Installation of the 700 Receiver system
We assume your dish has been mounted and installed correctly and that you know how to make polarization and position adjustments.
INPUT SIGNAL to the 700 is via the F connector labeled LNB
If you are making a new dish installation, be sure any system gaskets are in place. Use a connector sealer material, such as "Coax Seal" or a putty type sealer sold by air conditioner supply stores, around the coax connector. Take care to do a good job as moisture invading the LNB or cable is one of the most common causes of system failure.
POINTING AND OPTIMIZING the dish: If you don't have access to equipment other than your Zephyrus 700 package, take the 700 out to the dish along with a
Use a compass to point the dish to the approximate point in the sky where you expect to find the satellite. If you don't know where this is, give us a call with the name of the satellite and your location and we can give you the pointing instructions.
If you are properly polarized, you will hear the program audio as you zero in on the
satellite. NOTE: If you are having difficulty hearing the audio, it may help to temporarily disable the Frequency Search feature of the receiver at this time.
When you get to this point, use the RELATIVE RF meter to peak your adjustments. Reset the meter sensitivity pot, if necessary, to keep the meter in an operating range.
Indication of weak signal: Misadjustment of the dish/polarity, LNB trouble, moisture in the cable connectors, or front end trouble in the satellite receiver can all cause a weak signal to the demod in the receiver. Any of these can have the effect of causing "pops" in the program audio as the problem develops. As the problem worsens, the pops get more frequent, eventually turning to "static" and activating the squelch in the receiver. The effect is much the same as driving out of range of an FM broadcast station with your car radio. This type of
Installation MA700NST.SAM