‘: m~o~~m~sm TYms~~uc~~o~s
appMmce,alwaysexercisebasic *8YWWnotWrrkdimldgedandwettingagentsoutofthe s.= ditty prectiuticins,includingthe and(h’qi$0thetmtoq?id’the reachofchildren,preferablyin =–
fibtving: | I@ght come |
| ||
@use MS appfiance only for | iito CXMitf!Ct!x@h the heating | ‘ | ||
Wittid bpd@ged. | ‘ | |||
its ktinded #urpse, m you | ||||
till find dmcrikd.b this use ZMldcam Book.
~‘I’M mhwmher must be
properly hstiued and hated
in mxxmkm? with the
Inswation Wtmctiom before it is used. H’you didnotreceive
anInstallationInstructionssheet withyourdishwasher,youcan obtainonebycontactingthe servicelocationnearestyou.
—conductorsafidcomectedto the
@Useonlypowderor liquid detergentsor wettingagents recommendedforusein a dishwasher.
*Do MNWMh plasticitemsunless
marked“dishwashersafe”or the equivalentForplasticitemsnotso. marked,checkthemanufacturer% recomn~endations.
-‘ A. Loctt*”slIiu@items$0that
~.Loadsha@ kniveswiththe ~ handles,uptored~cgtherisk ~~
@Donottouchtheheating elementduringor immediately afteruse. -
~Donotoperateyourdishwasher unlessallenclosurepanelsare properlyin pl~ce=
* Donottamperwithcontrols.
@Donotabuse,siton, or stand onthedooror dishrackofthe dishwasher.
@(Hosesupervisionisnecessary Mthisapplianceisusedbyornear children.Do notallowchildren toplayinside,onor withthis applianceor anydiscarded appliance.Disposeofdiscarded appliancesandshippingor packingmaterialproperly. Beforediscardinga dishwasher, removethe doorofthewashing compartment.
tiiihiriyati~wate~heater.Rcm ‘ |
| |
aeeuqlate in the,wate~!!water | ||
and/or wa~r pipes’if hotwater; | :__= | |
hasnotbeenusedfora period of | = |
twoweeks orlongerm~. .~~ | m“ |
| |
thepossibilityofdamageor |
inju~, ifyouhavenotusedhot | ||
waterfortwoweeksor more,or ,‘ |
moveintoa residencein which |
thehotwatersystemmaynot |
havebeenusedforsometime, |
turnonallhotwaterfaucetsand |
allowthemto .mnfor several |
minutesbeforeusingany |
ekxtricalappliancewhichis | .- |
| ||
| |
system.Thiswillallowany |
hydrogengastoescape.Also, |
sincethegasis flamab~e, do | ||
notsmokeor useanopenflame | ||
or applianceduringthisprocess. |
| |