Before using for the rst time, it is recommended to clean the interior of the kettle thoroughly. Please follow the procedures below before using the kettle:
1.Remove all packing materials and make sure that the product has been received in good condition.
2.Taking care to keep the electrical components on the exterior of the kettle dry, wipe out the interior of the kettle with a damp cloth. If your hand will not t inside the kettle, swish warm, soapy water around in the interior of the kettle with the lid closed.
3.Rinse out the inside of the kettle thoroughly with water.
4.With a damp cloth, gently wipe off the exterior of the kettle. Do not wipe off electrical components as this may cause damage to the unit.
5.Dry all parts completely.
6.It is recommended to run your kettle through one boiling cycle before using it to consume beverages. Following the instructions in “To Boil Water” on page 5, boil one kettle of water. When water has boiled, pour it out and rinse the inside of the kettle once more. The kettle is now ready for use.
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