Defy Appliances DHG 117, DHG 116 manual #39

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DHG 117, DHG 116 specifications

Defy Appliances has consistently been a pioneering force in home appliances, and the DHG 116 and DHG 117 models exemplify their commitment to innovation and quality. Both of these high-efficiency tumble dryers are designed to meet the demands of modern households while providing exceptional performance and convenience.

One of the standout features of the DHG 116 and DHG 117 is their advanced heat pump technology. This energy-efficient system operates at lower temperatures than conventional dryers, ensuring that clothes are dried thoroughly while minimizing wear and tear. The heat pump technology not only protects fabrics but also significantly reduces energy consumption, making these models environmentally friendly and cost-effective to run.

Another notable characteristic of these dryers is their large capacity. Both the DHG 116 and DHG 117 can accommodate a substantial amount of laundry, making them ideal for families or individuals who frequently wash large loads. This spacious drum design allows for effective airflow, ensuring that every garment receives equal exposure to heat, resulting in even drying and preventing clumping of clothing.

The intuitive control panel featured on both models makes operation straightforward and user-friendly. With multiple drying programs and settings tailored for various fabric types and drying needs, users can easily select the optimal cycle for their laundry. The inclusion of options such as quick dry and delicate settings further enhances their versatility and convenience.

Safety is also a priority in the design of the DHG 116 and DHG 117. Built-in features such as overheat protection and a child lock ensure that these appliances operate safely in any household environment. Additionally, the models include a lint filter that is easy to clean, promoting efficient operation and preventing fire hazards.

Both dryers also incorporate a modern aesthetic, available in sleek finishes that can complement any laundry room decor. The compact design ensures that they can fit into various spaces, making them a practical choice for those with limited room.

In summary, the Defy Appliances DHG 116 and DHG 117 are excellent choices for anyone looking to upgrade their laundry experience. With advanced heat pump technology, large capacity, and user-friendly controls, they not only provide efficient drying solutions but also ensure the longevity of your garments while being mindful of energy consumption.