Maintaining | the Dishwasher | oeooeoeeeeoommoeeeoeeeeeleeooe | e |
Your new Maytag Jetelean ® dishwasher requires little
maintenance attention. However, if' you are going on vacation, leaving a summer home or storing the dish- washer for an extended period of time, you may want to review the follox_dnginformation.
Dishwasher Interior
The inside design is normally
You may also want to wipe the edge of the inner door liner to remme any food soil splashes which occurred during loading.
Storage/Moving | ' |
Fill both de_:ergent cups with a
Dishwasher Exterior
The front of the dishwasher can be cleaned with a soft
damp cloth and liquid spray cleaner. Do not use an),
abrasive powders or cleaning pads.
Any odor inside the dishwasher is likely related to a chemical (chlorine) odor from the detergent or a fi_od odor from soiled items sitting in the dishwasher. Try using a difi'erent detergent, especially a lemon- scent-
ed nne, or purchase a fresh package and see if the odor decreases.
It is recommended that the Rinse & Hold fbatore be
used if dishes are to be held for a couple of da}s before washJrlg. This will remoxe most fbod soils that may develop an odor.
For a strong oclo_; try one of the foIlo_xqng:
1.Place baking soda in both sides of the detergent cup. Select Light/China and let the water circulate for about 10 minutes. Stop the dishwasher by unlatch- ing the door and let stand overnight, lqestart the
dishwasher by latching the door and let it complete the evcle.
2.Select the Light/China cycle and let the dishwasher fill with water. Open the door and pour 1/4 cup of chlorine bleach into the bottom of the dishwasher.
Latch the door and let the dishwasher complete the cycle.