªBu’ UÈ≥ ßOMv HUœÁ∑«ß « Äf Øö UÈ≥ ~UÁ∑œß Ë ¸«j UÈ≥ ßOr«ßX ±Bd· ±u¸œ¸Ëœ ±v ALU¸ dË¸È 0802ST 0402ST AdœÊ≠ Ë d‘ v∏K∏± ßOMv 0802ST 0602ST Öd¥q ±ªBu’ ßOMv≤U JU· Ob≥œ u¥q¢ Uπ± îb±U‹ Ë ßdË¥f ±d«Øe ¥U Ë œØd b≤« Kp ßdË¥f ºU¥b≤ ˸ ¨ut œ¥~dÖdœœ dœÈ≠ Åb±U‹ ¥U Ë dJv∑J∞« u„ ßuÈ, ¬¢g dË Black & Decker Ad«¡∞« ´MbIj≠ OW∞LMe∞« FLUô‹∑öß∞ ÅÔLr ±b¢tU±öÎUÎ≤LUUÊ∞« OW∞LMe∞«∞u≠ ªb«Â∑«ôß ∂Lº∞« ºªOs∞∑«Idt HU‰« «ùÅöÕ hH∞««≥ ªb«Â∑«ß ´Mb ¢Q¸¥i ßKp ªb«Â∑«ß ¥Ke ªb«Â∑«ôß Fb¢MEOHt «üîd¥s ßö±W´Kv k≠U f,∂LI∞« ±s IUf∞« HBq∞ ºKp∞« V¢º ô LuÅq∞« f∂LI∞«0802ST 0402ST, Au«¡∞« o∂ ∂±A0802ST 0402ST, ªb«Â∑«ôß ßNq KY∏L∞« ºªOs∞∑« o∂ ∂D∞« ¨ö‚≈ ßb«œ«‹±W≥ ¸Uœ«‹≈ ßUîMWUÎßD√ ¥ö±f Ë√ …LMCb∞« W≠U u‚≠ v∞b∑¥ ºKp∞« ¢bŸ ôPostcode …ó``jÈdG õ`eôdG

TS2040, TS2060, TS2080 specifications

Black & Decker is well-known for its innovative and reliable tools, and its lineup of toasters, including the TS2080, TS2060, and TS2040, exemplifies the brand’s commitment to creating quality kitchen appliances. These toasters combine modern technology with user-friendly features to enhance breakfast routines.

The Black & Decker TS2080 is designed for those who enjoy versatility in their toasting preferences. It features a 4-slice capacity, making it ideal for families or individuals who love having multiple slices of toast ready at once. This model is equipped with an adjustable browning control, allowing users to select their desired level of crispiness, from light golden brown to deep toasting. The extra-wide slots accommodate a variety of bread types, including thick artisan slices and bagels, ensuring that every kind of toast is perfectly toasted.

In a similar vein, the TS2060 boasts a compact design while still delivering impressive functionality. This 2-slice toaster provides essential toasting features along with a sleek, modern aesthetic that fits seamlessly into any kitchen décor. It also has a high-lift lever that enables users to retrieve smaller items without burning their fingers. This model's quick toasting technology ensures that breakfast is ready in no time, making it perfect for those with busy mornings.

The TS2040 further expands on convenience with its unique features. Also a 4-slice toaster, it comes with a dedicated bagel setting that toasts the cut side while gently warming the outer side, achieving that perfect bagel texture. Additionally, this model includes a crumb tray for effortless cleanup, ensuring that your countertop remains tidy. Its variable browning control allows you to customize your toast to your liking, providing the ultimate in toasting fun.

All three models incorporate the brand's signature design and reliability, featuring durable materials that stand up to daily use. Additionally, safety features such as automatic shut-off help prevent overheating, making these toasters not only functional but also safe for everyday use.

In summary, whether you choose the TS2080 for its capacity, the TS2060 for its compactness, or the TS2040 for its bagel-friendly features, you can count on Black & Decker to deliver excellent performance in every toast you make. Each model reflects the brand’s legacy of innovation, quality, and user-oriented design, ensuring that your breakfast experience is as enjoyable as possible.