Franke Consumer Products FMY 907 manual Tavsiyeler VE Öneriler, Montaj

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Yalnιş veya eksik montajdan doğan herhangi bir zararιn sorum- luluğu üreticiye ait değildir.

Besleme voltajιnιn, davlumbaz içerisine yerleştirilen bilgi etike- tinde belirtilenle aynι olup olmadιğιnι kontrol edin.

Sιnιf I elektrikli aletleri için, güç kaynağιnιn yeterli topraklamayι sağlayιp sağlamadιğιnι kontrol edin. Minimum 120 mm çapιnda bir boru yoluyla davlumbazι çιkιş bacasιna bağlayιn. Baca bağlantιsι mümkün oldu- ğunca kιsa olmalιdιr.

Davlumbaz borusunu yanιcι duman taşιyan baca deliğine (buhar kazanι, şömine, vb.) bağlamayιn.

Davlumbazιn elektrikle çalιşmayan aletlerle (örneğin; gazlι cihaz- lar) bağιntιlι olarak kullanιlmamasι halinde çιkιş gazιnιn geri tep- mesini önlemek amacιyla odada yeterli bir havalandιrma sağlanmalιdιr.Temiz hava girişini temin etmek için mutfakta doğ- rudan dιşarιya açιlan bir açιklιk bulunmalιdιr.


Davlumbaz mutfaktaki kokularιn emilmesi amacιyla evlerde kullanιm için tasarlanmιştιr.Ticari ve endüstriyel amaçlar için kullanmayιnιz.

Davlumbazι tasarlandιğι amaçlarιn dιşιnda kesinlikle kullanmayιnιz.

Davlumbaz çalιşιrken altιnda kesinlikle yüksek çιplak ateş bιrakmayιn.

Alev yoğunluğunu doğrudan tencerenin altιnda kalacak şekilde ayarlayιn, kenarlarιnι sarmadιğιndan emin olun.

Yağda kιzartma tavalarιnι kullanιrken sürekli olarak takip edin: fazla ιsιnan yağ tutuşabilir.

Davlumbaz çocuklar veya doğru kullanιm konusunda bilgisi ol- mayan kişiler tarafιndan kullanιlmamalιdιr.


Herhangi bir bakιm işlemini gerçekleştirmeden önce davlumbazι kapatιn veya fişini çιkarιn.

Filtreleri belirtilen zamanlarda temizleyin ve / veya değiştirin.

Cihazι nemli bir bez ve nötr bir sιvι deterjan kullanarak temizle- yin.






Image 39
Contents Istruzioni per l’uso e l’installazione Indice Index Sommaire Inhaltsverzeichnis Içerikler Manutenzione InstallazioneConsigli E Suggerimenti USOCaratteristiche IngombroComponenti Foratura Parete e Fissaggio Staffe Installazione150 Uscita Aria Versione FiltranteCamino inferiore Montaggio CaminoConnessione Elettrica Camino superioreQuadro comandi USOFiltri antigrasso metallici Reset del segnale di allarmeManutenzione Pulizia dei Confort PanelSostituzione Lampade Filtri antiodore al Carbone attivo Versione FiltranteIlluminazione Sostituzione Filtro Antiodore AL Carbone AttivoUSE InstallationMaintenance Recommendations and SuggestionsCharacteristics DimensionsComponents Wall drilling and bracket fixing InstallationRecirculation Version AIR Outlet Lower exhaust flue Flue assemblyElectrical Connection Upper exhaust flueControl board USECleaning the filters MaintenanceCleaning the Comfort Panels Alarm resetReplacing the Charcoal Filter Light ReplacementCharcoal filter recycling version LightingConseils ET Suggestions UtilisationEntretien Caracteristiques EncombrementComposants Perçage Paroi et Fixation Brides Sortie AIR Version Filtrante Cheminée inférieure Montage CheminéeBranchement Electrique Cheminée supérieureUtilisation Tableau des commandesFiltres à graisse métalliques Rétablissement du signal d’alarmeEntretien Nettoyage des Confort PanelEclairage Remplacement DU Filtre ANTI-ODEUR AU Charbon ActifRemplacement Lampes Filtre anti-odeur au charbon actif version filtranteWartung Empfehlungen UND HinweiseMontage BedienungCharakteristiken PlatzbedarfKomponenten Montage Montage des Haubenkörpers Anschlüss in abluftversionAnschluss in Umluftversion Unterer Kaminteil KaminmontageElektroanschluss Oberer KaminteilBedienblende BedienungMetallfettfilter Reset des AlarmsignalsWartung Reinigung der Confort PanelAuswechseln DER Lampen Aktivkohle-Geruchsfilter FilterversionBeleuchtung Auswechseln DES AKTIVKOHLE-GERUCHSFILTERSMontaj Tavsiyeler VE ÖnerilerÖzellikler BoyutlarParçalar Duvarın Delinmesi ve Braketlerin Sabitlenmesi MontajFİltrelİ Modelİn Hava Çikişi Alt Baca Bacanın MontajıElektrİk Bağlantisi Üst BacaKumanda Tablosu KullanimMadeni yağ filtreleri Alarm sinyalinin sıfırlanmasıBakim Konfor Panelleri’nin TemizlenmesiAmpul Değİştİrme Aktif karbonlu koku giderici filtreler Filtreli ModelAydınlatma Aktİf Karbonlu Koku Fİltresİnİn DeğİştİrİlmesİPage 436002881ver1

FMY 907 specifications

The Franke Consumer Products FMY 907 is a standout kitchen appliance that combines innovative design with practical functionality. Known for its sleek aesthetics and advanced features, the FMY 907 is designed to enhance culinary experiences while blending seamlessly into modern kitchen environments.

One of the notable features of the FMY 907 is its powerful motor, which delivers exceptional performance for a range of kitchen tasks. Whether you're chopping, blending, or whipping, the robust motor ensures consistent and reliable results. The appliance is equipped with multiple speed settings, allowing users to customize the intensity of their blending or mixing according to their needs. This versatility makes it suitable for preparing everything from smoothies and soups to batters and sauces.

In terms of technology, the FMY 907 incorporates cutting-edge blending technology that maximizes efficiency. The appliance features a unique blade design that creates a vortex, efficiently pulling ingredients down towards the blades for thorough mixing. This technology not only improves consistency but also reduces the time spent in the kitchen. Moreover, the blades are made from high-quality stainless steel, ensuring durability and longevity while maintaining sharpness over time.

The FMY 907 also boasts a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both novice and experienced cooks. The clear control buttons and intuitive layout allow users to operate the appliance with ease. Additionally, the appliance includes a safety lock mechanism, which ensures safe operation, particularly when using high speeds.

Another characteristic that sets the FMY 907 apart is its easy-to-clean design. The detachable parts are dishwasher safe, streamlining the cleaning process and encouraging frequent use. Additionally, the sleek exterior can be easily wiped down, maintaining a tidy kitchen space.

With its combination of performance, innovative technology, and user-centric design, the Franke Consumer Products FMY 907 is an excellent addition to any kitchen. It not only meets the needs of home cooks but also elevates the overall cooking experience. Perfect for busy households and those who cherish the art of cooking, the FMY 907 stands as a reliable and stylish kitchen companion.