You’llfindtwo detergent
dispew!rs on the inside door d’
your dishwasher.TWO,because somecyclesusetwowashes.
See “.DetergentUsageGuide” below. (Besure the CycleIndicator Dial is at OFFposition before adding detergent. Otherwise,the detergentcup will not close and latchproperly.)
Ebv to prepare
thedidw$fix’ washing.
If thisis yourfirstdishwasher,or if | ~. Tryto removefoodscrapsand | |
you’rereplacinga mucholder | placedishesin dishwasherbefore | |
model,youmaywonderhowmuch | soilhasa chancetodry andbecome | |
hard. | ||
moredifficultto washandmay | ||
normalfoodsoilsis notnecessary. | requireadditionalpreparationfor | |
Withcommonsenseanda little | goodresults.Rememberto use | |
practiceyou’llsoonknowwhat | yourRINSEONLYcycleforsmall | |
foodsto remove,Hereare some | “holding”loads. | |
guidelines: | Note:Thefoodsmentionedabove | |
| ||
L Scrapeoffbones,seeds,skins, | are forexamplesonly.Otherfoods | |
toothpicksandotherhardsolids.It | notmentionedmayalsoneedto be | |
is alsobestto removehardshelled | removedfromyourdishes.You | |
vegetables,meattrimmings,leafy | mayalsowantto considerremoving | |
vegetablesandcrusts.Remove | foodssuchas mustard,mayonnaise, | |
excessivequantitiesofoilor | vinegar,lemonjuiceandother | |
grease. | foodsthatcancausediscoloration | |
2. Removelargequantitiesof any | of stainlesssteelif allowedto | |
remainon dishesfora longperiod | ||
food.Yourdishwasherhasa | ||
oftime. | ||
softfooddisposerthatpulverizes | ||
| ||
SORfoodbitsandflushesthemaway. |
| |
Rcan handlesmall amountsof |
| |
softfoods,butlargeamountswill |
| |
be difficultto handle. |
Close the main cup.
NOTE: Detergent cup may be opened manually with no harm.
DetergentusageGuide(pmder or liquid)
| |||
| |
CYCLES | MainCup | I OpenCup | MainCup | I OpenCup | MainCup~ | I OpenCup* |
NORMALWASHCYC]C | 1 Tdb]cspoon ~ 1Tablespoon | Half Full | ~ HalfFull | Completely | ~ Completely | |
| minimum | minimum |
| Full | Full |
LIGHTWASHCyCiC | 1 Tablespoon | None | HalfFull | None | Colypletely | None |
| minimum |
RINSEONLYcycle | Useno detergent | Usenodetergent | Usenodetergent |
*I2 grainsand up is extremelyhardwater.A watersofteneris recommended.Withoutit, limecan buildup in thewatervalve.The watervalvemaystickwhileopenandcauseflooding.
$FillcdMainCupholds3 tablespoons;FilledOpen(lip holds2 tablespoons.