GE JVM150 manual Contenb, Microwaving‘fips, Sm ,W .mSTRUCTIONS

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BeforeMicrowaving.. . . . . . . ...2

Safet~h~tru~?ions..O..O....~j4’ Featuresof YourOven . . . . . . ...5 TouchControlPanel. . . . . . ...6.7 SettheCiock . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...6 TimeCook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8 TimeDefrost . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...9 TempCook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..lO Minute/SeamdTimcr., . . . . ...11 AutomaticCooking. . . . . ...12.13

RecipeGuide . . . . . . . . . . ...15 Mc:Its. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l6.l7 vegetables . . . . ..#. .o ...18.19 Desserts. . . . .. o. . AutomaticCookingChart..22,23 AutoRoast . . . . . . . . . . . . ..24.2~ AutoDefrost. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...26 ExhaustFeature . . . . . . . . . . ...27

CarccfYourOvcn . . ..s ...28.29 Sl]clfGuidc. . . . . . . . . . ..t.3(l.3!

~rc)undingl~lstructions. . . . . . .32 ThcProbkmSolver . . . . ...32.33 UYouNcedServict2. . . . . . . ...35 Warranty ... . . . . . ..cB.~ckC(3vcr


@I%qwowls, waxpaper,and

piastic wrap can betwd tocover

dishesin order to retail)moisture and preventspattering.



basicsafetyprecautionsshouldbe supervisionis necessarywhenused

fiii~OW43d,includingthe fo]k)win~: by chMren.


riskOi%wns,deal-kd’mck,fim$ injurytopersons or exposureto



intendeduse as describedin this mtmuzd

*Readandfollowh? !y3wilfic “PRECAUTIONSm Av(ml POSSIBLEEXPOSUREm


ENERGY’foundm$ paga2.


Image 3
Contents Howtoget thebestfrom Ii?DONatPlacamy object LXMTespondfmeservicecallsBe Swre yourmicrowave Hadml IbdkcarefullyContenb Microwaving‘fipsSm ,W .mSTRUCTIONS Savethwe FeaturesofYourMicmmveOven OventoqxmmOcooti~CompletiReminder Ul# AppearsonReadout FeaturesofYourMcmwave TouchcontrolmnelWhenYouPlugintheOven CookingappliancesinstalledundertheovenmightHowtoUse AutoStart e Usingthe TimeCookII FkatweDefrostingbyTim? Da’’ustingTipsQwstkmsandAnsvwm HovvtoTempCukaRolled BeefRibRoasth Medium CookingbyTempemture‘1’he’lkmperatureProbe Questkmsa~dAuwwers eQuestionsamlAmiwers HowtoUsetheMinute/SecondTimerRogrammiflgDelayed Cmting Howw Timea3-Mimle PhonecallThy Donotremovefihn over ~E%UseofwireshelfwithAutomaticCookingis NotrecommendedUse microwave-safecasserolesor Useobkmgoruyimecontainers Bowlsforentreesandvegetables ForchickenorcomonthecobExamplemow tow? wutomatkCooking The1%’dkxenceCmtr’dWhywasmyroastnot Dofreshorfrozenvegetables requirenter whenusingAuto cook?Questionsim.IAmwers Whatif I don’tfullycoverthe dishin lhkl Cook?FindsRecommended Not Raome~ded Automatic MicrowaveCootingRecipeGuideEasytoUse Automaticl?oasti~Meatsadvegetablesshouldbe Submergedii?liquid Meat,I%h&Ptmkry HowtoAdaptMicrowave CasseroleRecipes eChickentmdRice Meat orMainD&hRecipesChichmTeriyaki ClassicHamLoafPiecesorsks ofvegetables Precooked/cannedvegetables Ih’’aiwnvif?tabh?sEggphmalhm OStir~VqetibBesSummerGtmkmStew COmPuddingCupmeltedbutterand1/2cup Auhmatic CmMq FruitsandDesserfiDesserts&Breads EkuaitsStmuseledApples DessetiRecipes~yCobbler MexicanBreadPuddingAubmaticcooti~control Chart AutomaticCookingControlChart~o~ti~uti Autimatic Romting PrqmrhgRoastsforHowtoAutoRoast BeeftoMedium AutomaticSimmer AutoRoastChartHowtoSfh%moIk!ft’’ost Ccbmwsio~ChatIWYllllIf13RR0Rappearsafter Thefilterinplace. Insituations TheEfiaust FeatureCleanedat leastoncea month ShouBdbeHowtoCIemtheImide Km ofYourMicrowaveOvenDiscomwetpoweratmainfuse Poweratmainfuseorcircuit OrcircuitbreakerorpullplugBreakerpane~orpullplug GuidetoUseoftheSpacemakePOven!!!h#’ Positio~imgtheShelfHeating WNiReheating Twoplatesofleftovws mayhe Thisappliance ~ Shin or vaporescapingfromaroundthedoor Donotusean extensioncordwithPage WarrantorWwal WarrantyisthesameexceptthatitisByourFactorySewiceCentersor IIAu