The Defrost setting is designed for eventhawing necessaryfor large amounts of food and is one of the most important advantages of a microwaveoven.
ePower Level3 is recu,mmencied for most defrosting, but you may changethis for more flexibility.
oSeeyour Cookbook for the complete defrosting chart.
To bacome better acquainted with the defrost function, defrost frozen pork chops by following the steps below.
Step 1: Place package of chops in the oven and turn Variable Power LevelControlto 3 (LOW/C)EFROST).
Step3.Turn Time Setto 8 minutes,
Step 4: Push START. Interior light comes on and a fan starts telling you oven is operating.
Step % When oven signals and shuts off, turn package over and close door.
oFoodsfrozen in paperor plastic can be defrosted in the package.
@Forevendefrosting,manyfoods need to be broken up or separated part of the way through the defrost-
ing time.
@Hamemacfedinnerscanbefrozen in shallow foil trays and heated for lateruse.Selectfoods which micro- wavewelL
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Step2, Turn Tirne/Temp Switch to the left to TtME.
C).Can I Defrost small Items in a hurry?
A, Yes, small porous foods like
~breadsand rolls, and small portions
~of frozenfoods may be microwaved ~t high~r pow~r.Chock the “HOWto ConvertDefrostTimes” Chart in the Cookbook for the amount of time savedwhen usinghigher powers.
Step&Turn Time Setto 8 minutes, and pushSTART,Whenovenshuts off, separatepiecesand let standto Qompletedefrosting.
Q. When I cWMedthe door, I hear a dull thumping noise.Whatis it?
A. This sound is normal, It is letting you know the ovenis usinga Power Levellowerthan
Q. Can I open the door during defrostingto check on the progress of my food?
A. Yes.You may open the door at any time during microwaving. To resume defrosting, close the door, oven begins operatin$jif time is left on timer. If not, resettimer.
4)Check your Cookbook for other defrosting tips.
C?Why. don’t the defrostingtimes in the Cookbook seem right for my food?
A. Cookbook times are average. Defrostingtime can vary according to the temperature in your freezer. Setyour ovenfor the time indicated in your Cookbook,if yourfood is still not completelythawedat the end of that time,