Sears 54431, 57472 Before You Call for Service, Door not closing properly, Vibration or rattling

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Before You Call for Service

Save timeand money Checkthislistof causesof minoroperating problemsyou can correctyourself

Refrigerator does not operate

*May be in defrostcycle when motordoes hal operate for about 30 minutes

o Temperaturecontrol in OFFposftion

If interiortightis not on, refrigeratormay not be plugged in at wall outlet

°tf plug issecureand refrigeratorfails to operale, plug [ampinto sameoutlet1odetermineif thereistripped circuit breaker or burnedout fuse

Motor operates for long periods

Modern refrigeratorswith morestorage space and a larger freezerrequiremore operating time

,,Normal when refrigeralor isfirstdelivered to your home- usuallyrequires24 hours_ocompletelycool down

Largeamountsof food placed inrefrigerator 1obe cooled or


°Hot weather-frequent door openings

°Door [eftopen

°TemperaturecontroJssettoo cold



Operating sounds

=Thehigh speedcompressormotorrequiredto maintainnear zero temperaturesin thelarge freezercompartmentmayproduce highersoundlevelsthan your old refrigerator

=Normal fan air flow-one fan btowscold air throughthe refrigeratorand freezer compartments-anotherFancoolslhe compressormotor

• TheseNORMAL soundswill also be heard fromtimeto time:

°Dekosltimerswitchclicksat defrost

• Defrostwater dripping

• Temperaturecontrol clicksON or OFF

• Refrigerantboiling or gurgling

Crackingor pppoing of cooling coilscousedby expansionand contractionduring defrostand refrigerationfollowing defrosL

=Icecubesdropping intothebin and water runningin pipes as icemaker refilts

Motor starts & stops frequently

.. Temperalurecontrolslartsand stopsmotorto maintaineven temperaturesThisis norma!

Door not closing properly

Door gasketon hingeside stickingor folding over Tocorrect,pul a smallamountof petroleumje!lyon Faceof gaskeL

Vibration or rattling

°ff refrigeralar vibrates,more than likelyit is not restingsofidly on the floor Theffonl rollerscrewsneed adjusiing,or fbor isweak or uneven Referto StartingYourRefrigeratorsection.

°If dishesvibrateon shelves,try movingthem Slightvibration is


Foods dry out

°Foodsnotcovered,wrapped or sealedproperly

Freshfood or freezer compartment temperature too warm

*Temperaturecontrolnot solcold enough ° Warm wealher-frequent door openings

• Door leftopen for long time

°Packagemaybe hotdingdoor open

Frostor ice crystals on frozen food

°Door mayhave beenleftajar or package holding door open

• Toofrequentor too long door openings

• Frostwithin packageis normal

Slow ice cube freezing

Door mayhave beenleftajar

°Set_emperatureof freezercompartmentcolder

Ice cubes have odor/taste

• Old cubesneedIo be discarded Emptyice bin every 30 days

°_cestoragebinneedsto be washed

Unsealedpackagesin refrigeratorand/or freezer compartmentsmay betransmittingodor/taste to ice cubes

Interior ef refrigeralor needscleaning

Automatic icemaker does nat work

• Icemakerfeelerarm inSTOP(up) position

°Water supplyturnedoff or notconnected

Freezercompartmenttoo warm

Cubestoo small-watershutoffvalveconnecIing refrigeratorto homewater line maybe clogged

Sometimescubesfuseto theside of the ice mold and hold the

feeler arm inthe STOP(up) posit_onRemovethisice to restartIhe icemaker

Piledup cubesin sloragebin may causeicemakerto shut off prematurely.With icemakerfeeler armin STOP(up) position, levelcubesin bin by hand,

°When levelingcubesby hand, you mayhave pushedthefeeler arm into fhe STOP(up)position by mistake


Image 14
Contents Sears Important Safety Instructions FollowingUse of Extension Cords Starting the RefrigeratorUse of adapter plug Electrical RequirementsEnergy-Saving Tips Adjusting the ControlsHow to Test Temperatures Turning Your Household Thermostat Below 60E at Night?Fresh Food Storage Tips Food Storage SuggestionsSuggested Storage Times Tips on freezing foodsTo Save Money in Energy and Food Costs ShelvesFor Convenience Removable Door Bins in the Fresh Food CompartmentTemperature Controlled Meats Drawer Handi-Shelf Sealed Crisper DrawerSealed Crisper Drawer drawer has been specially DELl PANHow it Works Before Using Your Icemaker and DispenserAutomatic Icemaker and Ice & Water Dispenser Important Facts about Your ice & Water DispenserMove Feeler Arm to Stop up Position when Automatic Icemaker and Ice & Water Dispenser tcont nuedlIf Ice Is Not Used Often Icemaker Water Line Ice ServiceInstallation Requirements Pipe J l---- --WASHERStorage Drawers Care and CleaningInside OutsideDrain Opening in Freezer Compartment Light Bulb ReplacementBehind Refrigerator CondenserVibration or rattling Before You Call for ServiceDoor not closing properly Foods dry outVacation Precautions AccessoriesMoving Precautions Water Supply Accessory KitSEA