GE GLD6900 manual Flashing display lights, Start, RinseAid Setting

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About the dishwasher control panel.

m Start

Closethe dishwasherdoorand selectthecycleand desiredenhancementsTouchthe. START/RESETpadto beginthe cycle.Waterfill begins,andapproximately60 secondslaterthe washactionbegins.

NOTE:Thedishwasherremembersyour lastcycleso you don'thaveto reprogrameachtime.Whenthe dishwasherdoorisfullyclosed,the controlpanellights willdisplaythe last settingsyouselected.


The CLEANlightis illuminatedwhen a wash cycle is complete. The lightwillstag ONuntilthe door is opened and then closed and latched or when a pad is pressed with the door closed. Youcan turn offthe CLEANlight by pressing any pad when the door is latched.

If youdon'twantto changeany of the settings,simply touchthe START/RESETpadto beginthe cycle.

Ifthe doorisclosed,the indicatorlightswillturn

off ifthe START/RESETpadisnot selectedwithintwo minutes.Toactivatethe display,openandclosethe door or pressany pad.

Also,if a powerfailureoccurs,NORMALand HEATDRV willautomaticallybeprogrammed.Hakeany new selectionsandtouchtheSTART/RESETpadto begin the cycle.

Flashing display lights.

Status Indicator Lights

What It Means


Cyclehasbeeninterruptedby pressingtheSTART/RESETpad.Lightwill stop


flashingafterthe dishwasherautomaticallydrainsout thewaten

Using the dishwasher.

Check the Water Temperature

Theenteringwater shouldbeat least49°C(120°F)and faucetnearestthe dishwasher,placethethermometerin

not morethan 65°C(150°F)foreffectivecleaningandto aglassandletthe waterruncontinuouslyintothe glass

preventdishdamage.Checkthe watertemperaturewith untilthetemperaturestopsrising. acandyor meatthermometenTurnon the hotwater

Use Rinse Agent

Rinseagents remove spots and prevent new filmbuildup on your dishes, glasses, flatware, cookware and plastic.

Filling the Dispenser

The rinse agent dispenser holds 100 ml (5.5ft.oz.)of rinse agent. Under normal conditions,thiswill lastapproximatelyonemonth.Tryto keepit full,but donot overfill.

E] Makesurethe dishwasherdoorisfullyopen.

r-2-]Turnthe dispensercapto the leftand liftit out.


Addrinseagentuntilthe indicatorwindowlooksfull.




Cleanupany spilledrinseagentwitha dampcloth.




Replacethe dispensercap.






RinseAid Setting

Theamountof rinseagentreleasedintothe final washcan beadjustedThefactory. settingis atthe midpoint.Ifthereareringsof calcium(hardwater)spotson dishes,try a highersetting.Ifyou seefoaminthe dishwasher,movethe indicatorto a lowersetting.

Toadjust thesetting

Removethe dispensercap;thenturn the adjustercounterclockwiseto increasethe amountof rinseagent,clockwiseto reducethe amountof rinseagent.

Dish Preparation

Prior to Loading

• Noprerinsingof normalfood soilis required.




excessiveamountsof greaseoroil.




Removeacidicfoodsoilsthat can discolorstainless

Removelargequantitiesof any remainingfood.





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Contents Write the model and serial numbers here Model # Serial # Troubleshooting TipsGLD6900 Series PDW7000 Series 165D4700P351 49-5505204-07 JRProperinstallation and Maintenance When using gour dishwasher, follow basic precautions Before You Throw Awag Your Old DishwasherIncluding the following Time Remaining Displag onsomemodels Status Indicator LightsAbout the dishwasher control panel SelectionsOptions RinseAid Setting Flashing display lightsStart Completelg full Filling Manual Detergent DispenserFillcup to medium hard line GreaterUsing the dishwasher Filling DispenserDetermine the Hardness of Your Tap Water Control CalibrationWater hardnesstest strip indication Loading the dishwasher racks Upper RackSilverware Basket Loading place settings Metallic, GS-silver or BG-graphite metallicProtect Against Freezing Cleaning the Control PanelCaring for the dishwasher Does Vour Dishwasher Have an Air Gap?START/RESETpadagain.Repeatif necessary UntilpressureisnormalbeforeusingyourdishwasherSTART/RESETpadoncethen 30secondslater,touchthe Left inthe dishwasherSteam NoiseFor The Period Dishwasher WarrantyWhat Is Not Covered We Will ReplacePorts and Accessories Consumer Support