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1.DoorHandle, (Mm doesn’t operate unless door is securely latched.
2.Door Latch. Push In to open door,
3.WindowwithMetalShield,Screenallows cook= irtg to be viewed while keeping microwaves confined in overt,
4.MasticMode SthwwCover. Protectsthe rrmcle stirrer which distributes microwave energy into the oven.
5.Oven Vent.
&(Mm Light.Goes on when ckxx is opened or when oven is operating in arty function.
&Temperature Probe. Use with Temperature Cook only,
9Receptaclefor TernperstureProbe,
10 Time W CXmtroLUsetosotamount of cooking timo when rnlcrowaving by time,
11,Ternp4watureSet G2ntrol. Use to set finished’ temperature of food when microwaving by temperature,
12.T’hne/Temp $wltch [Cook Mode Selection). SelectTime or Temperature Cooking by setting switch to desired function.
13.Power Levd Set Control.Setvariable powers by turning this control.
14.Start, Aiways push Start last after setting all controis.
Fan SwMh. Press once for high and twice for low speed.Pressagain for off.
LampSwitch.Push and releasefor light,
18.Model andSerialNumbers.Locat@dinside oven at top left side,