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| Advantium Oven |
| Problem | Possible Causes | What To Do/Explanation |
| There is no oven | This is normal. The | • Press MICROWAVE/OVEN |
| light on during | glass is too dark for | LIGHT button to light the oven |
| microwave cooking | a microwave light. | for several seconds. |
| Light during a | This is normal. | • This is normal. The oven senses the |
| speedcook cycle | Power level has been | heat level and adjusts automatically. |
| dims and cycles on | automatically reduced |
| and off, even at full | because the oven is hot. |
| power levels |
| Light visible around | This is normal. | • When the oven is on, light may |
| the door and outer |
| be visible around the door and |
| case while |
| outer case. |
| speedcooking |
| FAN |
| Fan continues to run | The oven is cooling. | • The fan will automatically shut off |
| after cooking stops |
| when the internal parts of the oven |
| have cooled. |
| Oven vent emits warm This is normal. |
| |
| air while oven is on |
| Fan comes on | This is normal. | • If the cooktop gets too hot, the vent |
| automatically when |
| fan comes on. |
| oven not in use |
| Fan comes on | This is normal. | • If the microwave is used after |
| automatically when |
| speedcook and the oven senses |
| using the microwave |
| that it is too hot, the vent fan comes |
| on to cool the oven. |
| The oven makes | Clicks and fans blowing | • These sounds are normal. |
| unusual sounds | are normal. The relay |
| while cooking | board is turning the |
| components on and off. |
| Smoke comes out | Food is high in fat | • Smoke is normal when cooking high- |
| of the oven when | content. Aerosol spray | fat foods. Use vegetable oil or olive |
| I open the door | used on the pans. | oil on the meat itself instead of |
| coating the entire pan. |
| Food is not fully | Programmed times | • Increase or decrease time for |
| cooked or browned | may not match the size | doneness or adjust the upper or |
| at the end of a | or amount of food you | lower lamps for browning; change |
| cooking program | are cooking. | the microwave power for doneness. |
| There may be grease | • Clean the light covers with a scraper. |
| |
| covers. |