Before You Call for Service
Save timeand money Checkthislistof causesof minoroperating problemsyou can correctyourself
Refrigerator does not operate
*May be in defrostcycle when motordoes hal operate for about 30 minutes
o Temperaturecontrol in OFFposftion
•If interiortightis not on, refrigeratormay not be plugged in at wall outlet
°tf plug issecureand refrigeratorfails to operale, plug [ampinto sameoutlet1odetermineif thereistripped circuit breaker or burnedout fuse
Motor operates for long periods
•Modern refrigeratorswith morestorage space and a larger freezerrequiremore operating time
,,Normal when refrigeralor isfirstdelivered to your home- usuallyrequires24 hours_ocompletelycool down
•Largeamountsof food placed inrefrigerator 1obe cooled or
°Door [eftopen
°TemperaturecontroJssettoo cold
Operating sounds
=Thehigh speedcompressormotorrequiredto maintainnear zero temperaturesin thelarge freezercompartmentmayproduce highersoundlevelsthan your old refrigerator
=Normal fan air
• TheseNORMAL soundswill also be heard fromtimeto time:
°Dekosltimerswitchclicksat defrost
• Defrostwater dripping
• Temperaturecontrol clicksON or OFF
• Refrigerantboiling or gurgling
•Crackingor pppoing of cooling coilscousedby expansionand contractionduring defrostand refrigerationfollowing defrosL
=Icecubesdropping intothebin and water runningin pipes as icemaker refilts
Motor starts & stops frequently
.. Temperalurecontrolslartsand stopsmotorto maintaineven temperaturesThisis norma!
Door not closing properly
•Door gasketon hingeside stickingor folding over Tocorrect,pul a smallamountof petroleumje!lyon Faceof gaskeL
Vibration or rattling
°ff refrigeralar vibrates,more than likelyit is not restingsofidly on the floor Theffonl rollerscrewsneed adjusiing,or fbor isweak or uneven Referto StartingYourRefrigeratorsection.
°If dishesvibrateon shelves,try movingthem Slightvibration is
Foods dry out
°Foodsnotcovered,wrapped or sealedproperly
Freshfood or freezer compartment temperature too warm
*Temperaturecontrolnot solcold enough ° Warm
• Door leftopen for long time
°Packagemaybe hotdingdoor open
Frostor ice crystals on frozen food
°Door mayhave beenleftajar or package holding door open
• Toofrequentor too long door openings
• Frostwithin packageis normal
Slow ice cube freezing
•Door mayhave beenleftajar
°Set_emperatureof freezercompartmentcolder
Ice cubes have odor/taste
• Old cubesneedIo be discarded Emptyice bin every 30 days
°_cestoragebinneedsto be washed
•Unsealedpackagesin refrigeratorand/or freezer compartmentsmay betransmittingodor/taste to ice cubes
•Interior ef refrigeralor needscleaning
Automatic icemaker does nat work
• Icemakerfeelerarm inSTOP(up) position
°Water supplyturnedoff or notconnected
•Freezercompartmenttoo warm
•Sometimescubesfuseto theside of the ice mold and hold the
feeler arm inthe STOP(up) posit_onRemovethisice to restartIhe icemaker
•Piledup cubesin sloragebin may causeicemakerto shut off prematurely.With icemakerfeeler armin STOP(up) position, levelcubesin bin by hand,
°When levelingcubesby hand, you mayhave pushedthefeeler arm into fhe STOP(up)position by mistake