GE GLD6900 manual Left inthe dishwasher, Light by pressingtheADDEDHEATpad5 timeswithin3 seconds

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Error Messages

Possible Causes

What To Do

Beeping at the end

This is normal. The dishwasher

Toturn off the doublebeepindicator(orre-activateit if it waspreviously

of the cycle

will beep twice at the end of the


turned off), pressthe HEATDRYpad 5 times within 3 seconds.




Atriple beepwill soundto indicatethe end-of-cycle beepoption




has beenturned on or off.

Low Detergentlight


Fillthe SmartDispense"reservoirwith liquiddetergent.Afterfillingthe

is ON

10cyclesworth of detergent


reservoir,the LOWDETERGENTlightwillturn OFFoncethe dooris closed.


left inthe dishwasher


Ifyou arenotusingthe SmartDispenseTM feature,turn offthe lowdetergent




light by pressingtheADDEDHEATpad5 timeswithin3 seconds.


Possible Causes

What To Do

Dishesand flatware

Low inletwater temperature

Hakesureinletwatertemperatureis correct(seepage8).Turnonthe hot

not clean



waterfaucetnearestthe dishwasher,letrun untilthe watertemperature




stopsrising.Thenstartthe dishwasherandturn off thefaucet.Thisinsures




the enteringwaterishot.


Water pressureis temporarily low •

Turnon afaucet. Iswatercomingout moreslowlythan usual?Ifso,wait






Airgapor disposerisclogged

Cleanthe airgap orflushthe disposer.



Hakesurelargedishwaredoesnot blockthe detergentdispenserorthe




washarms.Seethe Loadingthedishwasherrockssection.


No air gapor high drainloop

Verifythat you haveanair gapora highdrainloop.Referto the





Spotsand filming


Userinseagentsto removespotsandpreventnewfilm buildup.

on glassesand

Lowinlet water temperature

Hakesurewatertemperatureis at least49°C(120°F).


Overloadingthe dishwasher

Loaddishwasheras showninthe LoadingPlaceSettingssection.






Ifwateris extremelyhard,asoftenermay berequired.


Oldor damp powderdetergent





Rinseagent dispenserempty




Toolittle detergent




Combinationof softwater and


Thisis calledetchingand ispermanent.Topreventthisfrom happening,


too muchdetergent


uselessdetergentif you havesoftwater.Washglasswareinthe shortest




cyclethat willget it clean.Recalibratethe SmartDispense"systemif you




areusingit (seepage% Donot usethe manualdetergentdispenserand




the SmartDispense"at the sametime.


Water temperature entering

Thiscouldbeetching.Lowerthe waterheatertemperature.


the dishwasherexceeds







Sudsin the tub


Useonlyautomaticdishwasherdetergentsto avoidsudsingCascade®.and




ElectrasoPAutomaticDishwashingDetergentshavebeenapprovedfor use




in all GEdishwashers.




Toremovesudsfromthe tub,openthe dishwasherandletsudsdissipate.




Closeand latchthe dishwashenPumpout waterby touchingthe



START/RESETpadonce;then 30secondslater,touchthe




START/RESETpadagain.Repeatif necessary.


Rinseagent wasspilled

Alwayswipeup rinseagentspillsimmediately.


Detergentplacedin manual

UseSmartDispenseTM orthe manualdetergentdispenser,but not both.









Detergent left in

Dishesare blocking the

Repositionthe dishes,so the water from the lowerspray arm can

dispenser cups

detergent cup or


flushthe detergentcup or the outlet on the SmartDispense"system.


SmartDispense" outlet


Seethe Loadingthe dishwashersection.

Water in the

Cap not tightened after

Useaturkey basterto removeas much water as possiblefrom the


filling the dispenser


SmartDispenseT''dispenserand refill it as normal. Besureto tighten




the cap fully to preventwater from entering the dispenser.



Removemarkswitha mild,abrasivecleane_

marks on dishes





Image 13
Contents GLD6900 Series PDW7000 Series Troubleshooting TipsWrite the model and serial numbers here Model # Serial # 165D4700P351 49-5505204-07 JRProperinstallation and Maintenance Before You Throw Awag Your Old Dishwasher When using gour dishwasher, follow basic precautionsIncluding the following About the dishwasher control panel Status Indicator LightsTime Remaining Displag onsomemodels SelectionsOptions Flashing display lights RinseAid SettingStart Fillcup to medium hard line Filling Manual Detergent DispenserCompletelg full GreaterFilling Dispenser Using the dishwasherControl Calibration Determine the Hardness of Your Tap WaterWater hardnesstest strip indication Upper Rack Loading the dishwasher racksSilverware Basket Metallic, GS-silver or BG-graphite metallic Loading place settingsCaring for the dishwasher Cleaning the Control PanelProtect Against Freezing Does Vour Dishwasher Have an Air Gap?START/RESETpadoncethen 30secondslater,touchthe UntilpressureisnormalbeforeusingyourdishwasherSTART/RESETpadagain.Repeatif necessary Left inthe dishwasherNoise SteamWhat Is Not Covered Dishwasher WarrantyFor The Period We Will ReplaceConsumer Support Ports and Accessories